Part Eighteen: Under Control

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I had cleaned the whole downstairs of the house and was halfway done cooking breakfast when Danny quietly came down the stairs. I jumped when I realized he was in the room. "You scared the shit out of me," I say as I start to clean up the milk I've spilt.

"Sorry," He says as he sits down. I grab him a coffee cup and pour him some coffee from the pot, "I didn't mean to."

"No- it's okay, I just didn't expect anyone to be up for at least another half hour," I say as I pour myself a cup of coffee as well- my second of the morning.

"Why didn't you sleep?" He asks as he takes a sip from his mug. I look at him for a moment.

"Had too much on my mind. Why didn't you sleep enough?" I ask. He sighs.


There's a long drawn out silence between us, and it lingers until I find enough courage to speak to him again. "I'm sorry I outed you and Cora- about the babies."

"It's okay, we kept it to the people in the room- for now."

Another silence breaks out and I hate that we've become this way. He used to be my hero, my big brother, I waited by his bedside begging the lord to let me speak to him again. Now I can't even say what's on my mind. I take a good drink of my coffee and sigh.

"Where did you go yesterday?" I ask, finally feeling a small bit of bravery.

He pauses for a long while before he speaks.

"I went to visit Rowan's pack..."

"Why?" I ask quickly, because my genuine confusion is hard to hold back. He looks down at his coffee mug and touches the handle as he thinks, moves the spoon beside his cup a bit, anything to distract himself while he collects his thoughts.

"To get advice, to get another opinion... to ask if they'd take you in-"

"What?!" My mouth falls open as I almost drop my cup on to the counter. Why would he ask such a thug? After all the years we were apart? Why would he send me off for... for what?! Possibly being with my mate?!

"I told you Lavender- I don't know what to do with you anymore," he sighs and taps his foot a bit, before continuing, "I've exhausted my options if you don't figure yourself out. I need my Deltas- both of you- on the top of your game. I can risk one of you- but both of you not working as a team is bad for the pack. So if I send you off hopefully I get one of you back- and Durst is stronger-"

"He would never go for it-"

"And why not? He's told you he wants to keep his position and that you two should keep your distance. At any rate, for now, my main concern is controlling you and keeping the pack together."

My mind runs and runs as I try to compose myself and not spill any details about me and Durst- I had almost let out that keeping me away would piss Durst off. I had to think quick. I had to save my own as$ as well.

"You can't just send me off-"

"I can, and I will- if I have to. Rowan already said he can set up a place for you to stay, and can put you in the back of his pack until you learn how to be obedient enough to run in one without taking off. He's a much more experienced leader than I am, and he has the means and patience to help you-"

"Danny- please- I've already been kept away from my family for too long- enough for a lifetime-"

"Lavender you can't use that as an excuse!" He almost shouts. I look down at my feet, trying to keep my anger and tears bottled inside. "You can't pull my heart strings every time you don't get your way. You're destroying everything I built. You're fu*cking up the pack. You're confusing our delta, you're messing with Beckett's chances of becoming a scout, you're holding Kylee back-"

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