Part Sixteen:Thunder

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I woke up to what sounded like thunder. I rubbed my eyes, crawled across Kaylee- who was taking up the space beside me on my bed-and leaned against the window frame with one hand as I pulled the curtain back. It was cloudy out, the fog gloomy and murky with heavy water, but there wasn't any lightening to be seen. I listen for the sound again, expecting another loud crack, and then a flash of light.

Instead I see a tree in the distance through the fog. Across the field the tree shakes, and then I hear the loud cracking that woke me up.

A tree falls with a loud book and I exhale sharply.

My feet drag me down stairs quickly, before I'm thinking, because I'm already on alert.

What if it's rogues?!

What if it's my first encounter with enemies?

Am I ready?

Do I wait for orders?

When I get to the kitchen Brian is there, and he's arguing with Danny.

"He's got a project he's taking care of." Brian says with a shrug. Danny looks up at me as I try to stop my feet- to slow them down at least- to seem less shaken. My socks betray me, sending me across the floor, more clearly in sight. Why is Danny looking at me like that.

"Is there something wrong? I heard a loud crashing and saw the trees-"

"Oh, everything's perfectly fine, right Brian?" Danny says as he puts his coffee cup down, crosses his arms, and looks across the field through the back doors. The look on his face is so menacing I'm almost certain he can cut through the walls with the daggers he's shooting.

"Yeah, kid, everything's alright. Durst is out doing some work in the forest. Another day or two and he'll have those trees taken care of." Brian said, and he chuckled as he brought his coffee mug to his mouth and took a sip.

"I'm gonna kill him." Danny says as he picks up his coffee cup, and I move into the kitchen more to let him pass me. "I think I hear Payton crying." He grumbles as he goes up stairs, not looking up at me as he walks by, going  towards a cry I hadn't heard.

"What's..." I shake my head as I look away from the forest and back at Brian. "What's he doing out there that's pissing off Danny?" I ask Brian as I nod towards the forest where Durst cut down yet another tree- it's loud crack causing me to jump. I go to pour myself some coffee, and look up when Brian laughs again. "What?" I shrug my shoulders. I hear Kaylee come down stairs and grab a cup for her.

"You know..." He says as he stands up, and grabs his cup, and tucks his morning newspaper under his arm. "I think Durst could use my help..." He says as he goes to the door.

"What's he doing?" Kaylee asks, as she rubs the sleep out of her eyes and yawns.

"Building something... You know- I built this house for my wife a long time ago- so I figure an old man like me might still be of some help." Brian said, before laughing again as he left.

I cough and almost choke on my coffee.

"You know what, it's too early for riddles for me." Kaylee says as she sits at a stool and leans her face against her palm, and rests her weight on her elbow. I put her cup in front of her.

"Good. Forget about it." I mumble.

For me it wasn't much of a riddle at all.

He's building me a house- and I don't know how I'm supposed to feel about it.

"Morning girls." Cora says as she walks in with Morgan on her hip.

"Morning Luna." We both reply back, neither of us too enthusiastically. She rolls her eyes, and I chuckle.

HIS Young Mate: "Sequel to Her Young Mate"Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