Part Twenty Six: The Way Things Need To Be

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When I wake up Durst is gone.

It pisses me off.
Like, royally.

It felt so nice to fall asleep beside him, and now he was gone, and I'm not a morning person- to say the least. I stomp out of his room like an arrogant child, into the main part of the house, to find him. Instead I find a mostly empty room- everyone is gone, except Beckett. I feel my face turn red at his surprised expression towards my sudden intrusion on his otherwise peaceful breakfast.

"Where's Durst?" I ask- without really thinking, cause if I had I probably wouldn't have asked him.

"What do I look like to you- his babysitter. Fuck if I know. If you lost your husband go find him yourself." He says with a roll of his eyes, before getting up and tossing his bowl of cereal into the sink. He leaves the room without another word, but all things considered he doesn't seem mad, so much as just genuinely annoyed.

Well at least he's back to his old self.

I leave out the front door after throwing on my shoes, and look across the field, as I already sense him near. I'm stunned to see him working out already with the other head pack members. As if everything were back to normal, with Danny even leading the group he's in.

"Sleep in?" Frea asks as she passes me, ready to workout herself.

"Uh, yeah..." I feel like I'm in the twilight zone when I reply. Things seem so... normal. Danny and Durst aren't arguing over the fact that I didn't come home last night. Everyone is so... normal.

I hadn't noticed Violet coming across the field, but suddenly she's in front of me and it makes me jump.

"Shit! You scared me!" I say as I hold my chest.

"What are you doing? Standing out here like the living dead?" She asks. She hikes the basket she's carrying on her hip up.

"I... I don't know... does everything seem sort of... too normal? I just told Danny I'm married and everything seems... like nothing happened?" I say as I watch everyone doing their drills.

"You know- the world doesn't revolve around you?" She says with a bit of sarcasm and a laugh.

"Well- I know-"

"Do you? Cause you kind of forgot to spend time with me and Rosie this week, and you haven't been helping with chores- and you kind of didn't do your laundry this week and Cora made me do it for you..."

"I'm sorry Vi, really-"

"Actions speak louder than words Der," she says as she begins to walk away.

"You're starting to sound like Danny," I reply, and she stops to turn around and look at me with disdain.

"There's nothing wrong with that. He's our big brother, our Alpha- he takes care of us- and you used to look up to him- if you can't remember. I'll remind you if I have to. He saved us- not Durst. God, you're such a narcissist! " she stomps away. I'm surprised by her sudden outburst and passion on the subject. We don't often talk about that moment, if ever. I didn't realize she had it so fresh on her mind. She has a point, but I'm too bitter to try and reason it in my head. She's starting to sound like such a teenager. I roll my eyes and begin my walk across the field towards the main house.

"Lavender! Glad you're finally awake! Start laps!" Danny yells as I pass closer by. I look at him confused.

"I'm still in my pajamas-"

"That isn't my problem- start your laps!" He yells. My face turns bright red as I realize everyone else has showed up, and they're all staring at me as they finish their burpees. Durst is one of the first, and I can see that he's trying not to laugh at me.

HIS Young Mate: "Sequel to Her Young Mate"حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن