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A few minutes before Ben clobbered them

"Ben Park. You're super famous, right?" Robin said, "You're the one who beat up Jimmy Bae." He changed topics stating, "You know, frankly, it's a hobby if mine... Crushing little shits like you that spread all kinds of ridiculous rumors." His look grew slightly frenzied, "I don't believe anything...I haven't experienced myself." A smirk gracing his face he waved his hands forwards motioning his boys to ambush, "So...are you starting to feel how fucked you are?" He commanded, "Expose this phony!"

His boys rushed forwards, and all of them were taken down with only one punch from Ben, each trying to reason if the teen who hit them was human. "What an unfucking-pleasant...first impression." Ben stated as he walked towards Robin, "Now...try and take me down, yourself." Robin masking his anger from his face threw a left hook at Ben, only for the teen to dodge and slammed a punch into the guy's face next to Robin. A guy near Ben punched in in retaliation for his friend, but soon regretted it when he too was taken down with one punch.

Robin had though he deduced the teen's weakness when he noticed his wide and big movements. He was sorely mistaken when he wasted his one shot on a midsection punch, which Ben caught, "You know, I really don't like wasting time. Okay?" Raiding his fist he told Robin, "Now... It's time for you to get whooped by this phony!"

Robin was terrified when he couldn't move his hand from Ben's clenched one, and took a punch from Ben's other fist, making him sway a little. Pulling himself together Robin had one of his guys kick Ben in his backpack, making him fall towards Robin seemingly to his defeat.. Until his head made contact with Robin's fist rather than his face.

Robin screamed in agony, "Grahhhhhh!!" As his bones cracked, and tried to figure something out, until Ben punched him once more, finally ending the short but violent confrontation.
Okay fine, here's Gerard [Narrator pov]

Gerard only had two guys left, and threw a kick as a feint, then actually kicked the side of the guy's neck, and landing a hard midsection kick on the last guy. He finally noticed his surroundings and remembered hid old days, but stopped thinking about it when he heard dinging from the phone on the guy in front of him.

Picking it up, he discovered the chat with the plan of separating them and defeating them, and his eyes widened at the message that said: Noryangjin Cram School. Searching for the White Mamba and Demonic Dragon. He then checked his own phone seeing Eugene's S.O.S message, and ran off to where Ben was since he was the closest to him, determined to help.
Daebang Underground Passage [Narrator pov]

Ben stood over Robin who was sitting against a wall, coughing and bleeding. When he began to laugh suddenly, "Heh. He he. Hahahahahaha hahahaha." He told Ben, "Fine. I get it. You beat me. But you know this isn't the real hunting ground...right?" He proceeded to tell him of their plan, "Alex Go, Gerard Jin, and the Demonic Dragon, and White Mamba- all in three different locations. So where're you gonna go now? You think Forrest Lee's gonna go easy one you?"

Before Ben could tell him where he was going, Gerard ran up and kicked Robin upside the head harshly. Ben yelled at him, until Gerard shouted, "Ben! You go to Alex!! He's in Singil!! I'll head to where Gray and Y/n are!! Now!! Hurry!!" He urged, and Ben who was shocked, became determined without a second though and sped off.

Gerard ran to where, Gray and Y/n were, scaring some women he passed, though Ben did the same to two old men who were drinking.
WEAK HERO Original story belongs to SEOPASS, and Original Art belongs to RAZEN [Check it out on Webtoon!]
Near the cram school [Your pov]

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