Klapollo Ace Attorney *Apollo...

By Riverfire2331

15.6K 537 240

Part three of AL-9 While phoenix is away in recovery for the next seven years, he was forced to have kristoph... More

"Turnabout Trump"
"Phoenix Wright Testimony"
"Apollo's First Ever Cross-Examination"
"Olga Orly"
"Serious Competition"
"The Final Hand"
"Insane Possibilities"
"The Best Laid Traps"
"The Fourth Persons Idently"
"Appetite Before Murder"
"Record Call"
"The Mysterious Girl"
"Phoenix Wright vs Kristoph Gavin"
"Phoenix Wright vs Kristoph Gavin PT 2"
"Phoenix's Offer"
"Turnabout Corner"
"Apollo's First Client Alone"
" Plum Kitaki"
"Important Clue"
"Stolen And Returned"
"Hospital Visit"
"The Very Unexpected Client"
"the Mysterious Man"
"Hospital Visit PT 2"
"Detective Ema Skye"
"More Clues"
"Detention Center"
"Apollo's First Trial Alone"
"Wocky Kitaki's "Truth"..."
"A Night In The Park"
"A Night In The Part 2"
"From Shoot To Call"
"Saved By The Unexpected"
"From Shot to Call PT 2"
"Apollo's Power"
"Lies Of The Cell Phone"
"Stickler's True Crime"
"Magic And Science"
"Floral Tea"
"The Panty Thief"
"Little Plum"
"The Dark Clinic"
"Detention Centre Chat With Wocky"
"Rockstar And Gloomy Detective"
"Shoe Print"
"The Slipper Print And The Unexpected Love Story"
"Doctor's Terrible News..."
"The Fiancée's Testimony"
"Sandals And Medical Charts"
"Alita Nervous Habit"
"Alita Is A Shitty FIanceé"
"The Meraktis Clinic"
"Alita True Colours"
"Tiala's Explanation"
"The Final Piece Of Evidence"
"The Gangster Bakery"
"Turnabout Serenade"
"Fires And Gunshots"
"The Frustraiting Investigation"
"Trucy And Apollo Break The Rules"
"Klavier Being An Perfectionist Idiot"
"The Siren Can Speak English Apparently"
"Body Disappeared Which Was Completely Ema's Fault"
"Body, Guitar And Person Found"
"The Client Who Doesn't Speak English"
"The Start Of The Trial"
"Ema's Testimony"
"When In Doubt Bluff "
"What I Saw"
"What I Saw 2"
"The Missing Body"
"Klavier Being Smug"
"Lamiroir's Eyes And The Shocking Turn Of Events"
"The Great Reveal Of Valant Gramarye"
"Trucy's Biological Family"
"Machi's Many Secrets"
"Sunshine Coliseum"
"Evidence And Magic"
"The Siren's Claim"
"Shocking Discovery...Literally"
"Daryan And Apollo's Chat"
"Klavier's Office"
"The Siren Rests At The Hospital"
"Apollo Goes To Court Without A Plan"
"Machi's Surprise Testimony"
"Proof of Innocence"
"I No Shooting"
"Klavier At Wits Ends"
"Klavier At Wits Ends PT 2 "
"Above the Ceiling "
"The Big Illusion"
Phoenix Being A Cool Boss
"Daryan Being A Dick"
"Proof of Innocence"
"Nobody Burns Klavier Guitar And Get's Away With It...And The Murder Too"
"The True Culprit"
Victory Noodles
"Turnabout Succession"
"Vera Misham"
"Drew Studios"
"The Red Evalope"
"The Burshel Card"
"Apollo Always Get's Stuck With The Weirdest People"
"The Journalist's Story"
"What Brushel Noticed"
"The Scent Of A Story"
"The Interview: A Recap"
"...Vera Misham..."
"The Red Envelope"
"Blast Of The Past Showdown Time"
"The Trial"
"Miles And Phoenix's New Hatchling"
"Phoenix's Own Investigation"
"Phoenix Own Investigation PT 2"
"Not So Friendly Meeting Behind Bars"
"Drew Vs Phoenix"
"The Quiet Witness Vera Drew"
"Seven Years Ago Detention Talk"
"The Gramarye Secret"
"Drew's Last Letter"
"Kristoph Gavin Reapperence"
"Poisoning Vera"
"Kristoph Letter"
"Phoenix's Plan Revealed"
"The Meltdown of The Calmest Attorney of The West"
"After Court"
"Slow Burn"

"Poisoning Vera PT 2"

53 1 0
By Riverfire2331

Klavier nodded

'The defense attorney on that case was Phoenix Wright fill in, Jousha Poppet,  Who, other than him, drunk with the prospect of victory, could have done it? And why would they?'

