A Court of Snow and Storms

By LeeraIvy

25.1K 1.4K 367

One year ago, Prythian suffered an attack at the hands of the necromancer, Melantha. She was ultimately defea... More

Author's Note
1. Numb Feelings
2. Little Gestures
3. Guilty By Association
4. Vague Unspoken Truths
5. Blows of Reality
6. All for a Promise
7. Laughter Like Bells
8. Waking Nightmare
9. A Mother's Plea
10. Birthday Treats
11. Untruths
12. Companionship
13. Little Ventures
14. Resolutions
15. Flower Power
16. Small Steps
17. Comforting Touch
18. Heirs of Dawn
19. Memories Bring Back Memories
20. Gestures of Affection
21. Rumors of Truth
22. Locked In Horror
23. Frozen Minds
24. By a Thread
26. Yearning Desires
27. Vague Speculations
28. I am Here
29. Changing Circumstances
30. The Last Straw
31. Overcoming Issues
32. Chosen
33. Complete and Shining
34. Run
35. Promise of Penance
36. Taste Testing
37. Consultation
38. Words Like Knives
39. The Only Way
40. A Heart's Separation
41. The Peoples' Demand
42. One Step at a Time
43. The Truth
44. At Last You See
45. Traditions Old and New
46. The Storm Has Broken
Thank You
A Court of Stars and Memories
All Things Wild and Beautiful
Beyond the Books

25. Coming to Terms

479 29 11
By LeeraIvy

"Ellie!" Wynter gasped, panic fogging the corners of his mind.

Where was he? What was happening? He'd heard Ellie's voice. Felt a sharp pull in his chest. He'd been so cold. Everything had grown so dark. Now, he felt warm. He felt...wet? Wynter blinked rapidly, trying to force his panic aside. Water sloshed against his bare legs. Where were his clothes? Hadn't he been wearing some? Where was...

A hand cupped his cheek, catching his attention. "Mother above, Wyn!" Ellie sobbed, smoothing hair out of his face. Wynter didn't have a chance to reply before she'd thrown her arms around him, burying her face in his neck. That thing in his chest, that thread, seemed to glow brighter.

He hesitated only a moment before returning her embrace. "Ellie? What happened? What..." Wynter drew in a shaking breath. It carried her peppermint and vanilla scent. "Stars, what did I do?"

"You nearly froze yourself to death." Her choked voice was muffled against his shoulder. "I couldn't wake you. I'm sorry I wasn't here, Wyn. I'm sorry I didn't come sooner. I did what I could. What I had to. I'm sorry. I'm sorry."

He caught sight of a hatchet near her knees, and partially melted chunks of ice on the floor around them. His clothes were nearby, sodden and coated with frost. "I was dying," he realized.

"I couldn't wake you. You wouldn't melt the ice. You were dying, and I...I did what I had to. But you still wouldn't wake up. I thought... I thought..."

"I'm here," Wynter choked out. "Because of you, I'm here."

"Never push me away again. Never."

"Never," he swore. "I will never push you away again."

"Never leave me again."

"I will never leave you again, my Dream."

Wynter closed his eyes, counting in between breaths as he held Ellie. As she held him. He could feel her terror as strongly as though it were his own. He caught glimpses of himself, blue skinned and unresponsive, and knew he was seeing what she had. He could sense her panic. Her pain. Her sorrow. Her relief. Her guilt.

The thread seemed stronger. Thicker and brighter. Wynter's heart faltered as he realized what that meant. That was how Ellie had reached him. That was how he'd heard her voice and felt her tug. Maybe she didn't know what it was, but he did. There was no stopping it from growing now, and Wynter no longer minded.

It had saved his life. He'd wanted to die. That's why he hadn't moved from the tub, even when he knew how dangerous he'd made it for himself. That was why he welcomed the dark void that had swallowed him up. If it weren't for Ellie, he would've submitted to it entirely. If it weren't for Ellie, he would be dead. Wynter tightened his arms around her. His dream. His love. His...

Ellie drew away. Her cheeks were red as she averted her eyes. "I'll be waiting when you're ready to talk."

Wynter's own face burned with realization. He was completely naked and she... He inhaled sharply, heat igniting in his veins. Ellie was only in her pants and undergarments. Her long sleeved shirt was discarded beneath his drenched clothes. He felt only a twinge of shame and guilt. There was no fear. There was no fear as her gaze lifted, swept over him, lingering at his hips, then lowered once again.

"You..." Wynter swallowed, hard. "You are beautiful."

Ellie blushed redder. "So are you," she murmured, before hurrying out of the bathroom, taking the hatchet with her.

The heat in his veins gave way to simmering anger as he saw the dark bruises, faded scars, and red welts that covered her back, partially hidden beneath her ebony hair. Wynter rested his head on the lip of the tub as he drew measured breaths, trying to calm himself.

He let his thoughts wander, hoping to speed up the process. She wanted to talk. About what? About why she'd discovered him on the verge of death in his own bathtub, or about her method of reaching him?

Wynter rubbed his chest self consciously. His face flushed as he smiled. She thinks I'm beautiful. His smile faded. I almost let myself die. I... By the Mother, I fired Colette and Cyrus. The things I said to my parents... He had so much to talk about.

Wynter climbed out of the tub and grabbed a towel. Already, the ice on the floor, along with his clothes and Ellie's shirt, had vanished. Wynter found a loose long sleeved shirt and a comfortable pair of pants waiting for him on the vanity. He tugged them on and brushed out his hair, before tying it back in a low ponytail.

