Part Eight: Crazy Plan

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"Oh my God!!!" I yelled and smacked my hands on the dashboard.

"Hey, Hey!" He laughed and put his hand out to stop me from slamming my hands excitedly. "Watch the dash..."

"But- Durst! Look at it!" I squealed. I had never been a squealer, but I had never seen something so beautiful, and he had brought me here. I had fallen asleep three hours ago, talking endlessly to him. He doesn't talk much, but when he does he says hilarious things, he asks me about myself, and when he gets too quiet I ask him weird questions- which he always answers wittingly.

We were talking about some of the places he visited while he wasn't scouting, and then a Zeppelin song had come on the radio. He hummed it quietly, I don't think he knew I could hear him, but it was so soothing. Like the rumble of the engine of his truck, it sounded warm, and I had fallen asleep to the sound, stoned, and snuggled in.

When I woke up I was laying against him, my head on his shoulder and my hand tangled up with his. I had fallen asleep on my own side of the truck, but ended up there somehow in my sleep. I woke suddenly, shook my head, and apologized for laying against him. He rolled his eyes with a blush, and I was about to make fun of him, tease him real good, but that's when I saw the ocean.

"Should I pull over?" He asked with a chuckle as I tried, and failed, to contain myself. I love the ocean, so damn much, and this wasn't like the ocean outside of our forest, this was southern ocean; this is where the sands are warm, this is where you can swim in the ocean all day, and actually enjoy it. I always wanted to live more south, where it was warm and bright, not gloomy most of the year like where we live.

"Please Durst!" I nodded, and as he put the car in park I threw my sweater off and jumped out of the truck.

"Hey-" he started, but I didn't bother stopping, I just ran towards the sand. I had taken my shoes off in the truck long ago, as I hate them, and now I was running across the cold concrete, and jumping over the brick wall that paralleled the shoreline. Even though the sand was still slightly cold, and the sun had just come up, I threw my shirt off as I ran towards the shore, then pulled my pants off, and ran in my underwear towards the water. "Lavender, it's going to be cold!" He laughed from far away, but I didn't care. With my first shift coming up any day now I've been running warm anyway. And when I ran into the cold water, and splashed against the cold waves, I felt so free.

"Durst you have to feel this!" I yelled towards the shore.

"I'm good." He chuckled as he sat down on the shore.

"No! Come on!" I ran back to the shore and pulled at his arm.

"No, really-" he said, swallowing hard, his pupils flexing into large black orbs as he tried to not look at my body. I smirked.

"Pleeeeaseeee." I asked, biting my lip and tilting my head. He growled a little as he stood.

"Alright, alright." He chuckled, regaining control. I clapped and kissed his cheek.

"Hurry!" I said, running back to the water, and it was only a moment before he was tackling me into the water. "You jerk!" I laughed, my hair now wet.

"Come on, you're tough." He chuckled. I glared playfully at him and lunged to push him in the water, back, but he caught me and spun me in his arms. "You need more practice though." He teased.

"Yeah right- you're the one who hasn't trained with the pack in years-"

"Still stronger than you." He shrugged, and dove away from my retaliating splash of water, and below a wave. "And faster." He laughed, after resurfacing.

"But not nearly as intelligent." I retorted, as I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Fair- but I'm funnier."

"Well, one of us will have to be serious." I said as I nudged his shoulder.

"Also fair." He agreed, before his smile grew wider.

"Durst?" I said his name, not meaning for it to sound so fragile, but I knew it did, and the sound of the waves only made it sound smaller.

"Yeah?" He asked, as he waded over to me, he put his arm around me, and touched my hair, pushing it past my shoulder.

"Are things going to be different when we get home?"

"Do you want them to be?" He asked, his face changing, his brows dipping down in seriousness. I nodded, looking up at him, as my breathing grew slower and came in shallower increments.

"I feel like I'm dreaming, I still don't fully understand what's going on, but I love it, I love being around you- I love- I love-" I swallowed hard and shook my head.

"When we get home, I'm going to be in a lot of trouble, but like I told you, I don't care. I disobeyed my alpha, and I know that he knows what is most important to me, and what he'll take from me to punish me... And that's you. He warned me to wait, that if I couldn't handle seeing you before you changed to control myself, that I should handle it like the Delta I am- but I couldn't. I'm sorry for it, because I know you're going to hurt when I'm ordered to leave you alone, but I couldn't keep lying to myself. I tried so hard to ignore how I feel about you, to be mature, and responsible, but you make me feel so alive... And I love you. So fucking much..."

"I- I love-" he stopped me, by kissing my lips, for only the second time ever. I was suddenly glad for the water, because between him saying he loved me, and kissing me the way he did, I may have fallen. I nearly fainted, my brain seemed to shut down, my mind seemed to swirl with an almost intoxicated feeling. "Holy shit- I love you." I chuckled when he pulled away. "I don't care what happens from here on out, today was the best day of my life."

He cupped my face, kissed me again, and my hand touched his chest on its own it seemed.

"Do we have to go home soon?" I asked when he pulled away. He smiled.

"If you want, we never have to go back." He chuckled, laying back in the water. I nudged him.

"Don't say things like that- I might just agree." I laid back in the water with him.

"Well we could- we just wouldn't be able to turn wolf- and I know you can't wait for that. And I know how much your litter means to you, and your family." He got up from laying back, and waded over to me.

"I know..." I sighed, looking up at him. He leaned over and pecked my lips.

"I have this crazy idea though..." He smirked, mischievously, and I squinted suspiciously at him.

"Really? Because waking me up in the middle of the night, after ignoring me for years, and then kidnapping me, wasn't crazy enough." I joked, and his smile only faltered for the few seconds I mentioned him ignoring me.

"It's an even crazier idea." He chuckled. "I'll tell you about it when you're done swimming... But we can't stay here too long, Danny's on his way."

"Already?" I bit my lip.

"Yeah, he's a few hours away-"

"How do you know?"

"It's a wolf thing." He shrugged. "He's Alpha, so when he's feeling something too strongly about someone they feel it, and him. And he's pissed." He laughed. I chuckled too.

"Just a few more minutes, and then you can tell me what this crazy plan is." I agreed.

"Sounds good." He agreed. "Hey, do you know there's giant squid in the ocean?"

"What?" I laughed, very confused.

"Yeah, and sometimes they pull pretty girls into the depths." He smirked.

"No! No!" I laughed, trying to dodge him, as he grabbed me up again, and wrestled me into his grasp, but I fought back, laughing and hitting him. I never want this to end.

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