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Grape stood before Wolf as he looked through the files that Robin had been holding earlier. '...So he's met him already.' He thought until Wolf asked him, "What are you doing?" He told him, "I said come closer, you bitch." Grape walked closer, and he told him, "Long time no see, Sam. So I hear you're working for that shithole Forrest Lee... Since Myles Joo got fucked." He complained, "I came all the way here to pick up the files myself. But where the fuck is Forrest? Why is Robin handing this over? Do I really have to deal with little shits like you?"

He smirked, "But maybe it's not all bad. I did get to see you... working nice and hard." He finally addressed the other teen's nervous mannerisms, "Oh fuck. But I have to keep my cool, you know. I'm not gonna kick your ass like the old days, so relax." Wolf promptly told Sam why he was there, "Guess I was wrong when I thought you could take care of some of those morons. Then again, you've always been a bunch of weak dumbasses. Donald tries to take care of you, but I don't give two shits. Honestly, I could just finish you all and nab your shares, since Donald's so caught up in that fucking business."

Grape looked around for Robin and Wolf said, "You looking for Robin? I sent him to buy me some cigarettes, you moron." Wolf dismissed him after spitting in his jacket, and remembered the decision made at the last Union Assembly. The decision: Ganghak was in charge of Hyeongshin, and Daehyeon was in charge of Yoosun. Forrest was able to suck it up, but Jimmy's ego and his longtime position as Yoosun's No. 1 made this punishment, a hard disgrace that he didn't want to accept but had no choice to.
Teacher's office: Eunjang [Your pov]

I stood next to Gray awkwardly as the teacher in front of up praised us for our outstanding GPAs. "That was..." he muttered and I finished, "both underwhelming and overwhelming?" He smiled, "Something like that." We walked to our class from the office and he asked me, "What you said last time, does that mean...?" I told him, "Well...yeah. It means that. I mean only if you.." he grabbed me and kissed me lightly, "Yes." He said when we separated and I smiled letting him pull me close as we walked back to the classroom.
After school [Still Your pov]

I walked next to Gray who was holding my hand, and we listened as Rowan explained, "I think I got put in the worst class." He tried to bring up the SPR [Shuttle Patch Rank] but I gave him a look that said: No. Gray pulled me closer as I asked, "How long were you in Australia? I only lived in the States for a few months before moving back here, but I heard that Australia is different." Rowan began telling me all bout the three years he spent there, and Gray got a little jealous, pulling me back as I asked, "How'd you learn to speak english?"

"I just muttered along with the tv. Shadowing their words." He told me and I nodded listening intently. Nodding I smiled, "Cool." Rowan suddenly said he was in the worst class and I asked, "Isn't Teddy in that class? You can just talk to him, he's a sweetheart when you get to know him." I clung onto Gray a bit more when we crossed the street, and after we walked a few more blocks we parted with Eugene and Rowan.

"So wanna come over to my place?" I asked Gray who seemed surprised by my question, "I mean, it has been a while since we've had some time to catch up on stuff. Especially since.." I trailed off but he seemed to get it and told me, "Sure. We can study together." I sweatdropped a bit at his idea of catching up, but by that point it was too late, and we were heading to my house to *groan* study *groan*.
WEAK HERO Original story belongs to SEOPASS, and Original Art belongs to RAZEN [Check it out on Webtoon!]
Narrator pov

His Fallen Angel [Gray Yeon X Reader] [Up Whvr]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя