Part Seventeen: Durst Does

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The loud crunch and squish sound coming from Kylee's pickle knocks me out of my thoughts. I settled on doughnuts and chocolate milk, but adamant to her odd cravings she had gone with pickles- not one, but two- one for each hand. "You know I love you." I chuckle as I watch her switch to biting the other pickle, and flick my cigarette onto the concrete. I decided to try out my new i.d., surprised it had worked; I knew it was legit, because our pack has connections, but it didn't seem real until the skeptical shop owner accepted it and handed me the pack. I had chosen the frilliest most expensive pack- they literally came in pastel colors. They didn't taste good nonetheless, but they were flavorful and better than the average ones. Besides, they were a good distraction for a moment, or two. Durst would hate seeing me smoke them, but with his bad habits he didn't have room to talk.

In fact no one had room to talk about any of my decisions, and I was getting sick of them all thinking they do. Fuck them. "You know, I wish I didn't have to go back."

"Don't say that." Kaylee says as she rolls her eyes and looks over at me. "You're just pissed everyone's in your business."

"Yeah, maybe you're right." I sigh. I take another long drag and put my cigarette out. "I'll pay you back for all of this." I say, before taking a swig of my milk. She shrugs again.

"It's okay, consider it another birthday present." She says, before finishing one of her pickles.

"Cool, thanks Kaylee." I say with a sigh.

"You know, you should quit those- though- especially now that you have a mate-"

"Come on Kale-"

"Anytime now and you'll be knocked up-"

"Not you too, please don't start with this shit-"

"Calm down, I'm only teasing." She laughs as she hops down from the short brick wall I'm leaning against. "You having kids- hah- that'd be a hell of a day... so, should we go back? Beckett's right, I don't want to be on the Alpha's bad side-"

"Are you seriously thinking about becoming a scout?" I ask, suddenly intrigued. I know she's been training for years, but I thought she had given up on actually becoming one.

"Well, yeah- it's the best you can do out here for yourself. Unless I don't want to live as a wolf at nights, get a job, go to school- and how much fun would that really be? When I can live near you and be free for the rest of my life? I never understood wanting to live out in the real world- not the way it is now- going to sh*t, war at every corner, corporate America- you know- all of that bullsh*t," she says, as she starts leading the way back in the general direction of the house.

"Yeah, I guess- but at least you have the choice. Now that I'm... well, you know, I don't really have a choice. Durst wouldn't leave the pack if I dragged him kicking and screaming. I mean he's building a house for Christ sakes. He's definitely planning on staying- he's made that clear." I say as I take in the sights of the town I've lived in for most of my life now.

"Well- you always have the choice." She says, but I don't think she fully gets where I'm coming from. She doesn't have a mate yet, she hasn't changed, she doesn't feel trapped.

"I guess- technically. You're right, though, I'd never leave you behind. You're my real soul mate," I say and give her an obnoxious kiss on the forehead, knocking her a bit off balance as she walks. She laughs and shrugs me off, and eats more of one of her pickles.

"That's right babe." She says with a mouth full of dill, and chunks fly out, making us laugh harder. "Oh! My nose! There's pickle juice in it now!" She laughs in pain.

When we get back I see that people are gathering to train in the field- Durst included. I also notice Danny's car isn't parked outside- so he must not be back yet.

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