Part Thirty Six: Ranking

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"So... how was it?" Kaylee asks in a very suggestive tone, just as I fall onto my bed. I groan so loud the hoarseness in my voice from sleeping outside burns. "Come on, everyone knows, and I'm supposed to be your best friend!"

"We run in a few hours. Don't you want to get sleep-"

"You know not all of us stayed out all night to get-"


"Some of us went to bed after hanging out! By some I mean all, because everyone was trashed. You on the other hand had quite an eventful night!"

"What do you want me to say?" I huff as I lay on my side and pull my blanket up around me- too tired to give a shit if I was drenched in cold sweat and dirt. I'll worry about it later.

"Was he good?"

"He's my mate-"

"Not the question-"

"Yes, okay. He knew what he was doing, I mean apparently, obviously- is that all?" I flip back onto my back and cover my eyes again with my arm. She giggles softly as I hear her thump down onto her own bed.

"Yeah, basically. Just... do you think everyone will know if me and Hunt... you know?"

I groan again. I don't want to keep thinking about everyone knowing my business any more than I have to. I lean up onto my elbow so I can see her, and she looks across the small room at me. "I don't know Kay, maybe. You two are lower ranked, so I don't know how intense it will be. I remember Danny saying Luna was feeling overwhelmed by it for a few days. I definitely feel different, but it's not as intense as all of that. I think I'll get used to feeling like this soon, and hopefully you're the only one who feels the need to ask me about my marital affairs." I roll my eyes and toss a pillow at her as she chuckles.

"So what, now you move into his room? I mean you two are married and doing the deed, so why not?"

"I don't know... honestly I like having my own space."

"Ummm, this is my room, remember?" She asks with a roll of her eyes as she tosses my pillow back at me.

"We'll, for how long? You and Hunt seem to be doing just fine yourself. I mean you were all over-"

"Nope. Yep. You're right, we don't need to talk about it!" She hides her face, but I've already seen it go bright red.

"What, we can talk about me, but not about you?" I laugh. She sits up again, and she looks kind of sick.

"He wants to wait for marriage."

"Oh, we'll that's honorable."

"We'll yeah- except... well he's not a virgin- and I'm not either. There I said it. I didn't wait for my mate. I'm not the only one so don't judge-"

"I would never judge you for that- but who?! When?! You've never told me!"

"It was before we were friends... with Shawn..."

"Shawn?!" I practically shout this, and she shushes me and laughs.

"Yes, you have to admit he's cute-"

"Yeah and super popular, and super not your type at all-"

"I know, I know, but we were young, and he used to give me rides home all the time. I think my parents were trying to set me up with him. I don't know. We tried it, and it was weird, so we never did it again and just acted like it never happened. Hunter knows, and he doesn't care- he's had some experience too- he just thinks it'd be nice to get to know each other first. Which, yeah, but also- no." We both laugh at this, and it feels good to be talking about normal stuff with my friend again.

"Besides, I can hardly find the time to make out or go on dates. We spend all our time training." She rolls here eyes at this. "I thought when you join the top of the pack you just get stronger," she whines. "I don't know if I can physically get any stronger," she sighs and sits up again, crossing her legs and I do the same.

"You guys have your position, it's not like you have to worry."

"Hunter doesn't want to lose his place in the pack. He thinks he might with Beckett joining... I don't want to let him down."

This puts a major damper on my spirit. I definitely didn't want to see Hunter so down, or get pushed down a rank, but I also wanted to see him achieve.

"I never really even thought about the ranks changing, but I guess it always can..." my mind went racing with the thought as I said it out loud.

"Don't worry Kaylee, I'll help you train, and we'll figure it out." I assure her. She nods, and rubs her eyes from sleepiness as she yawns. "Wanna go for a run? Get up our energy for tonight?"

"You're joking, right?" She laughs nervously.

"No... I actually think I want to. You get some sleep. I'll see you tonight." I say. She picks up her phone as it buzzes. "Tell Hunt I say hiiii," I tease as I leave the room, not bothering to put my shoes back on. I head out and towards a trail I like to take through the forest. It's right past Durst's construction zone, and I hear he's out there as soon as I step onto the porch. I jog towards the trail, fully aware Durst is watching me, because when I get close his saw stops.

"Hey Wildflower- where you running off to?" He calls out. I feel myself go a bit white when I see my brother and Sam coming out of the forest with one of the fallen logs. I don't want to entertain the thought as to why my brother is suddenly "team house". I feel my cheeks burn- probably causing a Christmas like light show on my face, from white to green, and landing on bright red.

"Just a quick jog, don't worry."

He chuckles and shakes his head, "I wasn't, you have a good time," he says, and shoots me a sideways smile with a nod towards the trail. I nod back and take off as fast as I can- definitely not wanting to stick around long enough to read Daniel's expression. He had acted oblivious enough during training, but I didn't want to find out how true it was.

Danny knew a lot about me, both as the Alpha, and as my brother. A lot ran through my mind as I ran through the forest. My mind was stuck in the limbo of letting everything go like I normally did while running, and my uncontrollable need to dissect everything to figure out what Danny was thinking. One thing was on the top of my mind: he knows. The same thing Hunter and Leon know. If Danny knows I don't understand why he's suddenly backing the "family house movement" Durst is on. I can't help but wonder if he wants me to tell the truth. If this is some weird way of pressuring me. Or maybe he feels bad for Durst. I'll tell him soon, I have to. I know that I need to. I will.

I find resolution in this, and ignore my guilt and worry. I'll take care of it. Eventually. Soon. I have other things I need to focus on. Starting with this run. I let everything wash away. I do what I love to do most. What I do best. I just run.

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