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Chad sees Phillip looking at home while playing the video of the fight that had occurred between Teddy and Gray.

Phillip gives Chad a damning look, that also silently asks him for an explanation. 

Chad looks at the video on the phone thinking, 'The fuck is that?' Phillip glares at him while holding the phone and asks, "You care to explain what the hell this is? Start talking."

"Yeah...about that..." Chad says, but Phillip interrupts his look growing more tense, "Where's Jin?"

"....he left." Chad admits, "That mo'fucker is the sporadic kind so..." one of the guys near Phillip a fat tub of lard with blonde hair says, "Sporadic my ass. He got busted up by a bitch and pussied out."

Phillip pours more salt into the wound, "Wow- that dickhead friend of yours. I'm not liking how he's acting."

Phillip asks Chad, "And what about you? What were you doing while your buddy was getting kicked in the face?"

Chad makes up an excuse, "Oh... you know. I'm not really interested in bitch fights... Teddy Jin is a lil' out of control you see."

Phillip doesn't respond and merely looks at Chad the gears in his head already starting to churn, evaluating what had happened, trying to figure out his next steps.

[I thought Teddy Jin was to the type to be easily controlled,]

[But it turns out he's the exact opposite. Sporadic and out of control.]

[I thought Teddy Jin had proved himself enough,]

[When he beat Frankenstein.]

[And I thought this clown Gray Yeon,]

[Could be taken care of by Teddy Jin.]

Looking at the video once more Phillip thinks, 'What the hell is up with this fucker...?'

[From the performance to its impact, this is the sort of show someone who wants to be idolized puts on.]

[So you're not some small fry that'll submit that easily, huh...?]


[Have I ever failed to get anything I wanted?]

[Everybody's gangster until they're outnumbered,]

Phillip looking closer at the video thinks, 'He used his bag as a hostage...not bad, huh?'

[And I've never seen anyone who didn't fall to the long game.]

[I can just keep trying him, throwing new pawns at him again and again.]

"Oh, so that's how it is? Then it would've been cake if you'd just been there. So Teddy Jin wasn't as tough as I thought." Phillip says, downplaying the situation so Chad would play into his plans.

"That's right. That s hi it wouldn't have happened if I were there." Chad says, sucking up to Phillip and playing right into his scheme.

[I must admit. I'm a little disappointed.]

[But it doesn't really make a difference to me whether it's Teddy Jin or Chad Jang that gets beat.]

[And I already know that this idiot Chand Jang ranks below Teddy Jin.]

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