The Wizarding World (And Othe...

By jokermadhatter

173K 2.6K 416

Many people just appeared in the same room, people from the Wizarding World, some of the Avengers, and the pe... More

Cast Part 1
Cast Part 2
Cast Part 3
Cast Part 4
The End of the World + Interlude
The Unquiet Death + The Aftermath
Aliens of London + World War Three
During the Long Game
Father's Day
The Empty Child
The Doctor Dances
Boom Town
Bad Wolf
The Parting of Ways
Born Again/The Christmas Invasion
New Earth
Tooth and Claw
School Reunion
Girl in the Fireplace
During Rise of the Cybermen and Age of Steel
The Idiot's Lantern
The Impossible Planet/Satan Pit
Fear Her
Army of Ghosts
The Runaway Bride
Interlude--The Pregnancy and The Prank
Blacks and Jones
The Shakespeare Code
Daleks in Manhattan
Evolution of the Daleks
Aftermath of Evolution of the Daleks
The Lazarus Experiment
After The Lazarus Experiment
Aftermath of 42
The Sound of Drums/Last of the Time Lords
Time Crash
Voyage of the Damned
Interlude/Aftermath of Voyage of the Damned
Partners in Crime

Prologue-- How They Met

9.9K 151 24
By jokermadhatter

Ivy was walking around at night with Padfoot by her side when she saw a disfigured shadow, similar to her own appears.

"Wait, where's your shadow?" Dorea asked. Ivy didn't say anything, but made a certain ring a bit more visible and her father and grandfather had noticed it. All the companions knew and looked a bit scared, it creeped them out a little bit seeing the shadow, except Donna, Martha, Mickey, Clara, and Bill. Once they got over it, they thought it was cool.

'Mistress' was hissed out as a more feminine but gravelly voice.

Charlus and James' heads snapped to their daughter/granddaughter in shock. Nobody else had noticed that. Lily was been staring at the screen while Sirius was staring at his animal form on the screen and the one sitting next to his goddaughter and Nine. Remus definitely would have noticed there heart rate speeding up, but he was too busy being shocked that an adult version of both of his cubs were in front of him.

Ivy looked at the shadow and it pointed to a man sititng a bench nearby. There was a gold date over his shoulder.

"You knew all that time?!" came from all the Doctor's.

"It was dim; it was soon but not that soon. It disappeared for a bit before it started getting brighter, I see that each you regenerate, it gives me an idea on how long each incarnation lasts," Ivy said.

"What is that date?" Lily asked, now noticing how surprised her husband and father in law looked.

"The day he would regenerate, and become him," Ivy said, pointing to the Barty doppelganger behind her and the Malekith doppelganger.

"What makes you regenerate?" Tonks asked.

"Dying," all the Time Lords, the companions that have experienced it themselves, and the Asgardians said. "When a Time Lord is dying, they have a certain amount of regenerations, they change form, sometimes gender, Blondie being Exhibit A," Ten explained. Thirteen promptly threw her shoe at him. "We're just a bit different, we can have up to thirteen regenerations, but I'm technically number fifteen," Thirteen explained. Nine looked surprised, just for a second, then realizing that he's number ten and not the actual Nine.

'He's a Time Lord, the last one,' the shadow added as Ivy's eyes widen.

"You're a Time Lady," all the Doctor's, Ivy, and Jack said to the Susan's who were about to make an argument. "So is Thirteen," the third Susan said.

"Anyway, I had known by looking at that, he had just regenerated, and it told me this would be a shorter regeneration," Ivy said, giving Rose a glare.

Ivy walked up to the Man on the bench, "Hello," she spoke, startling the man.

"Why does he look so sad? And startled?" River asked Eleven.

"That's the one after the War," was all he said, he knew River understood.

"Wait, so why are you there randomly, and what year is it?" Tony asked.

"They have met Idris," Ivy told Nine.

"The TARDIS had stopped there for some reason. I didn't know why at first, but it was about 1998," Nine had said.

The Doctor stared at her stunned, "Are you okay?" she asked with a slight smirk. The Doctor noticeably blushed.

Ivy was currently smirking while Nine hid his head in her shoulder, "You were sooooooo Blushing," Two said.

"Just thinking," the Doctor said.

"Can I sit?" she motioned to the space next to him. The Doctor nodded, a bit too fast, like he didn't want her to leave.

Nine was still hiding his head, he could feel the familiar feeling known as James Potter's glare on him.

