By capricornkai

501K 13.2K 49.1K

• A tale of love, pain and hope • Mikaela Lockwood is the younger sister of Tyler Lockwood, and a recently-tu... More

Chapter 1 ~ The Prison World
Chapter 2 ~ The Siphoner
Chapter 3 ~ The Road Trip
Chapter 4 ~ The Nightmare
Chapter 5 ~ The Memory
Chapter 6 ~ The Spell
Chapter 7 ~ The Field
Chapter 8 ~ The Ascendant
Chapter 9 ~ The Silence
Chapter 10 ~ The Corridor
Chapter 11 ~ The Revelation
Chapter 12 ~ The Meal
Chapter 13 ~ The Control
Chapter 14 ~ The Beach
Chapter 15 ~ The First Time
Chapter 16 ~ The Return
Chapter 17 ~ The Loss
Chapter 18 ~ The Lies
Chapter 19 ~ The Brunch
Chapter 20 ~ The Secrets
Chapter 21 ~ The Addiction
Chapter 22 ~ The Questions
Chapter 23 ~ The Sire-Bond
Chapter 24 ~ The Kill
Chapter 25 ~ The Betrayal
Chapter 26 ~ The Hybrid
Chapter 27 ~ The Winter Party
Chapter 28 ~ The Warning
Chapter 29 ~ The Invitation
Chapter 30 ~ The Plan
Chapter 31 ~ The Ripper
Author's Note
Chapter 32 ~ The Night Before Christmas
Chapter 33 ~ The Ring
Chapter 34 ~ The Masquerade Ball
Chapter 35 ~ The Deal
Chapter 37 ~ The Merge
Chapter 38 ~ The Breakdown
Chapter 39 ~ The Cabin
Chapter 40 ~ The Fire
Chapter 41 ~ The Werewolf
Chapter 42 ~ The Rug
Chapter 43 ~ The Sickness
Chapter 44 ~ The Newbie
Chapter 45 ~ The Rulebreaker
Chapter 46 ~ The Aftermath
Chapter 47 ~ The Abandonment
Chapter 48 ~ The Threat
Chapter 49 ~ The Jealousy
Chapter 50 ~ The Revolution
Chapter 51 ~ The Phone Call
Chapter 52 ~ The Rope
Chapter 53 ~ The Most Likely To
Chapter 54 ~ The Surprise
Chapter 55 ~ The Vengeance
Chapter 56 ~ The Apology
Chapter 57 ~ The Distraction
Chapter 58 ~ The Villain
Chapter 59 ~ The Reconciliation
Chapter 60 ~ The Warehouse
Chapter 61 ~ The Originals
Chapter 62 ~ The Sidekick
Chapter 63 ~ The Struggle
Chapter 64 ~ The Reunion
Bonus Scene Unlocked
Chapter 65 ~ The Rave
Original Characters
Chapter 66 ~ The Hunters
Chapter 67 ~ The Temptation
Chapter 68 ~ The Switch (Part One)
Chapter 68 ~ The Switch (Part Two)
Chapter 69 ~ The Trail
Chapter 70 ~ The Simple Intimacy Of The Near Touch
Chapter 71 ~ The Illusion
Chapter 72 ~ The Perfect-Mommy Memory
Chapter 73 ~ The Choice
Chapter 74 ~ The Snowfall
Chapter 75 ~ The Fury
Chapter 76 ~ The Outcast
Chapter 77 ~ The Salvation
Chapter 78 ~ The Awakening
Chapter 79 ~ The Child
Chapter 80 ~ The Wedding
Thank You!
Preview of TBS Sequel

Chapter 36 ~ The Punishment

5.3K 127 687
By capricornkai

TW: 18+ only! This chapter contains explicit content, violence, and graphic/descriptive details of sexual scenes. I wasn't going to put a warning but this chapter is kind of intense, in all aspects!!!

Mikaela's POV

"Come on, asshole!" I hissed into the phone speaker. "Pick up!"

I'd called my brother five times already with no answer. That was the problem with him - he was always in my business until I actually needed him, then poof... vanished.

I nibbled on my fingernail anxiously, holding the phone against my ear as I prayed. Suddenly, a guy I didn't recognise breezed past me, looking over his shoulder to stare with a smirk on his face.

I raised a brow. "Can I help you?"

The young blonde shook his head, expression still smug as his eyes roamed over my body from head to toe through the pearly white mask covering his face. "Nah. Just seeing what's on offer."

Pulling a face in disgust, I scoffed. "Absolutely nothing for you," I snapped, shooing him away. "Run along now."

He chuckled, before shrugging and heading down the path away from me.


As if by some miracle, Tyler finally answered. "What?" he asked in a bored voice.

"God! Took you long enough!" I gasped out.

He tutted. "I was busy."

"Doing what?" I asked, before pausing, realising I probably didn't want to know. "Actually, you know what? Nevermind. Can you come and get me? Please? Shit went south and-"

"Woah, hold on," Tyler interrupted me, beginning to panic. "What's wrong? Is it Klaus?"

"No, no," I assured him. "No, we're safe, everything is fine. It's just drama with Kai-"

My brother laughed harshly. "When is there not drama with Kai?"

Rolling my eyes, I sighed. "Look, can you pick me up or not? Otherwise I'll start walking."

It was quiet for a moment before he groaned. "Alright, give me twenty minutes. I'm on my way."

Exhaling with relief as I clutched a hand to my chest, I smiled. "Thanks. I owe you one."

Hanging up the phone, I hurried back inside, ready to say my goodbyes to everyone.

"Kayla? Is everything okay?" Caroline asked in a panic when I re-appeared. "What the hell happened?"

"We got in a fight," I replied simply, trying not to think too much about it. "Tyler's coming to get me. I'm sorry guys, but I've got to go. I can't be here any longer."

The group nodded in understanding.

Saying my goodbyes to my friends, I warned them all to not stick around much longer and to hurry home.

Next was Hayley and Hope, Elijah, and finally Rebekah.

"You'd better come and visit me soon, okay?" she said softly, hugging me goodbye. "It's been too long and I haven't seen anywhere near enough of you tonight."

Gulping, I sighed against her shoulder, relaxing in her arms. Rebekah felt safe. Elijah felt safe. Hayley felt safe.

It was such a damn shame that Klaus felt like anything but.

"Of course," I replied, forcing a smile. It was a lie, obviously. After what I was planning, it would be a long time before I would get to see any of them again, making each goodbye that much harder.

Rushing out to the parking lot once I'd managed to slip away without Klaus noticing, I only had to wait another few minutes before Tyler arrived.

I was about to jump in the passenger's side before stopping in my tracks, noticing someone already in my seat, head down to avoid eye contact. Rolling my eyes, I got in the back, trying my hardest not to cause a scene.

"Nice to see you're still in one piece," my brother commented as I shut my door.

"Can we just go home?" I sighed, rubbing my forehead. "Please?"

Tyler sped away from the Mikaelson residence, both of us thankful to see the back of it.

"So what happened? Was it the bloodbath you'd anticipated?" he wondered as he drove.

"No. But he wanted to make a deal with me," I explained quietly. I really didn't want to experience a re-run of my humiliation.

Tyler glanced at me in the rear-view mirror. "What deal?"

"For me to stay sired to him," I replied. "If I did, he said he'd leave us all alone."

My brother scoffed. "You turned him down, right?"

I shook my head. "How could I? He put me on the spot. Everyone was watching."

Tyler groaned. "Kayla, you can't stay sired to that psycho - trust me."

Tutting, I threw my hands up in frustration. "You think I don't already know that?" I snapped sarcastically. He was so infuriating sometimes.

"Well, what did your boyfriend have to say about that?" he teased.

I tensed. "Don't," I warned.

My brother's girlfriend was incredibly quiet. Nothing to say on this particular topic then, huh?

"So are you going to tell me what went down between you guys?" Tyler pushed on.

Glancing between him and Liv, I shook my head. "Not right now," I murmured.

Tyler tutted. "Liv isn't going to say anything."

I just glared at him in the mirror, refusing to say another word on the subject.

Finally accepting my silence as an answer, Tyler turned the radio up as we drove home, the tension in the car becoming unbearable.

Eventually we got back to the mansion. I thanked Tyler for the ride before disappearing into the house, refusing to even look in Liv's direction. Hurrying up to my bedroom, I collapsed on my bed, unsure if I had the willpower to try and wrestle this damn dress off me.


Kai's POV

Hands shoved into my pockets, I hurried home as fast as I could, needing to be away from everything and everyone. I turned down into an alleyway, taking a shortcut - the quicker I was back at my apartment, the better.

"Hey! You!" a voice suddenly called from behind me.

Blanking whoever was trying to get my attention, I kept walking.

"Hey, I'm talking to you!" they yelled again.

Sighing, I stopped and looked over my shoulder. "I'm really not in the mood. Just trying to get home."

A guy that appeared around my age - physical age, not literal - was stood a few feet away from me, glass bottle held lazily in his hand as he pointed in my direction. "I saw you at the ball."

"Yeah?" I scoffed. "That's funny, 'cause I don't recognise you at all."

He chuckled. "No, you wouldn't. You were too busy ogling at Klaus' girlfriend."

I stiffened, hands clenching into fists at my side. "Excuse me?"

"Come on, man," he slurred. "Haven't you ever heard of the bro code?"

Turning around fully to face him, I could feel the rage building inside of me once again. "Yeah I have, but Klaus isn't my 'bro'. And Mikaela sure as hell isn't his girlfriend."

The blonde laughed, finishing off the rest of his drink as he took a step towards me. "That's not what it looked like to me just before I left," he said, before belching. He wiped his mouth. "She was all over him."

Rolling my eyes, I began to walk away. "I'm not entertaining this conversation any longer. Have a nice night."

Suddenly, his hand reached out to grab my shirt. "You're not going anywhere," he snapped, malicious grin on his lips. "You think you're such a tough guy, taking Klaus' girl? Why don't you show me how tough you are?"

Clenching my jaw, I began to breathe heavily, struggling to keep control. "You don't want to test me right now. Seriously. You'll regret it."

"Oh yeah? Is that a threat?" he asked with a smirk before pushing me.

In an instant, I was in his face. "Walk away whilst you still can," I warned him, voice low. Staring him down, it was taking every ounce of restraint not to slam his head into the ground.

He pushed me again, laughing. "You're pathetic. You'd never last a minute against him."

Grabbing his collar, I yanked him towards me. "You don't know a single thing about me," I whispered.

His eyes blazed with excitement behind the white mask that covered half of his face. "I know that you're a loser who's so desperate for attention that you'll do just about anything," he chuckled. "How's this for attention?"

Suddenly, his hand swung towards my face, bottle still in his fingers. Smashing it against my head, I managed to duck out of the way just quick enough that only a small amount of glass scratched my skin, opening a wound on my forehead that began pouring with blood instantly.

Touching the cut, I made sure there was no loose glass before looking down at my bloodstained hands. I laughed, cracking my neck in anticipation. It had been a while since I'd had a good brawl, and right now, I'd never wanted anything more than to end this man's life.

Losing any ounce of control I had left, I leapt towards him, swinging my fist into his face, followed by another. He tried to fight back as best as he could, but in his intoxicated state he was slow; weak.

Throwing him to the ground, I felt my knuckles connect with what I think was his nose - I couldn't be sure, so blind with rage that all I could see was the colour red. That, and the blood that was spraying in my face every time I hit him. My rings were cutting his skin to pieces, but I didn't care. I wanted him to hurt. To feel pain. He deserved it - I didn't.

He managed to land a few good hits on me, but not enough to push me off him as I kept him pinned to the floor. Eventually, it had turned into a bloodbath. My hands were bruised, covered in blood - my clothes too - but I looked in perfect condition compared to the idiot that I was moments away from killing. He was so battered, he was no longer recognisable, especially now that the stupid mask had been smacked off his face, lying on the ground a few feet away from us.

Throwing another punch his way, he managed to move his head just in time, causing my knuckles to hit the floor with a satisfying crack. I growled as agony shot up my arm - though nowhere near as painful as the realisation of what I had just done, the ring on my finger shattering.

Eventually, he began to snicker, unable to fight back anymore.

"Come on!" I roared. "Hit me! If you're feeling so brave?"

He just continued to laugh in my face.

I grabbed his collar. "Why won't you fight back, huh?!"

Exhausted, he barely mustered a smile. "I have to keep provoking you. Until you kill me."

I froze, the hairs on the back of my neck standing on end. "What did you just say?" I whispered.

He gulped, struggling to breathe as he began to choke on his own blood. "I have to keep provoking you-"

"No, I got it," I snapped, sitting back on my knees, realisation hitting me like a ton of bricks, dragging me back to reality in an instant.

"Look at me," I growled. He went slack, head dangling to the side, corners of his lips still picked up in a smirk. I held him up with one hand, slapping his face gently with the other to keep him conscious. "Hey, dick-face! Look at me!"

His eyes fluttered open the slightest amount to glance in my direction as he began to wheeze. "You've been compelled, haven't you?" I demanded, gripping his jaw in my hand.

"I have to keep-"

"Oh my God," I breathed, barely able to process what was even happening right now. I stood up off the ground, glaring down at the mess I had created. "Get out of here - now."

He shook his head weakly, propping himself up on his elbows as he tried to make a move for me again. "I can't. I have to-"

Leaning down, I threw one last punch his way. His head snapped to the side before he passed out on the hard gravel. I straightened back up, panting as I adjusted my shirt. "Yeah," I sighed, wiping the blood away from my mouth with the back of my sleeve. "I heard you the first time."

Grabbing my phone out of my pocket - that now had a crack through the screen - I searched for a contact name. Pressing the call button with bloodied fingers, I held the device to my ear, holding my breath as I prayed for an answer.

"Hello?" a voice asked, sounding almost confused.

"Hey, uh, I kind of need your help. I don't know who else to call. I considered Caroline but she would just tell Mikaela and I really don't need that extra drama right now-"

"Slow down, mate. What's going on?" Enzo asked, concerned.

"Are you still at the party?" I wondered, unsure how to go about this.

"We're just about to leave, why?"

I gulped. "I need your blood."

A deep chuckle vibrated through the phone. "I beg your pardon?"

Sighing, I swiped a hand down my face. "I got into a fight with some idiot, but he was compelled. He's on death's door and I've completely busted my arm."

There was a brief paused before Enzo spoke again. "Where are you?"

Looking around, I gave him the best directions I possibly could.

"I'll be there in a moment," he said, voice incredibly steady. "Stay calm."

Laughing without humour, I replied, "Sure. Thanks."

Keeping to his word, Enzo arrived only a few minutes later. We were definitely cutting it fine, the douche-kebab's chest rising and falling slower and slower as time went on.

"Jesus, mate," Enzo whispered as he arrived at the scene. "You did a number on him."

