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"Then, how do you intend to take care of the Jimmy Bae incident?" Forrest asks, Donald who was fiddling with the keychain Y/n dropped. He answers, "Call a Union assembly first... And we'll have to teach Jimmy Bae a lesson this time."

Sliding the keychain in his pocket, he adjusts his position and tells Forrest, "By the way though, if it were Myles Joo in this situation, whether it be crushing Eunjang, or fucking up Jimmy Bae, he would have at least reacted immediately with an action of his own. Heh."

'Probably, knowing that fucker's personality... Jimmy Bae? Maybe. But he wouldn't have taken on Eujang though.' Donald speaks interrupting Forrest's train of thought, "Well... this isn't just my opinion. Forrest Lee, you wouldn't tell me you're completely oblivious to the skepticisms that exist internally that even established union members need to be tested, right?"

"Myles Joo was actually so action-oriented that it was hard to calm him down. But Forrest, you on the other hand buddy, you're too careful. Plus, picture the Union flocking into Eunjang, where Jimmy Bae just got crushed... Now that would just look pathetic. When Hyeongshin is so close to Eunjang." Donald tells him, "Try to get this done, on your level."

Forrest with a straight face thinks, '...Donald Na... You fucking snake... So you're going to do your testing... That's what this is after all...' His straight face began melting into one of determination, 'Eunjang... If Jimmy Bae was crushed... That means it won't be a cakewalk.'

Forrest grits his teeth, 'This situation right now, it's true that it's much more cumbersome than the days that I had it easy standing behind Myles Joo... But it's also true that as long as I can overcome that, I'll profit way more than I did before. Come to think of it, even the action-minded Myles Joo was passive when it came to crushing Eunjang.'

Mini Flaskback Start:

Forrest walks up behind Myles who was sitting on a couch, "Myles, don't you find the Eunjang fucker annoying? They're not even in the Union, so isn't it only right for us to crush them?" Myles asks, "For whose benefit?" He tells Forrest, "Eunjang is tricky to bring into the Union as long as Ben Park is there, anyway. You saw it yourself too, last time. That psycho going on a rampage."

"It's not impossible, if we plan the operation and go to work... But for whose benefit would I crush Ben Park?" Phillip's face briefly flashes through Myles head and he remembers his contempt he had for that weak rich boy who hid behind his money. "When it comes to Eunjang, just forget about it. It's been a pleasant change, not having to see Philip Kim's fucking face in the union lately."

As Myles relaxes on the couch and also thinks about certain things, Forrest strategizes, 'Myles Joo's hate for Phillip Kim goes way back... Always talking about how having someone who can only fight with their words is damaging to the Union... But I disagree with that. How easy would things be if he just demanded the money he wanted, upfront, like Jimmy Bae?'

Mini Flaskback End.

Forrest lets out a breath, 'A stuck-up bastard that's impossible to reason with... Whatever happens, I've got to make sure that we don't get fucked over from Miles Joo moving recklessly, as he likes too. If not, the little dipshits from both Ganghak and Daehyeon, ...will surely be yapping their mouths about it.'

Forrest sits down on the black couch arms crossed in his lap, 'But in the end... All I need to do is prove myself, right?' He turns toward his guys and commands, "All of you. Starting today, if you see any Eunjang fuckers, take their money, beat the shit out of them in groups, or whatever. Crush them."


Forrest notices his phone ringing and checks the caller id, it reads: Phillip Kim. He answers greeting, "Yo. Phillip Kim." Phillip who was chilling his classroom at Eujang replies, "Ayy- Forrest Lee. What did Donald Na have to say?"

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