Part Thirty Three: Distract Me

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I catch up to Durst just as he enters the door and I close it behind me swiftly- actually probably with too much force. He puts his keys down on the table and takes off his jacket as I throw my backpack down. I stumble in the dark for a second, but push my lips against his when he catches me, standing on my toes. "You're drunk again Wildflower-"

"I know, I'm sorry." I say, and go to kiss him again, to which he kisses back.

"It's okay, I figured." He says as he wraps his arms around me. A ray of moonlight hits his face and I almost growl; the wolf in me feels the moons powers, wants to feel the moon on her fur, to run with him. "Hey- take a deep breath- we ain't going out tonight," he says, probably hearing my thoughts loud and clear. He pushes some hair behind my ear, a grin still plastered on his face.

"Why not?" I feel a confidence in me take over as I run my fingers through the back of his hair.

"That's orders- besides, I'd rather stay in." He says as he urges me to jump up so he can lift me off of my feet. I let him lift me without hesitation. "I want to hold you, I missed you, and you've been with that lost puppy all night-"

"Beckett?" I roll my eyes, "you can't really be jealous of him still-"

"I'm not jealous-" he chuckles, as I give him an incredulous look, "I'm not, I'm... territorial-"

"I'm not your territory-"

"Your body is-" he stops himself, and I can tell it was his wolf speaking- not his self. "I didn't-"

"I'll let that slide..." I say firmly and he smiles at me with a bit more nerves than just a few moments ago. I don't want that, though, I want him to stay right at that frame of mind- where he wants me, and his wolf wants to do things to me. I want more of exactly what he was thinking a minute ago. I press my lips to his, and he doesn't hesitate to kiss me back, and soon one of my hands is venturing down his chest. His lips taste like whiskey and are just as warm. His arms feel secure around me in a way that makes me feel like I could do anything- and he would be there to catch me and pull me back to safety. "Let's go to the coast!" I say eagerly when I pull away. He chuckles.

"It's going to be freezing-"

"I don't care- plus we run hot, we can bring blankets, and stay until the sun comes up!"

He looks towards the door and then back at me.

"Alright Wildflower- let's go." He says as he drops me down. He grabs the blankets off his bed and I grab the one I know is in his closet, and a couple pillows. I throw my backpack over my shoulder as he grabs up his jacket and keys and things. We're in the truck going down the dirt road moments later.

"You know I can never figure you out..." he says to me as I smoke, I smile at him and shrug.

"Would you want to?"

"I don't know- maybe some day- for now I'm lovin just going with whatever you throw at me."

The volume of the ocean when we arrive is so loud that I can hear it through the thick glass of Durst's truck. The moon is bright ahead, when we step onto the sand the wind blasts into our face. Luckily the sand is wet so the air is cool and damp and not sandblasting us. Durst goes straight to work building a makeshift bed in the back of the truck, having parked so the truck bed is being blocked by the cab the blankets luckily don't go flying away. He places the heaviest quilt on top and then takes stand beside me to let me know it's done. Despite the cold icy air I'm still running hot, and it almost feels like the cold water is sizzling on my skin- as if I should expect steam to be rising where it hits. The magnitude of the ocean has always been so beautiful to me, the recklessness of it, the unpredictability of it. The ocean is free, the ocean doesn't ask questions, or follow rules- it just is. It's boundless. One with everything else on earth. That's a feeling I keep chasing, a feeling that keeps me running when home is calling. I want to just... be.

I take a deep breath and suddenly my vision is going red, first a tinge and then deep. Only I don't start going fuzzy or dizzy. I just watch, at the red ocean before me, crashing in brilliant vibrant glistening bursts of scarlet. I feel myself fading away, but I'm not losing any of myself at all. I just feel... alive.

"Lavender?" Durst's voice doesn't break how I feel, as it normally might. I look over at him and he swallows hard. He's nervous, and I know why. "You're eyes... are you-"

"I know. I'm okay." I say breathlessly. My body is shaking, but in a good way, from the sheer strength I'm feeling in my body. I know Durst feels it too, because I sense his wolf connecting with mine in an unspoken way that I can't explain. It's like I can feel his wolf pacing beside me, in his mind, waiting for what is to come next, unsure, worried. I take a deep breath to steady myself, to calm the buzzing. I'm tempted to just let it take over me, to turn wolf and let my paws lead me as far as they wish.

Only if he'd come with me.

I turn to him and am momentarily startled when I realize he's knelt down beside me. Not in the way he had when he asked me to marry him, but on both knees like a man at the mercy of some sort of authority. His eyes shone with a silent pleading in the moonlight. Despite his height, and strength, he felt small next to me. Despite my youth he felt like a child. When I reach out he leans his face against my palm, finding an obvious comfort.

"Lavender, whatever this is... I'm here for you... where you lead- I'll follow you. Even if it means leaving everything else behind, destroying any other bond, I'm yours." Durst says, and I can feel his wolf bow to mine, in a way that doesn't show weakness, but obedience. It makes me feel powerful. "I'll do anything," The red glow in my vision intensifies with his words. I need this to stop- I know what it means- and I don't want it. I don't want to turn away from the pack, or go rogue, even with Durst by my side. I can't lead him away from them like that when they mean so much to him.

"Durst." I say his name urgently and tug his hands so he stands, waiting expectantly on my every word. "Distract me." I beg with urgency, hungrily.

His lips crash into mine and instantly I'm consumed by him. The fire inside me burns hotter, but now for him. The roar of the ocean comes back to me loudly- all around me- and I feel it's strength, and his strength, and I let both take over me, and let go of my control. A growl comes from deep within his chest and turns quickly into a warm moan as his hands roam my body. When I pull back and open my eyes the red glow hazing my vision is gone, replaced by a bright moonlit glow shining on him once again.

His eyes are serious, as he brushes an ever persistent strand of my hair from blowing across my face. He looks concerned for a moment as I search his eyes. I feel the energy in me begin to surge again, and I just want to stop it. I kiss him again, uncertain of myself, unsure if what I'm doing is too much. Whenever I feel this way, whenever I want more, he always pushes me away.

Only this time he doesn't. He draws me in, he lifts me up, and carries me to the truck bed. He places me on the truck's tailgate, and I keep my knees apart so he can press himself to me again as he stands in front of me. My fingers run through his hair, I touch the scruff of his face, his hands pull me close as our lips fall into a rhythm that draws us together. This rhythm between us is so powerful that it takes over whatever I was feeling just moments ago.

He pulls away to lift himself up on the tailgate beside me, and I take this as my time to crawl into the bed he's made us, and suddenly the cold around me seems more of a trouble than before, and I climb under the blankets, and Durst is quick to follow. I press myself against him and it isn't long before we're back in a rhythm of kissing one another.

"Durst," I catch my breath as we stare into each other's eyes, "you said you'd do any thing for me,"
I remind him, and he nods.


"Okay, just... Don't stop me this time."

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