Guardian | BTS

By Taekooksnoona

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The Kim's hire you to be their 'nanny' but things take a turn and suddenly your world is turned upside down... More

Chapter 1- Meeting the boys
Chapter 2- Caught
Chapter 3-Wet
Chapter 4- No questions asked
Chapter 5- Target Practice
Chapter 6- Tell me
Chapter 7- Jimin
Chapter 8- Taehyung
Chapter 9- Guardian
Chapter 10- Kiss
Chapter 11- Jungkook
Chapter 12- Seokjin
Chapter 13- Company
Chapter 14- Yoongi
Chapter 15- Meeting
Chapter 16- Hoseok
Chapter 17- honey
Chapter 18- Go time
Chapter 19- Lets get it
Chapter 20- Set up
Chapter 21- Focus
Chapter 22- Smitten
Chapter 23- Shift
Chapter 24- Just a job
Chapter 25- Hope
Chapter 26- Breakdown
Chapter 27. Jung family
Chapter 28. Look what you started
Chapter 29. Sharing?
Chapter 30. The Girls
Chapter 31- Lockdown
Chapter 32- Snake
Chapter 33- Got him
Chapter 34- The aftermath
Chapter 35- Worry
Chapter 36- Uncle?
Chapter 37- Dark hour
Chapter 38- Unexpected
Chapter 39- Kiss
Chapter 40- Unspoken words
Chapter 41- What actually happened
Chapter 42-...Is that
Chapter 43- Family
Chapter 44- Reaching out
Chapter 45- Lets talk
Chapter 46- The island
Chapter 47- Shes back...
Chapter 48- Hang on
Chapter 50- Death
Chapter 51- Lover boy
Chapter 52- I know you do
Chapter 53- sad eyes
Chapter 54- I love you
Chapter 55- Unsure
Chapter 56- What if...
Chapter 57- closure
Chapter 58- Against the Rules
Chapter 59- Over
Chapter 60- Love

Chapter 49- We did it

2.6K 165 36
By Taekooksnoona

Forty nine

Taehyung's POV


I panic when I see my older brother laying in a pool of his own blood. "Hyung help me!" my own voice sounds so distant, my hands are trembling as I pull Namjoon into a room. His body is limp, his pulse is faint and he's not very responsive. "Taehyung breath he'll be okay" I shake my head and take a deep breath listening to Hoseok's words. Jimin's hands are fumbling now as him and Jungkook rip open namjoon's shirt.

"Jungkook I need you to go look for something to clean his wound, Jimin we need to get the blood to stop he doesn't have long and Taehyung you need to go after hyung. He's all alone, he's good but he's not that good. He'll need backup. Do you think you can do it?"

I nod all too quickly regaining my focus "Dont let our brother die" I shout as I jump to my feet and head back out into the chaos, all I could do was pray that Namjoon would be okay not to mention the girls and Seojun. The rest would be up to us, I new what I had to do. The thought of it becoming a reality was really starting to set in.

"Where the fuck are you Hyung"

"Right here"

I whip around and feel relief wash over me, without thinking I lunge forward and hug the small man. "Hajima we don't have time where is everyone?" I nod and pull away "Namjoon got shot really badly and Hyung went after Seokjun I'm on my way to help him." Yoongi nods and reloads his gun "I'll go with you, take any loaded guns on the way we'll need them. We almost have full take over we just can't let Seokjun escape"

I'm a bit surprised by Yoongi Hyungs words but continue following him. I was glad we had more gain on the island then I had anticipated that means Namjoon's chances of survival were higher.

The deeper we go into the escape route the more quiet it gets not to mention dark, I felt uneasy. "We're almost to the end how have we not seen anyone yet?" I whisper as I inch closer to my Hyung. "I was thinking the same I hope we're not to late" I nod as we both give each other a look and then take off running. "I hope that idiot is okay" Yoongi mumbles

"They both will be...they have to be"

Your POV

All I see is red, I have no control over my body as I watch this man yank Seojun away from Jiwoo. Zara is unconscious and on the ground as Yami and Mrs. Jung try to check her. Yeonjun is shot and on the ground as Aisha fixes herself. I had never felt so angry it's like fire was burning through my veins as i blindly shoot. Again I have no control of my body but it seems to be in defense mode. I take out one then two then three until bullets are getting shot my way. Sona and Soobin are quick to join me and help take out the remaining few. We leave all but four.

Seojun is crying in the strange mans arms, doing his best to kick and hit the man until he's free. "Don't you dare lay a finger on him!" I shout taking off towards the man

"y/n no!"

Everything from that point goes in slow motion I can see Aisha cocking her gun from the corner of my eye as I lunge for my sweet boy. Sona is just as quick and takes the first shot luckily hitting Aisha in the shoulder making her drop her weapon. Soobin then takes out the other two men that were guarding Aisha. As I finally reach the man and tackle. It takes him off guard just enough to let Seojun wiggle free of the man. While I get clocked in the face by the mans handgun.

I can see the panic in Seojun's eyes as I land on my back, his captor is quick to get on top of me and point his gun in my face. But I wasn't going to give up so easy, Seojun was too close so Soobin and Sona couldn't take a shot at the man without possibly hitting him.

