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The next day at Daehyeon High, was peaceful as usual...well it was until Jake asked Timothy to rile up the people on the Shuttlepatch. Y/n's friend who had gone to pre-k with her, was in Jake's class and sighed at his actions, 'I get that this match is a big deal, but you don't have to rile up the spectators anymore Jake. Their curiosity has already taken care of that.' Cory's thoughts were interrupted when his boyfriend, tapped his desk and he looked up at the taller male who held a scowl, his eyes staring into his boyfriend's green orbs. "Oh, hey Dean. What's up?"

Dean frowned and retorted, "What's wrong, is that the most important person to me is down, and won't tell me why." He sat down next to Cory who rest his head in Dean's chest, "Just tired with all the noise on and off, of the shuttlepatch. I mean I get it's important, but now everyone of my classmates sound like a broken record." Dean pulled him closer, and gently kissed the top of his shorter boyfriend's head, "Well, Jake was the one who told Timothy to up the ante more. So I guess, you could say it's his fault."

Cory snuggled into Dean, "It's not just Jake's fault this time though, it's mostly Donald's for even arranging this fight." Dean sighed contentedly, "I suppose that's also right too, Cory." Some of their classmates looked at them with hidden disgust, while others were genuinely happy for the No. 2 of Daehyeon finding love. "Oh wait, I should call N/n." Cory said while sitting up and taking out his phone, Dean was amused by this girl he'd never met, but didn't press his boyfriend about it out of fear for his reaction.

"Hey, N/n! How are you?" Cory asked as his friend's face appeared on the screen, Dean was in shock when he saw the Demonic Dragon, aka Y/n L/n and Jake's manga buddy. "I'm good Cor! Just walking with Gray rn, actually." Her expression turned stricken with happy surprise, "Wait, is that you Dean? So you're Cory's secret boyfriend he wasn't telling me about?" She giggled, "I'm so happy for you both!" Dean was surprised to say the least, he'd never seen this side of Y/n in the slightest when she was around Jake, or when she was around her boyfriend.

"Well, I've gotta get going Cory. I'll call you later, bye!" She hung up and Cory leaned back into Dean's embrace, "You two have met before, haven't you?" He asked and Dean sweatdropped, "Yeah..."
Weak Hero | Original Story by SEOPASS| Original Art by RAZEN
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I walked home with Gray, for the first time in what felt like forever, and hummed lightly as he walked with me, the peaceful atmosphere calming my worries. "What have have you been doing this week, Y/n?" My back stiffened in surprise but I casually said, "Grounded because my dad found out about me hanging out with you. Still doesn't know we're dating thank goodness." Gray's face dropped a bit at my statement which made me shake my hands profusely as my face blushed red, "That's not to say I think that too! Because I don't, I don't Gray!" He seemed to lighten up a bit as a small smile replaced his sad eyes and honestly I swear he looked like a radiant angel who was reaching out towards me, maybe it was just the sunlight but whatever it had been I lost myself in that special moment and walked right up to him.

A moment later our lips were connected as a few children walking nearby stared until their guardian ushered them off leaving me to enjoy being around the man I fell in love with even if just for a few moments, because I saw Kingsley spying nearby with a camera aimed right at us which made me separate from Gray rather fast as we panted lightly from the romantic moment, "How's that for proof?" I joked breathlessly as he picked me up for a moment in his arms and our noses touched, "I believe you." He breathed out as we slowly melted away from the romantic mood that the sun had set up, walking hand in hand to his house where I briefly greeted his relative who had been making herself a late lunch in the kitchen.

"So Gray, what did you want to do? Study, exercise, homework?" I asked as he pulled me closer and kissed me gently while somehow pressing me into him even more than before, "Study." He said but I already knew what he really meant which honestly same but it was too early in the day and I didn't want his relative to hear us, "We'll be quiet." He stated as we fell onto his bed while passionately making out with the only sound I could hear being the rain beginning to patter against the window softly, '...I love you so much, Gray....'
Two Days Later

Y/n leaned on Gray as Gerard recounted his bout that he and Jake had agreed to the day before while he was at his work place, also divulging to their friends that he'd met with them to but only said that he'd fight them both one day after they'd become to much of a challenge to resist, but Y/n grew red in flustered annoyance when she added in what he'd said about her and Gray's rather inappropriate activities. "He's an uncouth jerk!" She wailed in frustration as Eugene tried to justify why Jake would say such things until Gray stepped in and said, "It was rather uncalled for, Eugene."

Y/n now skulked in Gray's arms as Alex recalled the last time Ben had gotten so serious about a fight especially the last time when it involved someone who was his friend being involved, "I'm gonna fight but not for your three," he gestured to Y/n, Gray, and Gerard, "I'm fighting for myself at least that's what I believe I should do." He then told Gerard to stay with him and the others but Y/n couldn't help buy worry from in Gray's arms so much so, that she forgot about the pain in her lower region that Gray caused two nights earlier. 'Next time, not before we have school Gray!'

Meanwhile Eunchan walked by the river when he noticed Sam sitting by the bank on the second to last concrete slab apparently lost in thought as, when he approached Grape didn't turn or bat an eye right away until Eunchan spoke, "Hey, Hyeongshin." The blonde calmed himself and started again, "Oh right, I should introduce myself first... I'm Eunchan Hong from Daehyeon High." The blonde then challenged Sam who wordlessly stared at him until finally saying, "Knock it off. You've been spending too much time with Jake. You're acting just like him..." Eunchang flopped down next to his friend and asked, "Didn't like my joke, huh?"

Sam ignored him but internally chuckled until his inner animal took over and he coldly stated with a clenched jaw, "And for the record, I'm not number three. I'm number two." Eunchan handed the information Sam requested to him and added with a hopeful-ish tone, "Hey, listen. I'm having a party to celebrate the end of my suspension. You should come too." Eunchan asked once more adding in that Forrest and Robin only acted stiff in his absence due to not being social guys, but before he could politely reject again an imaginary scenario appeared in his mind of Jake and Dean being friendly with him because of his friendship with Eunchan, the blonde ran off as happy as ever making Sam think, 'He's too happy for his own good. Are all Daehyeon kids this weird?'

Upon checking the information to verify he got it all Sam cursed outwardly after seeing Eunchan purposely withheld some of the data while including a note with what Sam received, stating that he'd get the rest at his party celebrating his suspension being lifted, "Sneaky bastard."
Hero Cram School

"You okay, N/n?" Gray asked as his girlfriend groaned a bit and pouted in his direction with a hand on her abdomen, "If you hadn't been so rough, I wouldn't be so sore right now. It's hard to walk...." Gray attempted to apologize in his own way but Y/n shrugged and said, "I shall be skipping today Gray. It's not like it'll hurt me considering I'm plenty smart and academically able to to anything, so I'll see you at my house after school later." Blowing him a kiss she walked off with him glancing at her retreating form with love, but both were unaware of the hurricane that was brewing behind the scenes courtesy of Donald's action regarding Hyeongshin's former no 1.
To be Continued....

Rushed once more but at least it's done lol. Might not make sense evut idk anymore.

His Fallen Angel [Gray Yeon X Reader] [Up Whvr]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora