Part One: X

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"Exactly on schedule." The doctor says, nodding at Coralie: my sister in law, legal guardian, and Luna.

I sighed.

"Well not exactly." I scoffed as I crossed my arms, my paper gown crinkling around me.

"Any day now you'll be changing." Cora said proudly.

"Well according to plan it should be around the sixteenth right?" I sighed. I should be twelve right now. I don't feel or look it a bit. I would be eighteen by this weekend, my muscles have come along, my bones have grown, my boobs have filled in (finally)... and I'm going to graduate a month early from homeschool. I have my exit exams passed and everything. This had been my least painful year yet, but I had come a long way.

"That is the night your bonfire is set." Coralie smiled at me again. She was trying to get me excited, but I just wanted to get it over with.

"I have training." I sighed as I got up and threw my paper dress off, the doctor and Cora had seen me so much at this point it really seemed more a formality than a necessity. I tossed on my jean shorts and my pullover.

"The Alpha wants you to train fair with the others tonight-"

"It's not my fault they're weak-"

"You've grown up training, some of the others haven't."

"B.S! Beckett does wrestling at school! And Sarah's grandfather was an Alpha before her family joined our pack. I want to be normal. I'm allowed to join the pack. I'll be around Durst-"


"What. It's true. And I'm staying eighteen. Finally I get to slow down. Enjoy my life. You all age slowly, the only one who knows what it's like to age this fast is my brother- and boy wonder got golden stars and came out an alpha. I'm fighting for my place in my new litter. I'm not like the children anymore. I'm an adult." I finished my rant and headed up towards my room.

"Lavender can you help me braid my-"

"Not right now Rose. I'll help you later." I groaned as I walked past my little sister. She was always younger than me by minutes, now it was years. She was a good foot shorter than me now, maybe more. I walked faster to my room.

"Hey barely legal."

"Shut up Beckett." I snapped. "What are you doing here?"

"How can I reply to your question if you asked me to shut up?" He teased as he followed me.

I flash him an expression that hopefully conveys how utterly annoyed by him I am.

"The Alpha wanted to speak to me before training tonight. Seeing as I was first to change in our Litter, he wants me to personally keep you challenged."


"Too bad I can't." He stopped in my bedroom doorway.

"And why not?"

"I ain't going after delta meat. You- my friend- are quartered and tagged. I mean- have you seen the dude lately!?-"

"Fuck you."

Of course I haven't. Fucking prick...

"I forgot!" He shouted as I slammed the door in his face. "I ain't coming after you in the ring; fight Sarah." He said against the door.

"If you had any balls you would fight me! Now go away!" I shouted through the wood separating us.

"He already has it out for me for scratching your neck last fight we had-"

HIS Young Mate: "Sequel to Her Young Mate"Where stories live. Discover now