So I have to be quick, first blind him. Grabbing a handful of the sand below us I thrash against him and throw the sand in his face. I only get a split second from that point to push him off of me. Unfortunately he's heavy but I still somehow manage to do so but he's also fast. By  time I have him off me and almost to my feet he's turned and pointing the gun back at me.

"Close your eyes"

I mumble as I slowly put my hands up Seojun's soft cries fill my ears but he listens and closes his eyes. As soon as they're shut I lunge once more and the man shoots. I feel instant pain but I'm still able to push him on his back and grab my gun that was laying behind him. Without hesitation I grab the gun and shoot the man in the face, trembling I toss the gun and move over to Seojun.

"It's okay you're okay now"

I mumble, pain slowly starts to consume me. "Yami please" I manage, I can see her panicked state as she runs towards me with soobin. Seojun is clinging to my chest "it's okay honey I promise" I mumble trying to sooth him. As soon as Yami is close enough so quickly takes Seojun from me. My vision gets blurry from that point on as Soobin come to my aid,I can hear my name being called but everything is so dark.

"Go, get"

Those were the last words I managed to get out before the voices stopped and everything dark consumed me.

Seokjin's POV

"I must admit nephew I'm quite impressed, you've come a long way from that young boy who was afraid of guns"

My eye was swollen shut at this point, my gun was now out of reach and the bastard had seven guys with him. None of that mattered though I had to end him tonight or this would all be for nothing. "You're bleeding, not to mention your breathing has shallowed. Not as tough as you used to be I guess" I mumble standing upright once again. I can see the angry twitch in his eye at my words, had he forgotten that I was once the closest thing to him?

"I do have a question though...what's the deal with Aisha? What did you promise her?"

Amusement catches his eyes now "Nothing, she had her own revengeful feelings I suppose" I tsk taking a step to my right, surprisingly no one moves. "What revenge? She loved jimin" he chuckles before holding his wounded arm to apply pressure

"Jimin? Aisha was in love with Taehyung, when he denied her his feelings she left but when Namjoon reached out she seen that as an opportunity to come back and give it another go at Taehyung. But it seems Taehyung had given his heart to another at that point not to mention Jimin was lusting after the same woman. Bitter feelings I suppose"

She'd really turn her back on us all just because she was jealous of y/n? I take another step and glance at my gun, just one lunge and I'd have it. I'd have to be quick though and accurate with my shot cause once I move they will for sure shoot me up. But as long as I kill the bastard It'd  all be worth it. Everyone can live in peace and hopefully my sweet Yami would find another, a man who is worthy of her love unlike myself.

With a final deep breath I go for it but another commotion takes place making me lose my footing entirely. Bullets start to fly though as I scramble on the floor to get to my gun.

"Hyung you okay?"

I felt relief wash over me hearing my younger brothers voice not to mention a cursing Yoongi shouting at these assholes. "Don't let him get away taehyung" he helps me to my feet once more and pulls me to a safer spot. "He's gone but don't worry Hyung I'll get him" I nod

"go I'll cover you"

Before he moves he gives me this enduring look, suddenly the vision of a small Taehyungah following me and Namjoon around invades my mind. "I love you to don't die on me" I mumble watching his eyes glisten. I push him forward a bit making him move as I help Yoongi take out the remainder of guys.

"We'll be right behind you once we're done here"

Yoongi shouts as Taehyung disappears into the clearing. "Go after Namjoonie Hyung I'll be alright!" Tae's voice belts. Namjoon I had forgotten all about his gunshot wound. He better still be alive... "Hyung to the right" I shoot without looking and take out the last of the seven. "Yoongi go after Namjoon make sure he's alright while I finish this thing with Taehyung"

"Hyung your in bad shape let me go help Taehyung"

I shake my head no as I reload my clip and steal another gun from the deceased. "Fine but be careful"

Taehyung's POV

"Stop running you coward!"

What was with this guy, he was suppose to be some scary gang leader and all he does is run. I take my shot and clip his other arm as he falls forward. I slowly walk over to him gun at the ready "I'm the most proud of you Tae Tae, just think of the things we could accomplish. Your father was never a great shot like you. You get that from me"

I tsk as I get even closer I can hear faint footsteps coming from behind me. "Just me" I relax hearing my Hyung "So nice of you to join us nephew" in a blink of an eye the old run down bastard turns and shoots in my Hyungs direction, I can hear myself shout as I lunge towards him.

"Taehyung no!"

Another shot gets fired but this time it's my Hyungs bullet. It flys past me as my body hits the ground. A sting in my lower abdomen let's me know I stopped the bullet, my Hyung was safe. "Yah! Stay awake okay? I'm not ready to lose you" I weakly smile as I feel his warmth around me

"Did we get him?"

The tears in his eyes are evident as he holds me closer to him and applies pressure to my bullet hole. "Yeah we got him, now stop worrying about that and focus on staying with me okay?"

I barely nod as I hear new voices, Hyung is barking orders so fast it sounds like he's rapping. "Hyung" I mumble my eyes feel heavy all of a sudden "tell y/n I love her okay? And I'm sorry"

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