His Fallen Angel [Gray Yeon X...

由 HelixHell80

15.5K 801 82

Gray had only one friend that was a girl, Y/n L/n. The events that unfolded in both their pasts shaped them i... 更多

Ch. 1
Ch. 2
Ch. 3
Ch. 4
Ch. 5
Ch. 6
Ch. 7
Ch. 8
Ch. 9
Ch. 10
Ch. 11
Ch. 12
Ch. 13
Ch. 14
Ch. 15
Ch. 16
42 [1/4]
⁴³ [2/4]
⁴⁴ [3/4]
45 [4/4]: F/n's Fun and Oh Damn Ben!
46: Burdens and Tribulations
47: A Past with One Loose End
48: Aimless Talent
49: A Master Meets a Pawn
50: Never a Peaceful Day
51: Well...Shit
52: Battle of the Friends
Tagged - Grace
53: Aggressive Tracking: Activated
54: Let's Rumble!!!
55: The Secrets We Keep
56: Bloody Fiend
57: A Sadistic Demon of Battle
58: Identify Yourself
59: Kneel Before Me
60: Face the Music
61: My Angel
62: My Fair Kingsley
65: Reach


203 13 0
由 HelixHell80

Class 3-4 [Your pov]

I sat in class while Mr. Bang yelled about our performance evaluation homework. I did mine and made a spare copy that I didn't sign.

I noticed Gray seemed worried as if his evaluation paper was missing so, I quickly scribbled down Stephen's name on my extra copy and as Stephen stood up and gave his to Gray I smiled.

'Deep down, you still haven't changed much from when we first met...' he walked towards Mr. Bang to accept his punishment.

"Stephen Ahn... running around all over the place acting like the second coming. And yet ,you can't even get the simplest thing done on time." Mr. Bang says, "Hands on the board!"

Before he could hit Stephen, I ran up saying, "Mr. Bang, he left his evaluation at my house yesterday, here it is." I handed the paper to him and he let Stephen go.

On the way back to our seat he whispered to me, "You didn't have to do that, N/n. I can take a beating, you know that." I playfully hit his arm and said, "Yeah, I know tough guy, but I'd prefer it if none of us were sore before our Taken rematch at my place today."

Sticking tongue out in a teasing manner I said, "You'll be sore enough, when you lose against me." He replies, "We'll see, I might surprise you."

As we joked around, out of the corner of my eye I could've sworn I saw an annoyed, almost deadly look on Bryce's face.
Narrator pov

Oswald Yang sat with his two friends talking about a bar he got into. "Yeah- I'm telling you- we got in just last week, too." Oswald brags.

At that moment, Bryce walked by in his new shoes, Oswald notices and calls out, "Yo." Bryce turns recognizing Oswald, "Yeah?"

"I see you got on some Jeezys?" Oswald asks, "Those are hard to get your hands on in the country, where'd you buy 'em? Are they legit?"

Bryce answers, "Oh...these, I asked my aunt who lives in the states for help. So yeah, they're legit." Oswald lays back further and responds, "Fuck- see, I always have to get them resale for twice the damn price... And buying agents are expensive as fuck too. Can you get me a pair? I need some zebras in 11s..."

Huh? Yeah, I can get you a pair." Bryce tells him and Oswald says, "The buying agents call for over four hundred thousand won, so what's your price?"

Bryce thinks then says, "Retail's $220, so... About 300,000 won?" Oswald exclaims, "Damn, for real?" He turns to his friend asking, "Hey, let me hold of fifty, I'll get you back tomorrow."

"You're getting too excited." His friend tells him and Oswald remarks, "No shit, I've been looking for these for two straight weeks."

"Hey- here ya go!" He hand the money to Bryce, "I'm counting on you, Bryce." Bryce let's out an unsure, "Sure..."

Later that night at his house, Bryce talks to his aunt on the phone, "Auntie, the shoes you sent me last time. I need to to get me another model this time- yeah, uh-huh."
Class 3-4 [Narrator pov]

"Ta da." Bryce states and Oswald lifts his foot exclaiming, "Fuck - these are straight fire! I was about to call quits on trying, too."

Oswald compliments Bryce and tells him, "We're getting wasted with some Songmin Girls' Middle chicks later. You wanna come?"

Oswald also asks, "Can you bring your friend Y/n too?" Bryce thinks, 'Later, huh...I'm supposed to go to the PC cafe with Y/n, Gray, and Stephen...'

Bryce Hines a slight smile replying, "Yeah...okay. I'll go try and convince Y/n then." He thought rather noxiously, 'Man, who gives a fuck about that shit? Drinking... girls... Y/n... it's fucking cool. Could this be my chance to become a cool kid?'

