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Ben strolled into class five looking for Gray and Y/n, but they weren't there so he snooped through their notes and thought, 'Their grades are extremely good. How did those two end up in Eunjang?' Once he finished snooping, Gerard texted them to come to the roof, "Let's drag Gray and Y/n along!" Alex suggested as the two walked towards them. The serious expression on her face had been long gone but Gray's still remained, worrying Ben who later cracked up after hearing how he knocked out Phillip in the cafeteria.

"Gerard's at the rooftop. Let's all go up and talk--" Ben paused as an indescribable look of sadness crossed Gray's face, "I'll be in class." He bluntly replied, grabbing Y/n who willingly left with him. Ben was left stunned with Alex until Eugene told them, "They mentioned something before about not going on rooftops." He added, "Back then, he looked kinda...sad, too..." Alex suggested Ben talk to the pair about it, and received a determined, "Yeah..." as a response. He unintentionally embarrassed Alex, "I'll have to step up... As the one who talked GoGo out of his.... ....Moody Adolescence."

[Ben has ten years of experience in counseling GoGo. I think he knows what's up.]

Back in the classroom, Gray was reminded of what happened back then, and in frustration began writing notes recklessly until his girlfriend leaned her head onto his shoulder, her h/c h/l locks spilling over a little. "..Gray..." she muttered as he noticed her closed eyes. He sighed, calming down and shifting to make her slightly more comfortable. "...."
WEAK HERO Original story belongs to SEOPASS, and Original Art belongs to RAZEN [Check it out on Webtoon!]

Jared stood as he remembered when Rowan confronted him, not that he could do much about it as Wolf never cared about anything unless he himself was genuinely interested. As he was thinking over ways he could get back at the ginger haired teen, his uncle head of the school affairs walked up giving him an answer key to cheat on his subjects. His confidence now reaffirmed, Jared texted his clients and began scheming his he would make Rowan pay.
Hero Cram School [Your pov]

I blankly watched as the teacher drawled on, none of what they were saying really sticking. Looking to my left, Gray seemed to be pretty invested and he seemed a bit better than earlier. "A message from....!!!" I whisper yelled, seeing I had one message from Wolf and one from Ben. 'What should I do...?' My thoughts kept swirling together until I finally replied to Wolf.

Wolf: Hey cutie, let's go on a date soon. I'll text the details later.

Me: Sure.


After texting Wolf; I texted back Ben with this emoji: 👍. Before I knew it, class was over. Gray had waited for me, and together we left for the arcade Ben was at.
Master Arcade

We walked in, and I playfully snuck up on Ben as he list his match, "Big Ben~!" I said in a sing songy voice. He turned around startled but told me and Gray to play a round. "Haven't played in a while, right Gray?" I said making him smile, sit next to me, and wrap an arm around me as we both kept nailing our opponent with perfect electric god wind fist strikes.

Afterward when we walked out Ben asked, "Who the hell are you two?" Changing the subject I said, "To tell you the truth...both Gray and I can strike I've combos. Our skills just got a bit rusty. I-" Ben interrupted when he said, "Y/n..Gray... I mean... Masters, please teach me your ways."
Ttosikki Chicken [Narrator pov]

Ben had bought them chicken, and after trying some Y/n exclaimed happily, "Mmmm!! So good!" She finally showed some emotion, then blushed immediately after. Gray also thought it was great, and after they finished eating Ben told them, "Though we've never said it out loud... Eugene, GoGo, Gerard... we're all pretty worried about you two." He added, "Sometimes talking to a friends can release your burdens."

[After a long silence.. ]

"This is the first time...we've told anyone about this." Y/n muttered while twiddling her hands.

[That day...]

[...For the first time...]

[Gray and Y/n told Big Ben...]

[...about their own story.]

[And Big Ben listened quietly to both of them.]

[All Ben did was listen, but Gray and Y/n felt...]

[...somehow relieved.]

"That's the long and short of it." Y/n said as Gray pulled her closer. Ben had finally now understood these two, how they got where they are now, and how much they overcame and lost before. "Hey, let's go back to my house and play some Tekken. Sound okay Gray?" The h/c girl asked and got positive vibes from both of them, "Let's go then!" She announced and they all bounded off to her house to play some video games.
To be Continued....

I split up this chapter after determining the original would be about 3500 in wordage.

Bye. - Grace

His Fallen Angel [Gray Yeon X Reader] [Up Whvr]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon