Part Three: What About Him?

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"Where were you?" Danny asked as I entered the room. My cheeks burned in the warm room from shock, shock from the ice cold winds from the outside being replaced with warm air from inside, and from all the eyes suddenly on me. I had dropped my jacket with my backpack, and my sweater would be lost in the woods- likely forever. My shirt was shredded on my arms and shoulders and I'm pretty sure there's blood dripping down my face from being nicked by a branch or two.

"Running." I gulped as I took my place with the others on the floor. "Sorry sir." I nodded.

"A hundred curl ups-"


"Lavender." He gave me a serious look, and I groaned in protest as I stood up.

"Yes Alpha." I sighed, it was often very infuriating having a brother for an Alpha- no matter how much I want to be defiant, yell that he's not my father, and stomp up to my room, he is my Alpha and I respect him tremendously. I may be a rebellious little shit, but I look up to my brother more than anybody.

I huffed up at the evil curl up bar and glared at it.

"Count out loud!" Danny yelled across the gym, stopping whatever he was talking about to call me out again. Yeah I respect him, but Gods could he be an asshat.

"One!" I yelled. "Two!"

My arm muscles start tensing, being conditioned to the training. No, a hundred pull-ups wouldn't be hard, but they weren't fun either, annoying more than anything really. It was more he humiliation that would get to me.

As I counted I tried to listen into what Danny was saying, but from this distance, with my mind racing, I couldn't for the life of me. I picked up the pace, but he was done talking by the time I got to sixty-seven, and he started walking over to me at eighty-nine; having talked to the other lead scouts.

"You can't keep doing this..." He sighed. "And slow down you're pushing yourself too hard." Danny said as he leaned against the wooden post beside me.

"I can't keep doing curl ups, or..."

"Or. You can't keep doing this. This being rebellious crap. The way you treat me in front of others, the way you disobey orders, it won't get you anywhere. You have every right to take your place as the female Delta-"


"Well you do. And I know you want to be a scout. But the others don't know if you'll be ready. You have to realize their lives, and the lives of the pack, not to mention their children, are in your hands. If not you can spend some years running wild like the others-"

"Would you make that order-"

"We all would, as a team, I count on them, and if they don't feel safe I don't feel safe. We want you there, and we know you're ready physically. We just got to get you there mentally."

"I am ready." I let go of the curl bar and landed on my feet with a thud.

"We'll see." He said, standing up straight from the bar. "You'll be training with Alice today-"

"What?" I could feel my face lighting up.

"She's ready to train again and Beckett is no longer a challenge for you." He smiled proudly.

I nodded eagerly.

"Thank you sir!" I was beyond excited to finally take on a real scout, not just have them give me pointers like they do for the others.

"Don't thank me just yet. Alice isn't going to go easy on you, she could care less if Durst is pissed at her, so don't expect her to go soft on you. You are going to get your ass kicked."

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