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A/n: Webtoon Ch. 17 and 18 will be combined for this chapter.

Teddy approaches Gray, "You've finally lost it, haven't you? You little shit bag."

A/Y/n puts down her book closing it with a satisfying *SNAP* and smirks picking up the soaked bag, and handing it to Gray who responds, "Oh. You here for your bag?" "You...you're messing with that? Do you even know how much it costs?" Teddy asks Gray who responds, "Yeah. But it was getting dirty. I thought I'd wash it, just for you." Gray sends him a slight glare, holding the bag precariously over the window sill.

"Chad. That prick might drop it. Get down there and get ready to catch it." Teddy commands, and Chad responds, "Bruh- you know it's raining, right?" Teddy growing more enraged reiterates, "Just get your ass down there. Now."

Chad leaves thinking, 'I should've switched lanes over to Phillip Kim's side when I had the chance.'

"The rain must've gotten to your head." He adds, "But come to think of it, you've never gotten a proper beating from me, have you?"

In response, Gray loosens his grip to one finger, and Teddy face enraged yells, "You little fucking scumbag, if you even dare...!"

Gray thinks, 'Pathetic. All this over a backpack. The same guy that beat a teacher for dirtying his bag. He cares so dearly about his belongings, but thinks of everyone else's as nothing more than garbage.'

Gray gives a bored disgusted look thinking, 'The reason he's doing everything he can to please Phillip Kim...I think I get it now. Whether it be for Phillip Kim or his bag. In the end, Teddy Jin is nothing more than a delusional high school brat,'

Gray drops the soaked bag out the window, and thinks, 'Who is overconfident in big names and obsesses over superficial possessions.' Teddy charges at Gray yelling, "You've done it now, you piece of shit!! My bag- !!"

A/Y/n moves her chair over slightly, and Geay kicks it into Teddy's path.

[Even Teddy Jin, who had experience when it came to fights,]

[Who started them by taunting his opponent, by shaking them up mentally,]

Gray charges at him, eraser in hand.

[...won't be nearly as familiar with the same being done to him.]

Gray rears his arm with eraser in hand behind him.

[Everything is ultimately a game of odds, anyway.]

Gray throws the eraser into Teddy's face, and chalk dust poofs every where.

Teddy coughs as the dust blinds him, leaving Gray to ready his next move.


Gray takes out the can of Coke he asked Eugene to get him.

[And what determines who gets to have the better odds,]

Gripping the can Gray grabs Teddy's hair, and while he's still coughing asks a glare on his face, "You like Coke, don't you?"

[...is a powerful first blow.]

Gray slams the can into Teddy's face, Eugene watches thinking, 'That's why he...wanted a Coke...?' Colton, Evan, and the rest of the class watch, most just murmuring amongst themselves.

"Kash! You sneaky bitch." Teddy says recoiling from the sudden attack with the Coke can. Gray notices as Teddy readies his fist for a blind punch which Gary would've easily dodged, had A/Y/n not tripped Teddy by sticking her foot out.

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