At last, Wynter left the bathroom. He found Ellie sitting at a table, fully dressed in a set of warm pajamas, and devouring a steaming bowl of soup. There was another bowl for him and cups of tea for them both. His room was lit by candles and faelights, and a bright fire crackled on the hearth. Wind howled outside, snow scratching at the windows.

Wynter sat down beside Ellie, his free hand barely touching hers as he began to eat. By the time Ellie had finished, his hand covered hers completely. When he was done, they drifted towards the fireplace. Ellie sat on the floor, her back pressed up against the sofa.

Wynter sat down beside her, a blanket appearing in his hands. He tucked it over her shoulders, but she promptly wrapped part of it around him. Wynter smiled faintly and they sat there, just watching the leaping flames.


"My mother is pregnant," Wynter said, jerking Elodie awake.

She wasn't sure how long they'd been sitting there. Long enough her head had drooped against Wynter's shoulder and her legs were sprawled out in front of them. The fire was deliciously warm against the bottom of her feet.

"Pregnant?" Elodie repeated. He nodded.

"I overheard two people talking about it in the streets. I panicked and went to the palace. Mother and Father confirmed it, and I..." Wynter sighed. "I overreacted. I said things I shouldn't have, and I think they did too. I found out that Cyrus and Colette knew. My parents had ordered them to keep it from me. I was angry and I told them they were no longer welcome here."

Elodie laced her fingers with his. Wynter didn't protest. "This should be good news. I should be happy for my parents. I should be excited to gain a sibling, but I'm not. I'm terrified. The people have been demanding that my parents disown and replace me ever since Melantha was defeated. They will see this baby as Mother and Father doing just that," Wynter explained.

"The people might turn on me completely. The extremists might go so far as to murder me. And when my parents tell them they aren't going to disown me, the people could turn on them too. I don't want that to happen because of me, but..." Wynter leaned his head back, his throat bobbing. "Father told me that if necessary, he will make the baby his Heir Apparent. I've spent my entire life preparing to become High Lord, and now I may never have that chance."

"Do you want to be High Lord?" Elodie asked.

Wynter's gaze slid to hers. "Yes. I've always been satisfied knowing that's what my future would be. I want to serve my people and make their lives better."

"But you can't do that if they refuse to accept your service."


Elodie cracked a smile. "They are certainly our people, aren't they?"

"Yes," Wynter chuckled faintly. "I just don't know what to do anymore."

"Don't isolate yourself," Elodie replied. "Especially not when things are this bad. I...I couldn't bear it if I lost you." Before Wynter could speak, she continued. "Give yourself some time to think over everything. Apologize to Cyrus and Colette. They'll forgive you. I know they will. Talk to your parents when you're ready."

"Will you come with me?"

"If you want me to."

"I do." Wynter twisted so that he was facing her fully. "I want you to come with me."

"Then I will," Elodie promised. She searched his gaze, her focus briefly drifting towards the shining thread, deep within her chest. "I want to help you, Wyn. However I can. In whatever way you need."

"I want to do the same for you." Elodie hid her flinch as Wynter reached behind her, running his hand down her back. His blue eyes glittered with a deadly vow. "If he ever raises a hand against you again, I will freeze him from the inside out." His hand retreated to her shoulder. Elodie's breath caught as he trailed his fingers over her jawline, his thumb grazing her lips. "Stay with me. You never have to go back there."

"That would cause more harm than good," she whispered. "For both of us. My uncle doesn't like you. He would weave it into some sort of lie to further the people's disdain of you. He might hurt Mitsi to get back at me."

"Bring her with you. We can take care of her."

"We would be charged with kidnapping. Your father would be forced to choose a side. Ours, or Uncle Ebner's. That outcome could turn the people against him and your mother too." She could see desperation in his eyes, and she knew how he felt. "I can't stay with you forever. Not yet. But I can stay with you tonight. I can stay with you every night that I'm able to slip away."

"Then that is all I ask for now," Wynter replied. He licked his lips and swallowed, drawing a hesitant breath. "You can choose any room you like. Come and go as you please. I'll tell the guards that they may take orders from you too. You will never be barred from this house again. It is your house too. Your home. But...choose a room near mine, so I know you're safe. So I know I'm near if you need me, and you're near if I need you."

"Wyn," Elodie began hesitantly, "do you want me to stay in this room with you?"

Wynter's blush was illuminated by the firelight. "Yes," he whispered.

"It won't make you uncomfortable?"

"I don't think so. I seem to know when you're near. I can recognize your scent. You know how to reach me. I want you to stay with me. I don't want to be alone."

She couldn't hide her own blush and answering smile. "Then I will stay."

Wynter's eyes widened. "You will?"

"Yes, but you have to tell me if you ever get uncomfortable." He nodded as she rose.

Elodie crossed over to his bed and pulled the covers back. Wynter followed, his gaze never leaving her. She situated herself on one side of the bed, drawing the covers up to her chest and hiding her arm beneath a pillow. Wynter got in on the other side.

Her eyes drifted shut as she gave a contented sigh. Wynter's bed was far more comfortable than her own. She'd have to be careful about oversleeping. "Goodnight, Wyn," she mumbled, drowsiness already creeping over her.

"Goodnight, Ellie." As she was dozing off, she heard a faint rustle. "Ellie," Wynter whispered.


"May I hold you?"

She grunted her consent softly. A heartbeat later, one of his hands was on her back while the other held her waist. Wynter pulled her close, shifting so that she was lying partially on top of him. Her hands curled atop his chest as she breathed in his warm scent. Ice and embers and pine.

"Thank you," he murmured, repeating those very first words she'd given him so long ago. "Thank you, my Dream."

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