56: Bloody Fiend

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"FOUND YOU." Grape flinched, along with the rest of Hyeongshin lackeys as she emerged with blood stained clothes greeting them, "YOU'RE NEXT." Charging them, she was aided by Gerard and Teddy who had been warned by Gray to not get in her way, "She can't be calmed right now, any humanity or morals she might've had are non-existent. She will attack you if you get in her way." He sighed while mentioning the nickname she was given by Oswald Yang because of this berserker state she had, "She's become a Blood Fiend. A bonafide demon who will fight and fight until their rage subsides." Y/n was exactly what he called her, as she took down thug after thug without a hint of exhaustion, her rage was the only thing keeping her going. "RRAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!" She threw three guys into a wall as two more fled from her, eyes turning a spine chilling e/c as she stared down her next victim and charged without a second thought, or any at all. 

'A/y/n was right...this is who I am. And I...can't keep hiding it forever...so let's go all out until I fall tonight....here where no one has to know.' She kept fighting against them as the ones who fell eventually got up to watch, the ones that could after what they went through anyway. "Is that really the bitch who fought me with you before?" Wolf asked after he appeared when he heard that Seongmok and Dongha were in the area, instead seeing Y/n at her most ruthless and cruel without any judgement existing at all. Having finished off the duo after they went through hell fighting the raging Dragon in front of him now, tearing through half of Hyeongshin's forces without breaking a sweat or taking a break. She was her true self, a true demon who would never stop until her rage subsided, a rage which was so immense it might never be quenched.




"I DON'T TAKE PRISONERS. SORRY...NOT!!!!" My shout caused the remainder of the thugs to flinch as I truly succumbed to it, the craving for growth and advancement, the craving to fight continuously stronger opponents. To crush them until they could no longer feel or move, until their pride was in pieces and burned for their ignorance. 'I want to drag everything that blonde asshole had made into ruins. To see the look of despair on his face as he realizes it was all in vain, that none of it truly mattered. That his "genius" was merely dumb luck.' My fist collided harshly with Forrest's face until I heard something crack, 'I want to see him fall back to where he climbed from, I want to see him suffer.' Forrest went flying as Robin tried to take me so I wouldn't hurt him more, but that's not fun, now is it?

My foot smashed into his skull as he tried to strike me in my temple, breaking a couple of bones in his face as I turned my attention back to where Forrest was, that high looking mother trucking bastard was going to get it. Friends? Who needs them. I could murder everyone in the fight right now and no one would ever know, hell if I had ever learned from my uncle, I would've been able to assassinate Donald by now. "Get away from me!!!" He shouted as I charged him, throwing him into Gerard's direction as he scrambled to get off the ground, my fists only stopping when someone grabbed my wrist. "WHO...." A husky but masculine voice told me, "That's enough, Y/n. You can stop, just look at what you've done so far?" My vision which felt like it was narrow for a while, widened as I saw the carnage I sowed across the alley, seeing just how destructive I was after throwing hands for what seemed like five minutes. "You're okay now."

He dropped my wrist, "Thanks....Ben." He gave me a smile then turned to deal with the rest of Hyeongshin, most of which was knocked out from my slaughter fest of fist and kicking. Only Robin; Grape and a few others, still conscious enough to fight. "Go join your boyfriend, he's waiting for his partner to come back and fight with him." Nodding, I ran over to Gray and let Ben handle the rest though I did quite a number on them already, halving Forrest's usable goons all on my own. "Ready, babe?" I asked a Gray took up my other side, "Yeah, let's go." Picking me up, Gray used me as a human weapon and I was swung around by him while punching, finishing the stragglers off easily. "That's how you get it done." A/n: I was also listening to Sarcasm (Nightcore Version) by NightcoreReality while writing but wattpad only lets you add one above so...yeah...

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