Ivy sat down and the Doctor noticed the big dog behind her that seemed to be staring him down, his stare was almost human like.

While James couldn't necessarily high five his best friend's animal counterpart, he was sitting next to his human self and high fived him.

"Padfoot," Ivy warned and the dog whimpered before sitting on his stomach in front of the woman. The Doctor suddenly blurted out, "I had experienced a war, where I had to make a big decision that decided the lives of many people," he revealed. Ivy paused, for a second making the Doctor look worried until she spoke, "I know what that's like," she said. The Doctor's head jerked up and Ivy continued, "My parents were killed when I was a baby and the man tried to kill me and all that was over something that was fake, only to learn about the man when I turned eleven as he was trying to kill me again and proceeded to do that until I was seventeen where I ended him, in a war. Many people close ot me died. Including Teddy's parents, he's my godson who I'm raising," she added, seeing his confused look, "His grandmother had been depressed after losing her husband, daughter, and son in law, that I took him. I didn't want him to be like me and not be loved as he grew up as I had lived with an abusive aunt and uncle," she explained.

Remus had looked sad, while Tonks' hormones were getting to her as her hair turned a deep blue and she started bawling into Remus' chest. She just found out her son is an orphan as a baby, younger than when Ivy was but almost the same age, her father also dies, and her mother was too depressed to take care of her grandson. She briefly heard Molly make a mean comment about Andromeda before she snapped and turned, "Shut it you fat ginger hag!" she snarled, before her mother behind her could, shocking the woman. Ivy had turned her head and saw her angry parents and godfather staring at the screen, she knew they knew about the Dursleys, Death had allowed it. She also saw the Malfoys looking at her apologetically, especially Draco. They thought she knew about the Wizarding world and that she had been taught everything, but they had just found out she was an orphan in an abusive household that saw the Wizarding world as an escape but it didn't really turn into one.

The Doctor looked mad, then shocked as a noise was heard and a blue box appeared in front of them.

"Why are you so shocked that your ship appeared in front of you?" Thor asked.

"That's his ship? It's quite small," Lily said.

"It's bigger on the inside," literally everyone on the Doctor Who side had said, plus Luna, Hela, and Loki.

"It's also sentient, sometime's referred to as Idris. I'm pretty sure Nine was trying to make sure it was his TARDIS, the other name of his ship before you ask, and not another Doctor's TARDIS," Loki mentioned. Nine had nodded, confirming Loki's theory.

"So what is your name?" Ivy asked as her and Padfoot were staring at the ship in fascination.

"I'm the Doctor," he said.

Ivy smiled, "Hello Doctor, I'm Ivy Potter-Black," she introduced herself with a captivating smile that seemed ot have made the Doctor almost go into a trance.

"I blood adopted her in her third year," Sirius informed the Potters.

"Why aren't you questioning my name?" the Doctor asked.

"I know more things than you would think. I know what kind of alien you are, I know what happened, but I hope you can eventually tell me as I won't force you to," Ivy revealed. The TARDIS doors then opened and a humming was heard, "Your ship wants me to come with," Ivy said, "I'm telepathic too," she mentioned to a slightly disturbed Doctor.

"No you're not," Ron, Ginny, and Snape said.

"I got an upgrade," was all Ivy said while smirking at Thirteen.

"I will explain on the ship, I don't know if anyone is listening, but I will explain if it makes you more comfortable," Ivy looked like she didn't actually want to talk about it but the Doctor seemed to be a little better.

We entered the TARDIS, and Ivy and Padfoot looked around The Doctor was startled seeing her shadow move on it's own, "That'll be explained too," Ivy said, pointing to the shadow.

There was a bit of laughter when Ivy's shadow got darker and a hand it stood up and flipped off a certain six people and Amy.

They sat in the console room as Ivy took a deep breath as the shadow took a 3D from behind her. "I'm a witch," she stated bluntly and held up a finger before The Doctor could interrupt. She pulled out a stick and said, "Lumos," and a bright light appeared while she raised her other hand and fire sparked out which became a ball of black smoke. "Magic is real, this is my wand."

All the Doctors and one of the Susan's used their favorite trick on the six before they could argue about her wand being Dumbledore's wand, not hers.

