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His eyes bore into mine, and I froze for a minute until Jake pulled me along, but the worry I held shifted to my own safety around this strong yet silent animal. "Please come in, Jake." He eyed me and unreadable but clear look of analyzing me, "You too, miss." His response surprised me, we had clearly seen each other before and he's no doubt heard of me in the rankings, and yet he completely ignored me treating me like a stranger. "...." I followed them inside and sat through their conversation, but my blood ran cold once Jake had left to use the bathroom.

His eyes they just bore into mine for a bit, until I heard a tiny tap and saw the missing keychain piece I had lost a couple weeks earlier, "..!.." he smirked and stated, "Y/n M/n L/n." He tapped the desk, "You've made quite the name for yourself as a sadistic fighting freak." His face was now inches away from mine, our lips almost touching, "You think I'm interested in recruiting you for the Union? No, I'm more interested in becoming your boyfriend." His lips suddenly connected to mine, and he pulled me towards him even as I attempted to pull away.

"...*pant*...*pant*..." I could barely speak after he slowly moved back, but he smirk once more and told me, "You will be my girlfriend. Unless you want your precious boyfriend and friends to be personally crushed by me." The hate in my eyes was no doubt apparent as he awaited my answer but it never came and in response, he told me in a sort of sexy way, "I always want what I can get and we'll very rarely something I want it taken, so be mine."

"They won't bend to you so easily, they're more than enough to beat you-!" He put his hand over my mouth, and our eyes engaged in a battle of sorts until I admitted defeat because I knew there may not be another option, I had reluctantly and might I add bitterly replied, "Fine...dear." He gave a look that made me nauseous, the utter sight of the triumph in his eyes enough to want to make me rip him apart, "Good. Now, go wait outside and I'll send out Jake shortly."

My back hit the wall as I left his office, and the ever familiar feeling of being trapped by circumstance returned, I though it would never happen again but it has. "Gray....I'm so sorry....I'm so....*sobs*...sorry....*sobs*.....*sobs*..........*sniffles*...Gray..."
Weak Hero | Original Story by SEOPASS| Original Art by RAZEN
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Eunjang: Class 1-5

Y/n slowly walked into the classroom, a heavy air with an indescribable feeling surrounding her as she sat next to Gray, "..........." she was silent as he worried for her, but she refused to tell him anything, for fear of what that psycho Donald would do. '...he'll be doomed if I say anything to him. Donald will make good on his threat and I'll have no where to turn or run to.....still, I can't give up. I will find a way.' She thought and purposely ignored Gray the whole day until later, when they both left for cram school, once they walked in she beelined to sit next to Lily.

"Hey." She said as Lily freaked out, 'Holy Moly!' She kept her calm, "Oh...yeah?" Y/n sent her a sweet smile, "I missed a few classes, I know it may be too much to ask, but would it be okay if I borrowed your notes? I'll return them tomorrow." Lily who was keeping her cool, handed the notes, "Here you go. It's okay if you take your time." Y/n thanked her, as Hugo who was scuttling behind them reprimanded himself in his thoughts for missing his chance to befriend the Demonic Dragon. 'Next time for sure. It'll be great if I could get her or him on my side.'
The Next Day: Eunjang High School Yard

Gray sat in between Gerard and Alex as Ben used his signature move to disperse some pigeons. "Sorry, I always have to do that." Ben apologized, then he held up his fully punched out Ttosik chicken card. "This is why I called you all here! Let's go get some chicken!" He noticed the one person who was missing, "Gray, where's Y/n?" Gray looked at him, "I don't know. She's been distancing herself from me lately. I don't understand what's going on with her anymore."

"Sounds like she may want to break up with you Gray." Alex said only to get jabbed in the side by Gerard's elbow, Alex jammed him back in the arm with his fist, "Gerard what the heck?! I was just stating the obvious!" Gerard shook his head, "You say she's never acted like this before?" Gray nodded, "Not even once before with one of her exes." The four contemplated the matter and the air grew silent, until Ben said, "What if someone's blackmailing her." Gray calmly but threateningly responded, "I'd beat the shit out of them and wouldn't stop even if they begged."

The boys were scared of Gray's sudden hostility, at the thought of his girlfriend being blackmailed, so much so that Ben cleared his throat to snap the light haired teen of out it. "Sorry. It's just that...she means so much to me. More than even I know." Ben and co. comforted him, then came up with a solution. "You guys go to the same study room, right?" Ben asked and Gray replied, "Yeah. Why?" Alex explained, "You can wait until she leaves and then follow her to see who's blackmailing her."

Gray smiled, "Okay. Let's do this on friday then." His friends returned the smile, and they headed inside the school, unaware of what Gray really planned to do once he found the bastard who was hurting his girlfriend. 'I will save you Y/n. I......love you to much to let you suffer on your own.'
Y Study Room

I sat in my small cubicle away from Gray, my heart lurched everytime I thought of him, and everytime he tries to get close to me. 'I...have to stay strong. If I can just find some way to drive Donald away or a way to beat him, then I can go back to you Gray.' My phone buzzed and I saw it was Donald: Come on out. I'm ready for our date.

I cringed at the thought of having to fake being happy, but in order to protect Gray I had no other choice. Getting up, I left the study room and headed down to the ground floor, where Donald was waiting in a car. "I'm here, dear." I forced out as the door opened and I hopped in, 'I'm doing this for Gray. I'm doing this for Gray.' I kept thinking as Donald turned to me, "How was your day, darling?" He kissed the top of my right hand delicately, and I inwardly cringed, 'As if I'd actually fall for that kind of flair.'

Swallowing my dignity I replied, "Wonderful, Donny." I wanted to throw up as I kissed his cheek, but refrained from blowing chunks, and soon enough we arrived at a restaurant named El Popochi. "After you my dear." He allowed me to step out first, then followed soon after, leading me by the hand and inside the building.
El Popochi - Outside in the Bushes lol

The boys couldn't believe their eyes, but the person they saw with Y/n was Donald Na, the one person they weren't sure was beatable. "Y/n...he's blackmailing her?" Gray gasped out at the sight, and the boys were in shock as well, because how could a girl like Y/n catch the eye of the most powerful teen in the Union? "I'm going to save her. I'll save her and beat Donald's ass." Gray growled while his friends held him down, "Not yet, Gray. I hate to say it but I don't think you're strong enough to take on Donald yet." Ben warned with Alex, making Gray realize who he was up against to get his girl back.

"You're right, guys. I'll just have to wait and train until I can get close to knocking him out." His words were bitter but even he knew, that if he were to charge at that bastard, he would get pummeled down to the floor. 'Wait for me, Y/n. I'm coming to save you from the tower.'
El Popochi - Inside Dining Room

"So darling, there's something important we need to discuss." Donald told me, and he said the last thing I'd ever expected, "I'll allow you to socialize with Gray and your friends." My hope was partially dashed to pieces, however, when he explained, "On the condition, that you report important information that I may make use of later, for my gain quite obviously."

Donald smirked soon after, cutting me before I could speak "This doesn't mean our previous arrangement, regarding our relationship is null. It merely means, that if you show any signs of betraying me, I will personally smash all your friends and Gray until they're hospitalized for life."

He stuck his hand out, "Do we have a deal?" I knew the risk behind it, but I also knew that this would be my one chance to talk to Gray again. 'I may not get such a merciful offer from him again, so I have to make the most of it.' A determined look crossed onto my face, and I nodded taking his hand and shaking it, "Deal, Donny." My voice rang out sweetly, and I kept up my end of this new deal. 'Just have to hang in there.'
To be Continued...

Kinda rushed, sorry. - Grace.

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