62: My Fair Kingsley

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"It's never usually that bad, huh?" R/s/n now a high school student smiled while talking to her new friend, Kingsley Kwan who was the close friend to one of her therapy charges, Dean Kwon. She had been his free talk outlet ever since Dean had introduced them, but Kingsley was secretly thankful that he did because all of the expectations placed on him, started to become suffocating and he needed someone to talk to about it. "Well, I have to head to the library. Got someone there I wanted to surprise." Kingsley lifted a brow, having never heard of R/s/n having friends in middle school outside of Dean and him, so she shook her head soon after, "Hey, Kingsley. Think you could do a favor for me?" 




"Teacher, who is that? Shouldn't he be in class?" I already knew who the platinum blonde teen was after meeting with that woman, having been asked by her to be his friend even though I had no obligation to, she promised it would be worth my while even if I didn't understand at first. 

[Looking back on it now,]

[I'm glad I agreed to be his friend for her.]

"Ah, him?" The teacher told me, "He's a special case who enrolled in the second year due to special reasons. We've been asked to be more lenient on him for his absences." The teacher stated some superficial reasons as to why he didn't agree with the special limits given to Donald, I wanted to know more so I asked and apparently he had all his papers in order and passed all the tests, but his reason being for family issues didn't make sense. "Honestly? I think he's related to the school head given how many expectations have been silently placed on him, it doesn't make sense." He told me he was the unofficial mock exam first place but the notion he didn't listen in class confused, and confounded me more than him walking up to me after he was placed in class one-seven. 

"Are you Kingsley Kwan?" His fists had been bloodied from dealing with third year Sugun Min, who demanded he give him the US equivalent of seven hundred fifty dollars, but was met with a bloody reality check instead. "I'm Donald Na. Let's be friends." Was this what R/s/n meant by he would be intriguing enough for me to follow? Or did she mean that even if I wasn't drawn to him, he'd be drawn to me and ask for friendship anyway? It was so puzzling that all I could manage to say was, "No." That was how I witnessed his impactful entrance to Yeo-Il Middle School, and how due to the urging of my therapist friend became his first ally at the school though after one more confrontation with him in the library.

See I was in the middle of collecting dirt on Sugun to expel him and Donald ruined that in one swift fight, "You you understand what you did?" I claimed he didn't understand jack shit after he said, "I solved the problem that took you this long in five minutes. What's so upsetting about that?" I felt my jaw clench, "This is the problem with delinquents that use their fists. They don't understand shit." I got closer, "Sugun may tone down his shit but only until his parents get you expelled. If they wanted to, they could." Donald expressed amusement at that, "They were the kind of people who could frame others as aggressors and themselves as victims to get who they don't like expelled." I added, "This incident may have given them the chance to get more leverage at this school in which case, I can't do anything against it. So do you know..." 

Donald had interrupted me, "Kingsley Kwan. Yeo-Il Elementary, Yeo-Il Middle. Ist Year student president." I stepped a bit back, "What are you...do you know me?" He told me he read all of my articles and found them amusing after he said I knew him, "Even the negative papers you wrote about the trade school exchange program three years ago." I suddenly realized he was so familiar aside from the re-introduction from R/s/n, because he was the scholarship student I saw at A-Z elementary the year I went there for middle school presentations, stuck cleaning outside in filth and covered with minor bloody cuts on his face. "That scholarship student there....it was you....the reason you seemed so familiar..."  Donald told me he understood what picture I was making, "If I erase Sugun from this school, will you join forces with me at last?" 

His eyes had glared, "While you believe that you can live in this world with logic, you yourself know that's bullshit since the world isn't an idyllic place like that." He walked out of the library, "I'll prove it to you, open your eyes and look closely." 

[When Donald Made that statement to me,]

[A lot of things went through my head.]

[Confusion, hatred, and so many more.]

[The one that prevailed through that hailstorm though, was awe.]

[Because that same Donald Na,]

[Proved himself when the results of the disciplinary committee for his case came out.]


"Just how?" He had snuck up behind me, "See?" He started to tell me, "The real world is outside those school gates. The real numbers are there." He told me what he believed, "The human world will always be a naturally unfair place. Don't get caught up in it but use that unfairness to your advantage." He finished, "Don't get caught up in the rotten cycle of greed." He had given me a victorious look, "Join me, Kingsley Kwan." He added, "I need you." 

It was after that when we started creating the Union. It was an offer I couldn't refuse because Donald was the perfect being I had been searching for, to get me over the wall I was eternally frustrated with. Even though he did cause incidents I didn't find necessary, since it risked the Union he needed to head, he beat them all and like that a year had passed.


To be continued.....



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