The Story Of Dance || J.B ||

By twerkinontheirish

289K 4.8K 464

Jessica Blackburn is from Melbourne, Australia, she moved to San Francisco to pursue her dancing career with... More

The Story Of Dance - Justin Bieber Love Story
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five -
Happy Anniversary Justin! "Kidrauhl"
Chapter Six -
Chapter Seven -
Chapter Nine -
Chapter ten -
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Please read! A/N
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty.
Chapter Twenty - One
Chapter Twenty - Two
Chapter Twenty - Three
Chapter Twenty- Four
Chapter - Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty - Six
Chapter Twenty - Seven
Chapter Twenty - Eight
Chapter Twenty - Nine
Chapter - Thirty
Chapter - Thirty One
Chapter Thirty - Two
Chapter Thirty - Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-five
Chapter thirty - six
Chapter Thirty - Seven
Chapter Thirty - Eight
Chapter Thirty - Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty - One
Bonus Chapter- Happy Ending?
The Final - Part One.
The Final- Part two.
The Final - Part Three.

Chapter Eight

8.2K 136 7
By twerkinontheirish

"Details now!" Emily said when i opened my bunk curtain. "What are you talking about?" I asked laughing a bit. "Don't play stupid, tell me." She said pulling me down on the bed. "Well, he asked for my number, and said we should go out sometime." I said pulling my phone out of my pocket, and checking to see if he texted me yet. He didn't. "Your kidding!" She said jumping up and down in her spot. "Nope, seriously." I said smiling. "Oh my God! Ya'll are gonna get married, and have cute Justin and Jess babies!" She squeeled. "Wow." I said shaking my head.

"Wait a mintute, Justin Bieber asked for YOUR number?" Skylar said appearing out of.. no where. "Yeah, mind your own buisness." Emily said scoffing. I hit her leg. "Shes right It's none of your buisness, Skylar." I said shutting my curtain. "I think it is!" She said opening it again. "Oh yeah? How is that?" I said standing up in front of her. "Because... Well, beacause, i already hooked up with him." She said crossing her arms. "Okay, keep on believing that." I said rolling my eyes. She huffed and walked away. I sat back down next to Emily and closed the curtain. Was she always this crazy?

"You don't believe her right?" Emily asked after some silence. "Of course not, he would never do that with her." I said laughing a bit. "Okay, just making sure, you know." She said. My phone dinged and i picked it up, opening my text;

Unknown number; Told you i'd text you(: save my #? xx - Justin

''Oh my God.'' Emily muttered reading over my shoulder. I laughed and texted back;

Me; Yes, you did :) Saved. xx - Jess

''Awe, your flirting." Emily said putting a hand to her heart. I shoved her and rolled my eyes. "I've flirted before." I said. "No, you haven't!" She said rolling her eyes. "Shut it." I said.

My phone beeped again. ;

Justin; So, about going out sometime. How about on our break in Austrailia in 2 days? xx - Justin

Me; Sure, i'd love that(: xx - Jess

"Yay!" Emily Squeeled jumping off my bed. "What are you doing?" I asked her. "Going to rub it in Skylar's face?" She asked like i was stupid. "No! You can't i don't want anyone knowing, i'm going out with him.'' I whispered. "Fine. This is gonna be hard though." She whined like a five year old. "Oh, you'll live." i said smiling. "Maybe." She said before disappearing. I rolled my eyes and layed down.

I'm actually going out with the Justin Bieber. What will I wear?


Today were going to Austrailia, i'm kinda nervous, were going to where i grew up first, Gold Coast, and then Sydney, where i lived for about 3 years.

Your probably wondering, if my parents are in my life? Well, no. My parent's died when i was 15 years old in a car accident, i'm also an only child, i then got sent to Sydney to live with my Aunt and Uncle. I don't ever talk about my parents, because, it's super hard for me. It's a super soft spot, because i was in the car, when they died. I was the only one who lived. I moved to America to get a better, dancing career, and to start over. Austrailia brings alot of bad memories into my life. So, that's why i'm nervous. No one knows about my past, not even Emily or Julian. And i'm wanting to keep it that way .. for now.

I never talk to my aunt or uncle or any of my family for that matter. It's too hard. It may sound bad and bitchy sounding but it really isn't. I don't think my family cares anyways. They never really cared about me once my mum and dad passed. They thought I was too much of a memory than they're family member.

I didn't noticed tears were running down my face until i felt something hit my hand. I quickly wiped my tears away and got up from my bed. "You okay?" Julian asked when i walked past him. "Yeah, i'm fine." I said smiling. "Okay." He said smiling at me. I smiled back and went and got ready for us leaving for the airport. I took a quick shower, and got dressed in Comfy jean shorts, white shirt, yellow Hollister jacket, and yellow converse.

I walked out and saw everyone ready, and talking in the living room, i went over and sat on Julian's lap. The tour bus door opened and Alfredo and Justin walked in. He looked over at me and his face struck into... Jealousy? What? Why would he be jealous?

Alfredo sat down and started talking to some others. Justin looked at me for a second and stormed out of the bus. What the hell?

"Um, Whats up with Justin?" Julian whispered in my ear. "I don't know. I'll be back." I said. I got up, luckily un-noticed from the others and stepped off the bus. I looked around and saw a shadow on the side of the bus, i walked over and saw Justin leaning against the side of the bus looking rather peeved.

"Whats wrong?" I asked him. "Like you dont know?" He said rolling his eyes. "I really don't." I said standing beside him. "Your gonna go out with me when your dating with Jullian?" He asked looking at me. "What?!'' I yelled. "Yeah." He said. "I like you, and i don't like being played." He said starting to leave. I grabbed his arm and pulled him in front of me. "What?" He said harshly. I kept my hand where it was. "Julian isn't my boyfriend." I said. "Yeah, but your probably sleeping with him right?" He said stepping back. I was shocked he of all people would say that.. Tears starting coming to my eyes. I tried to blink them back, but they just fell out of my eyes. I put my head down. "No, i wouldn't date someone or sleep with someone that's gay.." I said then walked away. "Wait, jess! I didn't mean it." he said. I put my hand up and walked away. I can't believe him. Were not even dating, and he already broke my heart. I walked past the bus, and kept walking. I didn't feel like dealing with anyone, especially Skylar.

I felt someone grab my arm and pull me to an alley. I couldn't scream, i was to scared.

''I'm sorry." Justin said. I looked away. He put his finger under my chin and made me look at him. "I let my jealousy control me, i'm sorry." he said. ''Do you forgive me?" He asked me. "Yeah." I said smiling. He looked at me and suddenly smashed his lips into mine. To say i was shocked was the understatement of the year.


Okay, so. I added romance, and drama... Your welcome. :)

(Her outfit in external link) and a nice sexay picture of Mr. Bieber(: Hope you enjoy my lovies! xx :)

Dedicated to; HStylesLover. <3

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