"Can you just heal him?" I groaned. "If he dies, I'm screwed. He was compelled to fight me for a reason."

"Who do you think compelled him?" Enzo asked, biting into his wrist before pressing it against the drunk's lips.

I shrugged. "I don't know, but I've got a pretty good idea." Nodding towards the mask a few feet away from his body, I said, "He was at the ball."

Enzo glanced up at me from where he knelt on the ground. "You think Klaus did this?"

I growled lowly as the guy's words echoed in my mind. "He kept trying to get in my head about Mikaela. Saying that she was Klaus' girlfriend." I shrugged again. "It had to be him."

Getting to his feet, Enzo approached me, offering his wrist. Pulling a face, I took a step back. "No, thanks. I'm good."

He raised a dark brow. "You can't walk around with a broken arm."

"I'd rather not have any vampire blood tonight, if I can help it," I admitted, trying my best not to offend him.

Enzo offered his other hand, holding it in the air like he wanted to give me a high-five. "Then heal yourself," he said, looking up at me meaningfully.

"It's going to hurt," I warned him. "Like hell."

He smirked. "I've had worse."

Nodding, I reached out and pressed my hand against his, taking a deep breath as I siphoned some of the magic from his body. He hissed quietly but said nothing, withstanding the pain to help me out.

Only a moment later I pulled away, sighing in bliss as the magic ran through my veins. Enzo rubbed his palm, scrunching his face in distaste.

"You were right," he chuckled. "That really wasn't nice."

Shooting him an 'I told you so' look, I laughed softly. My gaze flicked between Enzo and the unconscious body on the floor. Noticing, he grinned. "Get out of here," he said, nodding his head towards the end of the alley. "I've got this."

"You sure?" I asked, raising a brow. This was an awful lot of help for someone he barely knew.

"This wasn't your fault, mate," he replied, patting my shoulder. "Go home. Clean yourself up."

"Thanks," I whispered, before turning to make a run for it.

"Oh, and Kai?" I heard Enzo call before I disappeared.

I glanced over my shoulder expectantly.

"Call your girl," he said. "Sort things out."

I bobbed my head once before disappearing into the darkness again.


Mikaela's POV

I'd managed to get out of my dress and into the shower without a problem, slipping into a comfortable t-shirt dress. I towel-dried my hair before attempting to relax on my bed.

This, of course, didn't last very long.

I got to my feet, pacing my room. I tried to call Kai - with no answer, of course. After ten missed calls, I began to panic.

He wouldn't have done something stupid, right? He'd just walk off his anger, go home, and get some rest. Surely?

Or, a sinister voice giggled in my mind, he went to kill the first thing in sight, wishing it was you.

Okay. That one hurt.

Groaning in frustration, I slipped on my sneakers, grabbed my keys from the nightstand, then hurried outside to my car, hoping I'd been quiet enough that I wouldn't alert my family. And Liv.

I tapped my fingers on the steering wheel the whole journey, mind running at a million miles per hour, running over every horrific scenario that could've taken place in my absence.

What if someone had lost their life tonight because of me? Because of what I'd pushed Kai to do?

Pulling up outside his apartment block, I swiftly locked the car and rushed up the steps. Tapping my knuckles against the door rapidly, I shifted from foot to foot impatiently.

No answer.

I tried again.


As I turned to walk away, ready to start a search party for the siphoner, the door suddenly opened. He stood there staring expectantly at me in a loose tee and a pair of sweatpants, eyebrow raised.


I gulped. "You're alive." I cringed. Why was that my opening line?

"I am," was all he said.

"Um, so I just wanted to check that everything was okay, and I can see now that you're fine, so I guess I'll just be on my way..."

"That's all you came for?" he asked, folding his arms across his chest.

"Yes." I paused, closing my eyes with a sigh. "No," I admitted, looking up at him. "I also came here to apologise."

"Oh?" Kai wondered, almost in amusement.

"Yeah," I sighed. "Listen, I didn't look at Klaus because I wanted him or to use you to make him jealous - I looked at him to make sure Caroline was still in one piece."

He said nothing, just staring at me as he waited for me to explain myself.

"But a part of me did want Klaus to feel hurt. I wanted him to see how happy I was without him. I wanted him to know that he couldn't get to me, that you were the only person on my mind."

Kai continued to stare.

"I guess I went about it the wrong way," I admitted. "I should've kept my full attention on you, especially when I knew you were paranoid about what would happen between us. But I want to prove that the only one I want is you. I'll help you do the merge. We'll run away, I'll get un-sired from him. I want to be able to give you all of me, instead of just a part. It's not fair on either of us, and this can't continue any longer."

Kai blinked.

"I shouldn't have accepted his deal, but there was nothing I could do under pressure. It was too risky. People could've got killed because I wasn't playing it smart. It'll put targets on our backs if we're going to do this, but it's worth it if it means I can show you what you truly mean to me. It's worth it if I get to live my own life, to not have to answer to that monster. And I guess when it comes down to it, I just came here to say I'm sorry." I took a deep breath, before exhaling slowly. "I'm really, really sorry..."

Once I had finally finished my huge apology speech, Kai still hadn't uttered a word, continuing to glare at me.

Then, by some sort of miracle, his lips moved. "Get inside."

I blinked, taken aback. "What?"

Kai moved to the side, gesturing for me to come into his apartment. "In."

Obeying his command, I stepped past the threshold, Kai shutting the door behind me. "What's going on?"

Without warning, I was slammed against the wall with Kai's hand around my throat, his hips pressing against mine roughly.

"Kai!" I gasped out in shock.

"You're sorry, huh?" he snapped, voice gravelly from anger.

Eyes wide, I stared at him. "I- wha- yes!"

He tilted his head, lids narrowed accusingly at me. "Then prove it."


He leaned close to my ear to whisper, "Prove to me how sorry you are."

I gulped. "How?" I murmured.

Kai turned slowly to look in the direction of the lounge, his face still only inches from mine. "Stand by the sofa," he commanded. "Now."


"I said now."

I stared at him in shock, but as much as I hated to admit it, I couldn't help but feel turned on by this side of him. This was the first time in what seemed like months that I'd really - truly - caused an explosive reaction in him.

He raised an inky brow at me. "Clock's ticking Mikaela."

Secretly excited, I hurried over to the sofa.

"Good girl," he purred, before strolling up to where I stood. Leaning close to my ear once again, he said in a hushed tone, "Now bend over."

I almost collapsed. "Excuse me?"

Kai tutted. "I'm not speaking in tongues, baby girl. You heard what I said. So do it."

Not wanting to waste any more time, I slowly lowered myself over the arm rest of the couch.

Clearly too impatient, Kai grabbed a fistful of my hair and pushed me harder, forcing me to bend quicker. He moved to stand behind me, before brushing my upper thighs with the tips of his fingers, teasingly. A second later, he lifted up my dress.

"You ready to prove it to me?" his voice wondered from behind me.

I took a deep breath. "Yes."

Kai chuckled darkly, slowly running his hand over my bare ass, rubbing softly with his thumb.

Before I even had a chance to release a sigh of pleasure, he snatched his hand away. Two seconds later, he landed a harsh slap across the skin.

I cried out, half from dull pain, half from pleasure. I didn't know what this feeling was, but God did it feel good. Under normal circumstances, this wouldn't hurt me too much, but Kai was being extra rough with me, knowing that I could withstand a lot thanks to my supernaturally tough skin.

Doing a full one-eighty, Kai caressed the tender skin softly, sending a splash of goosebumps along my thighs.

He laughed quietly - but the sound was menacing. "That was only the first one. If you can't handle that, you're in trouble."

Suddenly, he slapped me again.

A cry fell from my lips, before slowly softening to a moan as the sting morphed into ecstasy.

"Oh, it sounded as if you liked it that time," Kai commented teasingly. "Do you like getting your ass slapped like a naughty girl?"

I whimpered. "Mhm."

"Mhm? That's all you've got for me?" he wondered.

He spanked me again.

I moaned loudly. "Yes I like it!"

"Now say thank you," he growled.

"Thank you," I replied quickly.

"Thank you for what?" he pushed on. He was forcing me to let go.

"Thank you for punishing me," I finally said, any worries of how Kai felt about me during intimacy suddenly disappeared. This was it now. No going back.

I was delighted to hear his dark chuckle. "Perfect answer, baby."

Yet again, his hand came down hard on my bare skin. I dug my nails into the fabric of the sofa.

"Tell me again, why did you come here?" he wondered.

I gulped. "Because I'm sorry."

Slap. A whine escaped my lips.

"What was that?" Kai said sarcastically. "I didn't hear it over the sound of your cries. Say it again."

"I'm sorry!" I yelled.

"Aw, Mikaela is sorry," Kai teased, speaking to me as if I was a misbehaving child. "What are you sorry for though, huh?"


"Are you sorry for not giving me your full attention when I needed it most?"


"Are you sorry for obsessing over a guy you claim to no longer want anything to do with?" he pushed on.


"Or are you sorry for driving me so insane that I had to take my anger out on you?"


"All of them!" I cried out. "I'm just so sorry!"

"Hmm," Kai hummed. "You will be..."

Suddenly, he took a step back. "Now, be a good girl and stay exactly as you are, bent over with your legs apart. Do you understand me?"

I nodded into the sofa. "I understand," I murmured.

I turned my head, watching as he walked over to the kitchen, before swiftly grabbing a knife from the side. He tossed it in the air then caught it easily with one hand as he strolled back to where I was still positioned, bent over the arm of the sofa.

Kai squatted down to the point where his face was eye level to my ass, and suddenly I felt incredibly on show. Softly, slowly, he began to run the blade up my inner thighs.

"You feel this knife?" he murmured, a far-away tone to his voice.

I trembled. "Yes."

"When I saw you look at him, I wanted to take a knife just like this one," he said, voice still quiet - but terrifying, "and shove it straight into his heart, even though I knew it wouldn't kill him." He chuckled menacingly. "But I still wanted it."

I shivered as the tip of the knife had reached the highest point of my inner thighs, moaning as it tickled a sensitive area.

"And after I'd hurt him, I wanted to turn the knife on you," he continued, telling his story as if he wasn't running a knife over my skin. "I got so mad, I thought if I could just let you feel even an ounce-" I hissed sharply as he dug the knife into the bare skin of my ass, "-of the pain I was feeling at that point, that maybe you would understand."

He sounded like a mad-man, but I didn't care. I was overwhelmed with pleasure, unable to stop the whimpers falling from my lips over and over again.

"But I guess I didn't want to hurt you - not really, anyways. Because when it comes down to it, you're all that I have..."

Moving the knife in my skin, I tried to concentrate on the movements, realising with shock that he'd written the letter 'K'.

"You're mine," he said matter-of-factly, taking the knife away. Without warning, I sighed in bliss as he swiped his tongue over the sore spot, licking away the blood. "Nobody else's. Do you understand?"

"Mhm," was all I managed to reply.

Suddenly Kai jumped to his feet, grabbing a fistful of my hair and pulling me up close against his chest so that he could lean towards my ear.

"I said, do you understand?" he growled, lips against the lobe.

"Yes!" I gasped out. "I understand!"

"Good girl..." he praised, before pushing me back flat against the fabric of the sofa.

I tried not to get mad as he slowly sliced open the back of my dress with the knife, dragging the tip against my spine, causing pornographic moans to fall from my mouth. If I wasn't so blind with pleasure right now, I would've been incredibly embarrassed.

"Truthfully? I think this is why you like me," Kai commented as he continued with his task. "You like the darkness. You like the fact that I make your heart race faster than anyone else ever has or ever could."

He wasn't wrong. In fact, he was one-hundred per cent correct. I just couldn't form the words to tell him, my mind nothing but mush at this point.

Suddenly, he threw the knife over to the dining table with precision. I couldn't help but be impressed as it landed perfectly, stabbed directly into the wood, standing up.

Kai didn't hesitate in tearing off the rest of my dress.

Well. I guess I'd have to buy a new one. A shame too. I liked that dress.

Suddenly, he teared off my thong, throwing it across the room. Reaching between my legs, he began to rub my clit, causing moans to escape my lips.

"Already so fucking wet," he purred. "I knew you secretly loved this side of me." He chuckled lowly as he worked his hand over me. "You like it when I'm rough with you, huh?" he breathed. "Because you're such a good girl that you can take it. You can take so much and yet you still beg for more."

Kai hit the perfect spot with the tips of his fingers, causing a gasp of pleasure to fall from my mouth.

"But tonight you're not getting what you want," he snapped suddenly, pulling away. "Tonight is all about pain. I've had my pain. Now it's your turn."

Before I had a chance to realise what was happening, he landed a harsh slap on my pussy, causing me to cry out.

"Maybe then you'll never want to look at that idiot again," he said. "Because do you know what will happen if you do?"

Barely able to process his words, going out of my mind with pleasure, I shook my head against the sofa, whimpering.

"Hm?" he pushed on.

"No," I gasped out.

Kai leaned down, his chest pressed against my back, before growling in my ear, "I'll fuck you so hard, the only thing you'll be able to feel is me."

Without warning he entered his fingers into me, curling and moving them roughly, making my legs shake.

I cried out, muffling my moans into the pillow.

Kai grabbed a fistful of my hair, yanking me up to his level again. "Don't you dare cover your moans," he snapped. "I want to hear them."

Remaining bent over the sofa, I stayed upright, letting every sound fall from my mouth freely. Kai ran his tongue up my spine before biting down on my shoulder, not enough to draw blood but it did make me gasp in surprise, eventually softening to a moan.

"See baby?" Kai chuckled in approval against the back of my neck. "Even when I'm hurting you, I still make you feel good. I'm the only one who can."

"Yes," I whispered, goosebumps washing over my skin.

Kai gave another dark laugh before pulling his fingers out, much to my disappointment. I looked over my shoulder, salivating as I watched him take off his clothes.

"Now you stay there like a good girl, with your ass in the air and your head down," Kai commanded.

I instantly did as was told, getting into position for him.

"That's perfect," he whispered with pride. "Arch your back like the fucking professional you are."

He grabbed hold of my hips, only giving me a second to register what was happening before he entered me roughly. In a heartbeat, he began fucking me so hard I felt my eyes water. I held onto the material of the sofa for dear life, as if it would somehow stop my legs from trembling.

Kai reached to grab a fistful of my hair with one hand, his fingers digging in to my hips with the other.

"Oh my God!" I gasped out, head tilted back.

Kai chuckled darkly. "He's not going to help you right now, baby," he whispered.

"Holy shit!" I cried. "Please don't ever stop!" Every time we had sex it seemed to get better and better. Just when I thought he couldn't top the last time, he went ahead and surprised me again.

"Look at you begging for my dick," Kai hummed in delight. "I can't even punish you because you're so greedy."

The pressure between my legs was so intense, I could barely get my words out any more, the euphoric feeling building in the pit of my stomach all over again. But just as I started to get close, Kai pulled out in an instant.

I was ready to cry by this point.

"There's one way to really punish you," he hissed, before flipping me over, forcing me to stay sat on the arm rest of the sofa. Kai took a few steps back as he pressed his back flat against the wall a few feet away from me. Suddenly, he began to stroke himself with both hands.

I moaned, desperate for him, struggling with any ounce of self-control I had left as I dug my fingers into the sofa.

"The only way to punish a spoilt brat, is to take away their favourite things," he sighed. "And your favourite thing is for me to make you cum. So I'm not going to." Narrowing his eyes challengingly at me, he smirked. "You stand there and watch me pleasure myself, wishing my hands were yours."

He threw his head back with a moan as his hands seemed to stroke the right spot. My stomach performed somersaults as I watched his Adam's apple bob, Kai gulping as he struggled to contain his pleasure.

"Oh my God, this is so unfair!" I whined.

"Aw, is poor Mikaela breaking already?" he teased, looking over at me. "You couldn't even last two minutes. You're so weak."

"Please," I begged. "I need you so bad."

Lowering his head to gaze at me from under his eyelashes. "Show me."

I blushed. "How?"

Saying nothing, Kai pointed to the floor in front of him. He glanced down for a second, then back up at me with a smirk.

It took me only a moment to understand. Without hesitation, I strolled up to him, before falling to my knees at his feet.

"Look at that pretty mouth," he whispered, tracing his thumb along my bottom lip.

Teasing him, I began to suck on it. He moaned quietly. Ready to take it up a notch, I stuck out my tongue, leaving my mouth open for him.

Without warning, Kai slid his fingers to the back of my throat, causing me to gag only the slightest amount. "That's it," he purred. "Get it all nice and wet for me."

Obeying him, I allowed my mouth to fill with saliva, knowing it would please him even further.

"Now keep your tongue out," he instructed.

Suddenly, he leaned his hips towards me. Hollowing out my cheeks, I allowed him to slide his dick into my mouth. Keeping all of the control tonight, Kai grabbed the back of my head and began fucking my mouth.

I hummed, helping him along as I gripped hold of his hips, making it easier for him to thrust into me. He hit the back of my throat, causing me to moan.

"What? Is it too big for you or something?" Kai teased, looking down at me with a smirk. "Come on, baby girl. I know you can take it."

Proving he was right, I let him continue his movements, ache growing stronger between my legs with every thrust.

"Let me see those pretty eyes," he whispered.

I looked up at him in an instant, butterflies swarming in my stomach as his jaw dropped open with pleasure, a soft moan escaping his lips.

It didn't take him much longer after that to get to the very edge. Without giving me warning, he suddenly threw his head back with ecstasy, strained groans falling from his lips, his climax hitting the back of my throat. I had no choice but to swallow it down like the champion that I was.

Once Kai eventually came down, he pulled out, before gripping me by my jaw as I got to my feet. "For doing so well, I'm going to make you cum now," he said, face inches from mine. "Understand?"

"Yes," I replied instantly.

He grinned evilly. "Good girl"

Pushing me back toward the sofa, he spun me around before forcing me to bend over the edge again, separating my legs.

Getting to his knees behind me, he pressed a soft kiss to my ass cheek. Suddenly, I quivered with pleasure as I felt his tongue take a long swipe of my clit. He started slow for a moment, teasing me, before speeding up his movements, tongue flicking with expertise.

I moaned over and over again, losing myself in him. As punishment, he slapped my ass every single time any noise escaped my lips.

"Fuck," I gasped.

Kai brought me to the very edge, my chest rising and falling rapidly in anticipation as I began to squeeze my thighs together...

Then he stopped.

I groaned in frustration, desperate for the sweet release he kept taking me only seconds away from.

"Lie down on the sofa," he commanded.

Obeying his every word, I hurried to get in position, my legs only seconds from giving way.

Climbing on top of me in a heartbeat, Kai placed his one hand next to my head, teasing the tip of his dick against me for a only a brief moment - thankfully - before entering me.

Both of us gasped out with pleasure, throwing our heads back. Grabbing hold of my legs, he wrapped them around him tightly as he began to fuck me, just as rough as before.

Although it slightly terrified me, making him angry caused the best results when it came to sex. I didn't want to push him away completely, but getting this reaction every now and then was almost worth it.

As moans of pleasure tumbled over and over from my lips, Kai slammed a hand over my mouth to shut me up. "I don't want to hear a sound from you, do you understand?" he growled, inches away from me. "I just want to see the pleasure written all over your pretty face."

I nodded, trying to keep as quiet as possible as he completely rocked my world. The room spun, I lost all sense of reality, every thought clouding into just one - Kai. His gorgeous blue eyes were all that I could see, harsh breaths escaping his parted lips as he thrusted into me. Sweat began to cluster on his forehead, his brows pulling together as every stroke sent jolts of pleasure up both of our spines.

"Fuck," he whispered every now and then.

