A Court of Snow and Storms

By LeeraIvy

25.1K 1.4K 367

One year ago, Prythian suffered an attack at the hands of the necromancer, Melantha. She was ultimately defea... More

Author's Note
1. Numb Feelings
2. Little Gestures
3. Guilty By Association
4. Vague Unspoken Truths
5. Blows of Reality
6. All for a Promise
7. Laughter Like Bells
8. Waking Nightmare
9. A Mother's Plea
10. Birthday Treats
11. Untruths
12. Companionship
13. Little Ventures
14. Resolutions
15. Flower Power
16. Small Steps
17. Comforting Touch
18. Heirs of Dawn
19. Memories Bring Back Memories
20. Gestures of Affection
21. Rumors of Truth
22. Locked In Horror
23. Frozen Minds
24. By a Thread
25. Coming to Terms
26. Yearning Desires
27. Vague Speculations
28. I am Here
29. Changing Circumstances
30. The Last Straw
32. Chosen
33. Complete and Shining
34. Run
35. Promise of Penance
36. Taste Testing
37. Consultation
38. Words Like Knives
39. The Only Way
40. A Heart's Separation
41. The Peoples' Demand
42. One Step at a Time
43. The Truth
44. At Last You See
45. Traditions Old and New
46. The Storm Has Broken
Thank You
A Court of Stars and Memories
All Things Wild and Beautiful
Beyond the Books

31. Overcoming Issues

480 28 5
By LeeraIvy

    The door closed with a loud bang. Wynter's head snapped up and Colette winced. They exchanged wary glances before Wynter rose, magic thrumming in his veins. A moment later, his wariness dissipated as Ellie breezed into the room. She was panting, cheeks red from cold and exertion.

    Wynter was at her side in an instant, brows knit with concern. "What's wrong? Are you all right?" His fingers skimmed over her jaw as he tilted her head to the side. Cold fury ignited in his gut, spying bruises darkening on her neck.

    Ellie shook her head, closing her eyes as she drew measured breaths. "We need to figure something out. Now."

    "Sit down for a moment, Dear," Colette urged. Wynter swallowed a protective snarl as Colette took Ellie's arm and guided her to a chair near the fire.

    "Did something happen?" Wynter asked.

    Ellie bit her lip, then rubbed her forehead wearily. "Julian Frazier has been at the house almost every day for the past week. He's forbidden to speak to me, but while Uncle Ebner was gone today, he broke that rule. He seems to think he already has some sort of claim on me."

    Wynter couldn't stop his growl this time. Ellie stared at the fire and he saw tears glistening in her eyes. "He threatened me," she said. "He threatened to hurt me after I became his wife. He threatened to...use me." Her gaze slid to his. "I'm afraid he won't be content to wait until Uncle Ebner gives his permission."

    Wynter knelt and cupped her cheek, before taking her hand in his own. "That will not happen to you, my Dream."

    "Please say you won't go back there," Colette urged. "It's becoming too dangerous for you."

    "I'm going back only once more." Ellie held Wynter's gaze, feeding determination into her own. "After we figure out a way to keep my aunt and cousins safe, I'll go back for them. Then, none of us are ever setting foot in that house again."

    "It's not that late yet. We can go speak with my parents now," Wynter said.

    Ellie gave a short nod. "But you have to speak with them about the baby first."

    "I will." He helped her to her feet. "Let's get you into something warmer first." Ellie was still shivering, despite the warmth of the fire. Colette stepped aside as they left the sitting room.

    When they reached their bedroom, Wynter sat on the edge of the bed while Ellie combed through the closet, deciding what to wear. "Should I wear something formal?" She asked, glancing over her shoulder. "They are the High Lord and Lady after all."

    Wynter smiled, but shook his head. "Wear whatever you want. We are speaking to them as my parents, not as the High Lord and Lady."

    Ellie pursed her lips and retrieved a pair of pants and a shirt. When she made no move towards the bathroom, Wynter sprawled on his back, staring at the very interesting faelight patterns on his ceiling.

    "What are we going to tell them, if they ask why I'm there?" She asked.

    "You're there for my sake."

    "And if they ask what we are?"

    "What we are?" Wynter repeated.

    "Yes. We...haven't discussed it. I suppose now would be a good time."

    Wynter swallowed, hard. "What do you think we are?"

    "I don't know. We're more than friends."

    "Are we?" A smile spread across his lips.

     He let out a soft grunt as a shoe collided with his knee. He sat up instinctively and his breath caught. Ellie's back was turned towards him, her hair covering the straps of her undergarments. She'd already pulled her pants on. They hugged the shape of her hips and thighs before flaring out at her knees.

    "You're making me doubt everything now," she muttered, not looking at him.

    He swallowed again. He felt no fear. He felt no panic. Only affection. Only desire. Only...only love. Ellie tugged a sweater off the rack and spent a moment adjusting it. Silently, Wynter slid off the bed and crossed the room, until he was standing behind her.

    "Wyn, are you..." Ellie began.

    She broke off as he touched a hand to her bare waist. Wynter lifted her hair over one shoulder, exposing part of her neck. "You are stunning," he breathed, his nose skimming across her cheek. "And we are more than friends." He pressed a soft kiss to the hollow spot below her ear. He felt no revulsion. No urge to recoil. No disgust. No fear. No panic.

    "What are we?" Ellie whispered.