Bryce walks away from them to ask Y/n if she'd go with him, but sees her having fun with Gray and Stephen. 'Forget her...it's not she would've agreed anyways.'

[It was probably from that day,]

Bryce is seen by Y/n, Gray, and Stephen as he leaves with Oswald and his guys.

[...that Bryce began to drift away from us.]

WEAK HERO Original story belongs to SEOPASS, and Original Art belongs to RAZEN [Check it out on Webtoon!]

Gray and I were reading martial arts books when Stephen walks up all sweaty, "Self defense martial arts?" He says plucking my book from my hands, "You got Gray to read a self-defense book?"

He glances at the other books on our desks, "And what's this? Special forces hand-to-hand combat?" He pat/pets my head saying, "So, you're trying to be both brains and brawns, huh? Is that what this is, you two? Ha ha."

He gives me my book back as Gray says, "I don't know...it was just fun to read about...once I saw Y/n reading some pages."

Stephen plops down in the desk in front of us stating, "I'll never be able to understand both of your widespread fields of interest. Ha ha."

Flicking him on the forehead I reply, "Right back at you, Stephen. You too, Gray." He nods in response but, Stephen says, "Anyway, it's hard seeing Bryce around these days, isn't it?"

"Oh- yeah, he's been hanging with Oswald Yang's squad, lately." I tell him, and Gray says, "He even smokes..."

I felt Stephen's head on top of mine as he says, "That aside, you up for a revenge title match in Takken today? Your house is empty today, right?"

Pushing his head off, I say, "One, get your head off, you're really sweaty. Two, yes my house is empty today. My sister went back to my aunt and uncle's place."

"By the way, can I take a shower at your place? I'm super sweaty from basketball." Stephen asks and I say, "Since when did you ever ask before taking one? Also that's fine, just don't use my bathroom upstairs."

"That reminds me, um... I have to take one too...I forgot to after track practice." I added my face now a light pink shade, "I'll just go before you if that's alright?"

Stephen nods and once school ends we head to my place.
Your House: Your upstairs bathroom [Your pov]

The shower water ran over my body relaxing me and I couldn't help but think, 'Did they..get the wrong idea...?' I felt my face go red and I almost slipped and made a bunch of noise.

'No, will away those thoughts!!' I crunched down letting the water hit me, 'I just need to finish washing so Stephen can get cleaned off too.'

I finished washing off and I turned off the water stepping out, wrapping a towel around my body like a tube. I walked out into my bedroom but froze, Stephen was in my room, going through my bookshelf.

My face was no doubt a bright red after I ushered and pushed him out of my room, and I was mortified, and extremely embarrassed.

'In what world does friend in shower mean you can snoop through their stuff in their room!?!?!' I mentally screamed out.

Pushing aside my conflicting emotions, I could hear the shower downstairs running so, I hot dressed in my eeyore pajama pants and my "Thou shall not try me. Mood 24/7" t-shirt.
Living room [Narrator pov]

Y/n sat down next Gray face still a little pink. Before he could ask, Stephen came back all dressed in the spare clothes he left at Y/n's house.

"Let the revenge match begin!!" Stephen shouted and started to play against Y/n.

A few hours later...

Y/n locked up her house and set the security system as she left to make sure Stephen got home safe. "Bye Gray, see yah tomorrow!" Y/n called out to the boy as he left in the other direction.
Your pov

"I swear Gray's got a competitive side to him. How adorable..." Stephen tells me and I said, "So, can we please forget what happened earlier?"

Stephen nods and says, "I shouldn't have invaded your privacy like that. I'm sorry." Playfully punching his arm I say, "No problem, all you had to do was apologize. Now, can I sleep over at your place? I don't wanna walk back by myself...."

I trailed off as we saw Bryce and Oswald's squad. "Hey- Bry-" Stephen starts but he notices Oswald going through Donny's wallet. Donny sat on the ground face bloodied up. "Ce.." Stephen finishes.

The guys in the alley eye Stephen and give smirks to me, they were freaking me out so I hid behind Stephen. "...umm... Oswald Yang..." Stephen tells them, "Hey...you should be nice to your frien..."

Oswald gets up approaching me and Stephen saying, "You no, I've heard a little bit about you? That you've been talking mad shit about me behind my back."

Bryce lights his cigarette and he tells us, "Haa- your little fake, virtuous, good guy Act was really rubbing me the wrong way, you know? What a great thing we get to see each other today, Stephen Ahn."