My nails began to dig so deep into the muscles of his back that I drew blood, the grinding of his hips bringing me closer and closer to my high. I was starting to lose feeling in my legs, my spine arched against the sofa as I threw my head back. Kai pressed hot kisses along my throat, moaning into the crook of my neck.

"Oh God," I whimpered. "I'm so close," I warned him.

"Let me feel you come undone, baby," Kai whispered with a grin, staring down at me, eyes clouded with a mixture of lust and excitement.

Without needing any extra motivation, my legs trembled around his waist, keeping him from pulling out as I hit my climax. Curses tumbled from my lips relentlessly, vision blurred as I tried desperately to keep my eyes on the beautiful siphoner looking down at me.

My reaction seeming to throw him over the edge, Kai's thrusts suddenly became sloppy as he collapsed on top of my chest, groans escaping his throat.

Both of us led there panting heavily for a few moments, Kai keeping his head pressed tightly in the crook of my neck as we tried to catch our breath.

"Kai?" I whispered after a while.

He finally pulled back to look at me. "Mm?" he wondered in a slight daze.

"Are you alright?" I chuckled.

He bobbed his head once. "Yeah."

I chewed my lower lip nervously. "Am I forgiven?"

Kai forced a smile, sitting back on the sofa as he got off me. "Of course."

"You sure?" I wondered suspiciously. "Because you still seem kinda mad..."

The room was silent for a moment before he finally spoke up. "No. I'm fine." Kai jumped to his feet. "Do you want a drink?"

"Uh, sure," I murmured as I watched his every move.

He quickly began to get dressed on the bottom half of his body, before throwing his T-shirt towards me. My dress was ripped, after all.

Throwing his t-shirt on, I was a little hurt, noticing that Kai didn't look at me as he headed towards the kitchen, pouring me a drink of water before bringing it over to me. We sat down, neither of us saying much for a while as I sipped from my glass.

Finally, the silence was too much to bear.

"Kai, I-"

"I nearly killed someone tonight," he said quietly, cutting me off.

I froze, staring at him with my jaw hanging slightly open. "What?" I breathed.

Kai shrugged. "On my way home. This guy attacked me, and I beat him to within an inch of his life." Just like that. So casual, as if he was talking about the weather.

I frowned. "Why did he attack you?"

"I think he was compelled," Kai replied, brows pulling together in frustration. "He kept saying he had to keep provoking me until it killed him."

I gulped. "Did you know him?"

"No," he said, shaking his head. "He was just some young guy. He had a mask on though, so he must've been at the ball."

Something about his words didn't sit right with me. "Wait. What colour was the mask?"

Kai paused for a moment in thought, before saying, "White."

My blood ran cold. "Oh my God," I whispered.

He raised a brow sceptically at me. "What?"

"When I was outside trying to call Tyler, he walked past me," I gasped. "He looked at me like I was a piece of meat."

Kai's jaw set in place, anger taking hold of him once more. "Maybe I should have killed him after all," he hissed.

"What if Klaus did this?" I cried out. "What if he made him try to push you so far that you snapped and killed him?"

Kai threw his head back to laugh in disbelief. "So it would prove to you that I'm an awful person - as if you didn't already know."

Quickly moving myself closer to him, I held his face with my free hand, staring deeply into his ocean-blue eyes - although, they were tinged with red, I noticed. "Nothing could change the way I feel about you, Kai. I'd be the world's biggest hypocrite," I sighed. "And come on, would that really be Klaus' plan all along, to try and prove that he's the better man or something? He's killed more people than me and you combined."

Kai shrugged, rubbing the back of his neck. "I guess that's true." He turned to look at me, completely serious. "But I was so close, Mickie. Only a few more minutes and he'd be dead."

"But you didn't," I reminded him. "You snapped out of it. That's got to stand for something, right?"

Frowning, Kai glanced towards his bedroom. "I broke my ring," he murmured, refusing to look at me.

I felt my heart shatter. "What?" I whispered.

"I smashed it against the ground whilst I was fighting him," Kai said simply. "And it cracked."

"Oh..." Realising we had more important issues to worry about right now, I shrugged, heaving a sigh. "Well, that's okay. I've got plenty more blood to give you," I teased.

Finally, Kai looked up at me. We stared at each other for a moment, before both breaking into smiles.

Feeling a little happier now that the tension had vanished from the air, I took another sip of my water before placing the glass on the coffee table. "Is it alright if I stay here again tonight?" I wondered, realising it was pretty late by now.

"Of course," Kai replied, placing a hand on my thigh gently. After experiencing nothing but roughness from him only ten minutes ago, his affectionate actions made me shiver with pleasure that much more.

"Thanks," I chuckled. "I really don't feel like going all the way home just to-"

I paused, the room suddenly beginning to spin. I blinked rapidly, trying to control the strange episode of vertigo. "Woah," I whispered.

"Mickie?" Kai asked, full of concern. "Are you okay?"

As my vision got darker, suddenly the dizziness was too much to cope with. My eyes drifted closed. "What the fu-" I breathed, unable to finish my words before collapsing to the side against the sofa.

Blacking out.

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