    "We... We're..." He couldn't think through the instincts that fogged his mind. "We're never going to make it to the palace if I answer that question," he rasped.

    Ellie's throat bobbed as she shivered. Wynter knew she had probably detected the shift in his scent. For once, he wasn't ashamed of it. He wasn't disgusted with himself. Wynter closed his eyes, breathing in her scent as he brushed his lips against her neck.


    "We'll discuss this when we get home," he whispered. Wynter drew back abruptly and left the room, struggling to regain control of his raging instincts.

    He had to be careful. This was new territory for both of them. Wynter didn't think Ellie had ever been with anyone, and he hadn't tried since Melantha. He'd only been with two females before her, and that was when he was younger, before he'd ever seen Ellie.

    Everything had changed when he first saw her. Wynter knew who she was, what she was, from the moment he laid eyes on her. That connection between them, that Bond, had only grown stronger in the past few months. The past year. If things progressed any further, Wynter knew there would be no hiding the Bond. Not from his parents. Not from Ellie. Not from anyone.

    As he made his way downstairs, his thoughts took a different turn. Maybe that was all right. Maybe in order to truly heal, he had to accept that part of himself. He had to accept every part of himself. Every fractured piece and every bit that had yet to be made whole. Maybe he had to accept the truth.

    After Ellie's aunt and cousins were safe, she would be safe too. They could discuss things then. He could reveal the truth that he'd kept hidden for so long. Melantha was wrong. If Ellie was willing, he could have her, and they could heal together. They could heal each other. Wynter reached the base of the stairs and prepared to wait, his lips turned up in a smile.


    Elodie loosed a shaking breath as she and Wynter were led into a sitting room, where Kallias and Viviane were going to meet them. Wynter squeezed her hand tightly. She reached her free hand towards him, gripping his arm. Her day was turning out to be a confusing one, given all that had happened at her uncle's house, then what had occurred at home, and now this.

    At least our scents are normal again, Elodie thought with a nervous mental giggle.

    Though, if she thought about what Wynter had done, hers would shift again in a matter of seconds. She shoved those events to the back of her mind, determined to be presentable in front of her High Lord and Lady.

    She felt out of sorts enough, dressed only in pants and a sweater. She'd chosen the clothes because she knew they'd be warm and hadn't had time to reconsider her choice once she joined Wynter. He'd winnowed them to the palace without a moment of hesitation.

    They reached the sitting room and entered. Kallias and Viviane rose. Elodie held onto Wynter, her stomach churning with nerves. "You didn't mention you were bringing someone else along," Kallias said, his shrewd gaze landing on Elodie.

    She managed to stand straighter, somehow. "Elodie Rohese, my Lord. I'm..."

    "You're the female we took back to the Dawn Court," Kallias interrupted.

    "Yes." She waited for his next question, trying to guess what it could be.

    It never came. Kallias merely inclined his head and gestured to the sofa across from his and Viviane's. Wynter led Elodie over and gave her a small nod. She let go of him as she sat. Wynter turned to his mother. Viviane stared at him hopefully.

    "I'm sorry for my initial reaction, Mother," he began. "I said a lot of things I shouldn't have, and I know I upset you. You had good intentions, and you only wanted me to be comfortable when you told me. I should've tried to understand that. I'm sorry."

    Viviane reached for his hand, then hesitated. Wynter took hers wordlessly. Her smile seemed almost sorrowful as she said, "I'm sorry you found out before we could tell you. Your fears aren't unfounded, Darling. I just wish we had the chance to try to work through them before we all became angry."

    Wynter kissed his mother's cheek, before sitting down beside Elodie. He glanced at Kallias, but said nothing. Wynter's hand found hers once more. Viviane nodded to Kallias and instantly, her scent became distinguishable. Elodie couldn't help but smile. The slight bulge of Viviane's stomach was evident as she sat beside her mate.

    "I know you're worried about what the people will do once the announcement has been made," Kallias said. "We discussed it, and I think it would be good to remind the people that we already have a son, and this baby will merely extend our family, not replace a member of it. If you feel up to it, we'd like you to be with us for the announcement. You could escort Viviane out before the people and stand with us."

    "You know they'll demand to know if you're replacing me as Heir," Wynter pointed out.

    "The people seem to forget that Heirs are chosen based on their worth and power, not the order of their birth," Kallias replied. "And this baby will have 128 years worth of catching up to do, not including everything you have yet to accomplish." Elodie lowered her gaze as both Kallias and Viviane looked to her.

    "Regardless if you will one day become High Lord or not," Viviane began, "and I have every confidence that you will..." She glared at Kallias. His lips quirked sideways in an embarrassed frown. "You are still our son. If the people attack you, they attack us. That is treason, and traitors will be dealt with accordingly."

    "Killing people on my behalf will only strengthen their hatred of me," Wynter sighed.

    "They will not be executed," Kallias corrected. "We will hold trials, which you will judge. You will be the one to decide if a person lives or dies, and what punishments they are given. Doing so allows you to more directly influence the choices they might make."

    Wynter began to protest, but at last, Elodie spoke. "Not every problem can be solved overnight, Wyn. Their ideas are good ones, and many more will arise in the future. Work through things one step at a time."

    He held her gaze as she squeezed his hand. Finally, he smiled and gave his parents a small nod. "Before we go," Wynter said, "there is one problem that needs to be solved overnight." His eyes never left hers, even as he spoke.

    "What can we do?" Viviane asked.

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