Ch. 6

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I think I've warned everyone enough.
Hero Cram School: Gray's Classroom [Narrator pov]

Gray spaced out thinking about what Hen had said, "I'm on the gutsy duo's team." Gray himself thought, 'A team...does that even matter?' Looking over at Y/n he sees that she fell asleep while writing her notes. 'A team with her....I wouldn't mind so much then.'
Random Warehouse [Narrator pov]

Jimmy sat, thinking about the events that had occurred, 'My rash in-the-moment decision made out of anger brought upon the worst outcome.'

He brings his right hand to his forehead and thinks, 'I should've done it myself. All the hyenas lurking in the background looking for a chance the past year. They were always nagging me. I should make a move first before the word gets out. I'm not the same person I used to be. I won't be able to live with myself unless I surpass Ben...and someday, that fucker too...'
Hero Cram School: Gray's Classroom [Your pov]

I wake up to hear the teacher tell everyone, "Everyone, don't forget to read up to chapter 4 before the next lecture. Have a good week." Gray looks at me and asks, "Did you have a nice nap?" I blush and almost fall out of my seat, but I catch myself and reply, "Don't scare me like that." Though I'm pretty sure it sounded like we were a couple, I didn't really care.

Putting my books back into my backpack, I notice a guy I nicknamed Dinky and that Hugo guy walk by. I overhear (not that I couldn't hear them, they were being loud as hell) Hugo ask, "We're hitting the PC cafe, right?" Dinky replies, "Hell yeah! Haha."

As I leaned over to talk to Gray, that Hugo guy walked up and plucked his notebook out of his hand saying, "Hey, nice notes you got there. Imma have to borrow this and get it copied." Dinky chimes in, "Oh, nice." I was beyond annoyed with them so, an idea popped into my head. 'That could work.'

Standing up I said to Hugo, "Hey, those are actually my notes. He's my homework shuttle." Hugo looks me over then he starts to blush and says, "Oh, I didn't realize. Here you go then." He adds, "Maybe you could get him to make a copy for me and my friend." Giving my best fake smile I say, "I'll think about it."

After those douches walk away, I give Gray his notes back, "Here, sorry I had to fib a bit. I figured doing that was best since my notes weren't as meticulous as yours today. I mean I did fall asleep." I blabber to him and he smiles in return.
Narrator pov

Lily looks at Y/n in awe and thinks, 'She's so cool! I wish I was as bold as her.'

Y/n and Gray leave their classroom the same time this teen with light blue hair does. "So tired..." he says, looking at his phone. He looks up and sees Y/n walking and chatting with Gray. He says, "What it really is Gray Yeon and Y/n L/n....I thought she was admitted to a tech school in the US. Gray should've been admitted to a science high school too."

Upon remembering the times Gray was announced on the Grades of Excellence list in middle school, he thinks, 'Yeah- the two of them were always in front of the podium together. Winning award after award.'

Watching the two of them leave he thinks, 'How did an elite like Gray end up at the infamous Eunjang High? And how did Y/n end up at Numazu High of all places? Was it because of that the end....ah!'

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