"Now there is a community of witches and wizards in Britain and multiple other places but I'm form the British one. There was a man named Albus Dumbledore, who made his way to the top by manipulating people. A student named Tom Riddle had come along and had been the heir to one of the Founding members of the Wizarding School Albus had been Headmaster too. He had managed to work into his head that if he made horcruxes that he would live forever, not knowing he was actually leaving his mind open for Albus to use him. When you make a horcrux, you have to kill a live being and cast a spell on another object. He didn't know it also splits your soul up. Albus then "coincidently" had an interview with a teacher who uttered a fake prophecy which was heard by a man who told what used to be Tom Riddle and he found a threat. My family and the Longbottoms fit the prophecy, but he figured since I was a halfblood, I had a pureblood dad and a first generation mom making me a halfblood since there's nothing for 3/4s, that I would be the one to defeat him. So the real person keeping us hidden ratted us out, and that was a pun too, and my parents were killed, that was the only memory I had of them, he had tried to same but since his magic was so out of hand he indirectly made me a horcrux. My godfather, who everyone thought was the secret keeper was framed and put in Azkaban, prison, without a trial, until he broke out. As I got older and the ex-Tom Riddle returned, I had to struggle with learning magic and having the weight of the Wizarding World on my shoulders, until the war came. I had to die in order to get rid of the horcrux so when I came back and played dead for a bit I had defeated him but there was a couple things that happened afterwards," Ivy was being comforted by both Padfoot and the Doctor, "My two best friends turned out to be using me for fame, and were sure I would've died so they could get the Potter fortune. They tried manipulating the Wizarding World to turn against me the same way they did Tom, come to find out I was also a descendant of a Founder of that school and by conquest I took over what Tom had, also that apparently my mother had been descended from the same founder Tom was. It was a squib line also known as a non magic line. So they started to turn the others against me and make me a Dark Lady which all of them in their prejudice and manipulated glory, thought was bad. They thought they had killed me but they all thought a certain story that happened long ago was a myth because it was a Potter Family secret since the other lines didn't know about it.

By now the Potters, Lily and Dorea included sat forward, they knew the secret. Snape on the other hand was shocked, it just hit him that he's the reason that Lily died. Not like she would ever forgive him for that, he did just want her saved and not her husband and daughter and Lily thought that was a coward move. The Avengers were looking at Ivy with mad respect over her story.

There were three brothers known as the Peverell brothers, they all fooled Death by escaping it and it passed along each of them a gift, the oldest gaining the Elder Wand, so he could out power anybody, but the wand could change owners by disarming the old owner, the middle brother gained the Resurrection Stone so he could talk to his dead loved ones, but he neglected his own child because he got obsessed and eventually killed himself, that is the line Tom and my mother were descended from, the other one I'm descended from was the younger brother, he gained the Invisibility Cloak, so he could hide from Death,

Remus and Sirius looked at James in surprise while Ron and Hermione were shocked.

He was the one who died from old age and greeted the being like an old friend. It was said that whoever gains all three Hallows, the wand, stone, and cloak, they will be able to control Death. What was not said was, which was part of the Potter secret, was that only a Peverell could truly take that title, and that Death itself would know who it's master would be. So I believe Dumbledore tried to break me down because he figured out that an Invisibility Cloak that's a Potter Family Heirloom that never faded was suspicious as he already had the Elder wand. Now, my father told nobody what it actually was, not even my mother knew, nor my grandmother because my grandfather didn't tell her. So Dumbledore was angry that he didn't feel more power after he stole the cloak after my father was killed. So I had somehow managed to get my hands on the stone and disarm the current owner of the wand, and thus became Death's Mistress, and then Death itself," she motioned to the shadow also known as Death, "it merged with me an stays in my shadow but I have a new natural form, I don't normally look like this anymore, but if I have black eyes, that's Death talking. I ended up up gaining a lot of information about things not even on Earth. Death can by anywhere, at any time, on any planet. I also ended up gaining some time abilities because of that and slight Life ones because of my title. So that's how I know who you are, what you are, and that you're lonely. I'm an empathy too, and I know that you are dealing with survivor's guilt, I am too, thankfully I still have my godson and Death gifted me with a new familiar," she petted the dog.

"You're Death?!" came from the six. Remus and Tonks were surprised too, Sirius had a feeling as soon as he heard about the Potters previously being Peverells and that Ivy had a very different aura. Lily and Dorea had been informed by their husbands and assumed the same thing. "Yes," Ivy's voice just slightly gravely and smoother, if that was possible, and Sirius felt the hairs stand up on his neck, James noticed and leaned in next to his ear, "You basically turn into a Death Omen which was why you were picked as her companion, you sense Death," he whispered just as Ivy with black eyes turned to the Six, "And I don't like you," she said before turning back.

