Part Seven: Let Them Talk

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"Are we running away- you know how cheesy that is, right?" I chuckled as he drove quickly down the road. He looked at me seriously and then smirked suddenly, it lit up his whole face, and I knew I would do whatever he wanted to for the rest of my life. No one else mattered as we drove off in his truck. "If we are we should have taken the motorcycle."

"We'll be back."


"We're part of the pack, but right now I just want to be with you- and I won't let anyone stop me."

"Where are we going?"

"Wherever you want to." He smiled wide. "South maybe? I know you always wanted to swim in the ocean-"


"I know a lot about you, I pay attention, even when I'm being a stubborn asshole."


"Oh yeah? You're favorite band is BikiniKill, unless you're pissed- then it's Fear , or if you're moody it's Crystal Castles. Your favorite colors are black and green- not neon, not forest, emerald. You've always wanted to swim in the ocean, see the Great Wall of China, and you love Norway- by the way I'm half Norwegian," he smirks and raises his brows at that, to which I roll my eyes, "Your best friend is Kaylee. You're the toughest and fastest in your litter. When you can't sleep you think about going wolf. When you're upset you run, as fast as you can. You hate wearing shoes. You almost never close your bedroom window, and I know you love the smell of sage, and burn it almost everyday. You dance like the wind..." He grabbed my hand and kissed it, his eyes still on the road.

"Okay-okay- Romeo, you might know me pretty well..." I squinted my eyes at him and he caught it, and chuckled again.

"You're my mate Lavender. I've always know you."

"Pervert." I rolled my eyes. He dropped my hand, his jaw clenched, and suddenly I felt horrible. He looked so hurt and angry. I felt the energy in the cab plummet. "I didn't mean-"

"I know." He nodded, but suddenly the quietness building up engulfed me.

"Don't do that..."


"Shut me out again." I swallowed hard.

"I'm eleven years older than you Lavender. You can't imagine how many times I've had to defend myself- and us- to the other pack members. How many times I tried to stop feeling my connection with you, just so you wouldn't have to be with me, and feel that way. Please don't say that again." He said, his jaw still flexing as he stopped.

"Let them talk. Let them call you that. I don't care. If that's what they think- well then fuck them. I'm an adult now, and if I want you too than that's all that matters." I leaned over and kissed his cheek, and he leaned into it, and I couldn't help but enjoy the scratching of his scruff against my lips.

"I could get used to this." He chuckled. "You know how to talk to me."

"You better get used to it. You push me away again and I'll key your truck." I chuckled as I pulled a joint from my flannel pocket.

"I believe that." He laughed. He watched as I lit my joint and I instantly went to roll down the window, turning the crank on the door. Then he looked again, this time his eyes resting on my lips, before he looked away uncomfortably.

"You wannnnt sommmme?" I teased. He shifted in his seat and shrugged.

"Yeah, hand it over." He chuckled as he took it from my fingers, and to my surprise, after taking a long drag, he exhaled it through his nose like a dragon- instead of choking.

"Not bad." He nodded as he handed it back.

"Oh we got an expert?"

"No, but I smoked a bit in my time." He smiled.

"Is that why you're the 'funny one', as Cora puts it?" He shrugged again.

"Maybe. They're all serious as hell, except maybe Owen, so it's not much of a competition."

"No, not really." I laughed, taking another drag.

Suddenly my phone went off.

And I knew it was Danny before I even looked at it, because his ringtone was: 'Warning! Warning! Warning!'. Like a nuclear meltdown alarm, Kaylee had set it as a joke a few weeks ago.

"It's Danny." I said as I looked at my phone.

"Answer it-"

"Are you crazy?!"

"Maybe?..." He teased. I rolled my eyes.

"I can't."

"He already knows we're gone-"

"So?! Do you know how mad he's going to be?"

"I'll answer it." He said, and before I could stop him he had it against his ear. I'd have to chew him out later for always doing things before I can object.

"Hello Sir." He said formally. My brothers reply was so loud I could hear it, and I wished I had turned up the radio when I had gotten in the car.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing!?" He said, growling into the receiver.

"Sir I-"

"Don't Sir me. You blatantly disobeyed me. You made me look like a fool in front of all of the scouts. You undermined me with no regards. And you've kidnapped my baby sister who- if you have forgotten- has been kidnapped from me before. You have no right-"

"I have every right! She is an adult now. I respect you fully sir, and I will take any punishment you give me- when I get back. For now I am taking my mate somewhere, and I have every right to-"

"She isn't legally an adult, and I am her guardian. You are showing no respect for me- and I am your Alpha."

"Yes. You are... But you kept me from her for too long. I will return her before tomorrow night, and you can chew me out then."

"I might just kill you Durst-"

"Fine. I'll see you tomorrow-"

"I'm coming for her now. Where are you?"

"You're the Alpha. Find us- Sir." He hung up and handed me the phone, and I sat in shock... Dumbfounded.

"Am I going to wake up soon?" I asked quietly. "You would never do that- you would never disobey Danny..."

"The only person I obey now is you, and you need this- to get away, to be near me. Please don't make me turn around..." He smiled at me again, a small smile, before he looked at the road. And I knew from that moment on; I would try to be tough with him, but in the long run... I'd never be able to disobey him either. I would fight, and laugh, and yell, and scream, and love, and things were going to be crazy... But I'd never ever be able to tell him no. This was going to be crazy.

"Could you go any faster?" I said, and when looked at me I smirked, and sat back  in my seat. I was ready for whatever was next, as long as it was with him.

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