55: The Secrets We Keep

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The song I listened to while writing is up above! - Grace.


"Giju will find out eventually and I can't keep covering for you forever sis." Y/n scolded me again which while valid, made me a bit sad since she was growing up so fast. "Okay, okay. I'll take over from here. Thanks for helping me out lil sis."

[Several Years Later]

"I should've just handed in a resignation letter then. Maybe then the two of us wouldn't be in this situation now." Getting dressed in my outfit that I used as Daedrac, I had decided to come clean to Changui and in order to keep things open with Giju because...I want to be with him. "Come on in, R/s/n....?..." He was confused as I walked in, dressed as the special connection who vanished years ago after he took over. "Daedrac?" I took off the sheer red bandana mask and my black eye mask, "Both. I wanted to come clean, and apologize for abandoning this place so long ago." I couldn't tell what he was thinking but he told me to lift my head after a few moments, "I know you must've had your reasons, but I commend you for telling me now." He really was the best boss anyone could've asked for. "R/s/n...are you serious...?.." Giju was behind me in the open door and I nodded, "I want to be with you, is that okay?"

He hugged me hard while seeming different than usual, "It's the best thing I've been told all day." 


Later Elsewhere


"Shut up old man." Ben insulted Juwon and punched him away, sending him flying with a menacing aura beginning to surround him. Juwon unable to accept the new development despite the chill that ran up his back, the same one which came when he fought Jake. Urging him that Ben was dangerous and he needed to flee but still, the stubborn adult couldn't accept it. Fainting on the ground after Ben punched him one final time, and realizing that he was a wall and that Jake reminded him more of extra strength plastic wrap. 


"Hey, Gray. What do you want to do later?" Y/n was back to her usual self after the arcade incident, but Gray was too busy thinking of Jake's words to listen. Just what did he mean by he craved it and would become even stronger, that he would never be able to escape the urge awakened in him along with Y/n. He couldn't make heads of tails of it, "Gray? Helllooo?" She waved her hand in his face, and her smile made his worries ease back a little, god was he lucky to have met her again. "Maybe you can go hang out with Cory later? Dean texted me and said he wanted to talk with you." Her eyebrow went up, "Cory? He's usually never stressed so it must be serious." She really did resemble how Stephen acted sometimes, more so after she helped Eugene with his policy contest and got it accepted with the revised documents being sent back quickly. 

"I'm aware there are many interests involved but even so, I have to try." She smiled at him but he was reminded of how they both sounded back then, something he hadn't thought of in s while. 'She really hasn't changed much...but I'll love her no matter what.'



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