Ch. 14

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The principal at the podium talked, "In the spirit of a new beginning... We will focus on our academics..." ha continues, "And always raise our heads high, as proud students of Eunjang..."

"And receive the energy of Mount Gwanak..."

Teddy Jin yawns, and says, "Fuckin' hell. I might just die of boredom. How can you even go on about arbitrary bullshit for over 30 minutes...?"

The teacher next to the principal informs him, "Um...excuse me, sir. It's almost time for classes to begin..." the principal dismisses everyone from the field and Teddy heads to class with Chad.

"I thought my legs were going to fall off. He really went on for 30 full minutes." Chad responds, "The old fart must've lost it."

The student reform counselor yells, "Students! Classes are starting right away, so go straight to your classrooms!"

Chad complains to Teddy, "Goddamnit! Can't we catch a break after suffering through the principal's never-ending sermon?"

Teddy, however, notices one of the guys who got a certificate. He grabs his ear and says, "The principal speed rapid-fire bullshit at us for half an hour because of you!"

The guy on the other hand wonders how the heck it's his fault, and Teddy pulls out a permanent marker. He takes off the cap with his teeth and says, "This is your punishment for the old man's sermon."

Drawing on sideburns Teddy says, "There he is~ Elvis Presley in the flesh." Once he's finished, he says, "Now that's a good lookin' fella right there!" The guy on the other hand, feels humiliated since other students had seen.

"What are they doing?" One guy asks his friend who replies, "Like I care- must be class one's punching bag." Teddy notices Gray walking by at the top of the steps, Y/n walking beside him.

"Oh?" He says and he grabs the dude he just harassed saying, "My drone! I have your first mission." Still pulling the guy's ears he says, "You see that dickhead over there? By the hot girl? That puss-boy who's said to be the top dog of class five."

Holding up the uncapped marker he says, "Take this holy marker, and draw a nice big X on his back and return. Go!" He adds, "I want each stroke to be at least 10 inches each. If you don't make the length requirement, I'll take that as mission failure, and you'll be sentenced to a fiery beating."

"But...I don't even know that kid that well..." the guy responds, and Teddy presses his ear until a crunch is heard saying, "Oh, is that right? You don't know him well? Then do you want to take a trip to the incinerator with me, instead?"

The guy can already picture what Teddy will do there so he yells out, "Kaah...I'll....I'll do it!" Teddy punches his face and says, "Hey. Quit stalling and get that shit done already. Unless you really want me to kill you."

The guy dashes off with the marker thinking, 'He could actually kill me. Cause that freak Teddy Jin is the real psycho... why did I have to end up in the same class as him?' He sneaks up behind Gray, and his hand trembles as he swipes the marker down once.

'?!' Gray thinks and turns his head, 'A marker?' He exclaims, "Wha..." then he fully turns around, "What do you think you're doing on my bac--" Gray almost shouted, but saw that the guys face was beat up. 'What's wrong with this kid...? His....nose is....'

Y/n managed to pry Gray off the poor guy, as Gray asked, "What class are you from?" Y/n hands the guy a portable tissue pack she keeps in her coat pocket, as he replies, "C-Class one..."

'Class one... it's Teddy Jin.' Gray figures out, and begins looking around for him, 'I despise that son of a bitch Teddy Jin, but that doesn't mean I don't hate this fucker either.' Gray thinks but turns his attention back to the guy as he says, "I....I had no other choice..."

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