Stephen rejects ever saying things about him, and I stepped in front of Stephen when he was about to get punched in the face. "Kffgh.." Stephen catches me, I say, "He's never said anything about you, Oswald."

Bryce tells him, "Don't believe a word they say, I heard them myself. They've been talking shit about you."

I saw a look of selfish satisfaction cross Bryce's face as Oswald grabbed my face. I saw the same look briefly before I took Oswald's first punch.

Oswald grabs my face saying, "Sorry, sweetheart. But I've heard you were talking 'bout me behind my back as well. As much as it pains me to do so, I have to mess up you pretty little face as well."

'Bryce Oh...just why....do you hate Stephen and I this much....' I thought as Oswald says, "Eyes up here, sweetheart." He punches me in the face again, "Kfffggghh..."

"Must've been fun when you were gossiping about me, huh? Not try and say the same thing in front of my face." He almost slaps me, but Stephen blocked and took the slap instead.

[In the end,]

Bruce struggled to hide his satisfied smile as Y/n and Stephen were beat by Oswald.

[The big ball of inferiority that was Bryce,]

Oswald throws Stephen to the ground and tries to step on him but, Y/n blocks him from his target taking the strike instead.

[...stepped over the duo, in this way.]

Oswald repeated kicks Y/n yelling, "I said say that shit one more time."

Bryce watches the look of sweet selfish satisfaction not leaving once.

[He didn't care at all about the truth,]

[So long as it meant he could repair his petty ego.]

[His cruel nature made him oblivious to how childish his actions were.]

[Bryce Oh,]

[Just hated those with gifts,]

[And wished to pull them down.]

[There was no reason for it.]

[The situation was amusing to him, and that's all he cared for.]

Bryce finally let's go of his self control and let's out his ugly satisfied smile, only there because he was enjoying the pain being inflicted upon them.

Flicking his cigarette towards Y/n and Stephen Oswald says, "Hey, Stephanie and E/n/n (embarrassing nickname). See you at school."

[At that moment,]

[The most mortifying thing to Stephen and Y/n,]

"Hah, fucking losers. Don't act like you know me no more." Bryce tells them while walking away with Oswald's crew.

[...was the taunting look of mockery as he glanced back at them.]

Outside of Byuksan [Your pov]

Gray noticed the badanges on our faces and yelled, "Stephen! Y/n! What happened to your faces?"

Stephen answered for the both of us, "Oh...it's nothing." Gray shouts back, "Nothing my ass... what happened to you two?!"

"Gray...just in case," I started, but Stephen finished for me, "You stay put if anything happens in the classroom." Gray yelled, "What do you mean stay put!"

I put one hand on Gray's left shoulder Stephen's hand on his right, "Well, nothing's gonna change even if you don't," I say and Stephen says, "So we don't want you to get roped into this."

Gray asked me, "...then at least tell me what's happening." I turned away my face going expressionless and Stephen told him, "I'm telling you, it's nothing. Really-"
Narrator pov

[Stephen showed a pained expression I'd never seen before, and Y/n's face went expressionless,]

[Both trying hard to mask it. One with a smile the other, by bottling it up inside.]

Class 3-4 [Narrator pov]

Gray watched worried as Y/n had her face buried in a book though, she still seems devoid of her usual self and Stephen's face was down on his desk.

Smart Orange walked up to Gray and asks, "Hey Gray- didn't you say you'd be competing in the upcoming Olympiad?" Gray responds, "Oh, yeah."

"Well, your name isn't on the registration list. Today's the deadline, you know." Smart Orange tells him.

Gray leaves to go to the teacher's office as Oswald and his crew walks in. Before they walked in, Y/n went over to Stephen's desk to give him her snack that she would usually eat.

Oswald noticed them huddled next to each other and says, "Oh? But what is that? Who're those fuckers over there...?" He tells his guys, "You're supposed to study in the classroom, not eat your lunch, am I right?"

"I should give them a little warning." Oswald says, he grabs another student's water bottle and dumps it on Y/n and Stephen's heads. "Wh-What do you want?" Y/n stuttered out her phobia making this worse.

Why, hello there, Ms. L/n and Mr. Ahn the two lovely dovey fuckers - did you really think it was a good time to eat?" Oswald mocks them then raises his hand stating, "How can I help you two? I have just the thing."

Gray who had been walking with Smart Orange suddenly stops he turns his head thinking, 'Stephen...Y/n...'
Swipe up/tap below to read the next chapter!

Hey guys,

Sorry if it sucked, I tried though I have slight writer's block right now.

Thanks for your support!

Bye! - Grace


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