The Doctor then told her about the Time war, filling her in on things that he had done. He told her about the Moment, about the screams he had heard and what he was feeling when he actually did what he did. She looked like she knew something she didn't know, but the Doctor let it pass.

"Ivy, why does it look like you know something?" Wanda asked.

"Because I do, but I can't say anything until the right time comes but I believe Twelve and Thirteen know?" Ivy asked the two. The Doctor's were looking a bit sad thinking of the Time War, but Nine, Ten, and Eleven looked at Twelve and Thirteen with curious glances when Eleven's eyes widened and he looked back at his two older selves and they both nodded, knowing he had just figured it out.

"I had figured she couldn't say what she knew so I let it pass," Nine informed Wanda. He was tightening his grip on Ivy, knowing what question was next.

"Question," Ivy said. The Doctor looked back at her, "If the War Doctor doesn't consider himself a Doctor, why are you wearing something that is very similar to his?" The Doctor's eyes widened.

"Oh, he does," Clara spoke up, looking at what Nine was wearing. Nine and Ten looked at her questionably. "Ooooh," Ten said, he suddenly remembered when he met Eleven and Clara, he figured the instances where a Doctor met a Doctor, and the oldest Doctor would remember had disappeared temporarily because even Bill and Nardole seemed familiar, "Let's just say she happened to have met him and leave at that," he said to Nine.

"The War Doctor had a big burden, he's the one that had to do it, and from what I've heard, Gallifrey didn't treat you very well in the first place, but yes there were innocents, but it had to be done, it was either Gallifrey or the universe," Ivy said and the Doctor started to look a bit better.

Ivy looked back to check on Thirteen and saw she was a bit upset, but she had her friends along with Evren and Astrid over there too. Thirteen gave her a smile that said she would be alright.

The Doctor was thinking really hard about something, "Yes, I'll travel with you only if I can bring Teddy too, you're stuck with Padfoot and Death," Ivy spoke up, almost startling the Doctor. He gave her a look, sucked in a breath, "Okay," he said and she pulled him out.

They reached a house and when the Doctor went inside, he saw the paintings move, "Ivy?" came from a male and a female.

"We're paintings?" Lily and James asked. "Kinda," Ivy said.

Ivy came back down, "Oh, by the way, sometimes we can have our magic be injected into a painting and it comes to life and they have their memories from before they died, this is a little special because Death tampered with it a little but here's my parents," Ivy said.

"Basically it's not just your magic, it's also your spirits, you actually possess the paintings," Ivy explained to her parents.

Ivy went back up the stairs only to come back down with a painting of a scared man and a woman with color changing hair.

"We're also a painting? The same as Lily and James?" Remus asked and Ivy nodded.

"Teddy's parents," Ivy said. The Doctor was introduced to the four, "How did Death tamper with your paintings?" he asked the paintings. "It had made it possible for our spirits to come into the painting and stay, we have another friend who was Ivy's godfather and father figure when I couldn't be. Should watch out for him though," James, Ivy's father had said with a bit of mischief in his eyes. Ivy came down with a sleepy toddler with blue hair, the Doctor was a bit distracted that he didn't see the big dog glare at James while Lily, Remus, and Tonks, had hid their amusement. "He's a metamorphmagus, his hair changes colors, he got it from his mom, it was a trait in the Black family line until it stopped and reappeared with Tonks cause she was a halfblood and not a pureblood. Be warned I have it too, my grandmother was a Black," I nodded.

"You loved rainbows as a child," Sirius commented.

The TARDIS had appeared in the house on its own, which again stunned the Doctor, "COOL!" came from the two paintings while Teddy squealed in excitement. "I think she really wants me in," Ivy observed while the Time Lord was still in shock. After Ivy moved everything in that she needed too, he asked, "What did they mean to watch out for your godfather?" he asked.

She smirked, "His soul got lost due to the way he died, and Death managed to find him and make a copy of his animagus form, some wizarding folk can take on the form of an animal, mine is a wolf, and um," she put her hand on my shoulder, "He's my dog," she revealed as she walked away.

Sirius started laughing, "Let me guess it explained the human like stare?" he asked and Nine couldn't help but nod.

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