Apollo stared him for a moment before he took out a red-letter

'...... Just out of curiosity... ...do you remember this letter? This is the first page. ...And this is the second'

the judge examined the letter

'Those were presented in court yesterday. This letter was sent to Drew Misham by the client who requested that forgery'

'The "enclosed stamp" was none other than the poisoned commemorative stamp! Drew Misham drew his last breath just the other day. However! The motive for his murder was already seven years old!'

Klavier eyes widen

'Seven years old...?'

'The client who requested this forgery was very cautious. He tried to erase anything... and anyone with connections to the forgery!'

the judge blinked at him

'...To keep them from talking?'

'...But he made a mistake, ...The killer's "time bomb" was delayed. The poisoned stamp was sealed within a glass frame... ...where it sat for seven whole years'

the courtroom went silent, it was klavier who was the first too speak up

'...Herr Forehead. Do you understand what you're telling us?'

Apollo remained composed and silent, listening to what klavier had to say

'The one who schemed up the forged diary page was the one who poisoned the stamp. And it was Jousha Poppet who presented the forged evidence seven years ago. Adding the two statements together, the one who schemed to kill Drew Misham... ...was none other than Jousha Poppet!'


apollo shook his head

'...Sorry, but that's not how this is going to go down'

Klavier eyed him down, challenging him 

'Oh? Then how will it "go down"?'

'I checked through the records on that case... when I found this. ...Seven years ago, just before the trial began..trucy had given jousha the diary, And one more thing...jpusha poppet was put on the case the day before the trial started. He didn't have time to request a forgery!'

'The day before...!?'

klavier said with shock in his eyes

'Now here's a question. Just who was Shadi Enigmar's previous defense attorney?'

his eyes narrowed towards kristoph, who went silent, klabier clenched his fist

'No... Th-This can't all be...'

'...But it is all true. There was another man, a defense attorney with a badge on his collar... ...it was you! Kristoph Gavin!'

the court started to go at it again, the judge banged down his gavel to calm the court down, silencing them

'Order! Order! Order!!! W-What is the meaning of this, witness! I mean, defendant! Er, former lawyer!?'

kristoph shook his head as he crossed his arms

'...Let me begin by denying this'


apollo yelled

'It's easy enough to look up, Mr. Gavin'

'And impossible to prove if you can't'

kristoph countered

'Attorneys are registered with the court the day before the trial begins. In other words, no record remains in the court. How exactly did you intend to prove Jousha Poppet's claim?'

'Hmm... That would be difficult. I'm afraid this line of inquiry won't yield...'

the judge said, but then another objection was cried out


klavier yelled out, his eyes studied on apollo, with a very fierce expression

'...Herr Forehead. Are you sure you don't have evidence...?'

Apollo examined klavier with his eyes, ..he seemed, clammy and tense, then again, he would be too if he was in his shoes

'Evidence! Evidence that shows this man, Kristoph Gavin, requested that forgery seven years ago!'

he demanded, kristoph glared at him


Klavier ignore him, his eyes stubbornly focused on apollo, his teeth gritted, his composure falling into bits

'Just... prove it! Clear up these doubts now, or I swear, I'm off this case!'

apollo felt his heart swell and break, this must've been so painful for klavier, to have your own brother, someone who you clearly had a bond with, become the one thing you despised, his anger towards kristoph, now become a flame of hatred and rage

"Prosecutor Gavin looks like he's in physical pain! That darkness... ...I have to pull that darkness out of him...And proof is the only way I can! What proves Kristoph Gavin's link to Drew Misham!?"

'Well, Mr. Justice? You claim Kristoph Gavin requested a forgery of Drew Misham seven years ago! Prove it!'

he nodded at the judge

'It can be proven'

Kristoph scoffted

'...... Simply ridiculous. Why even discuss it? This "evidence" does not...'


klavier yelled, though his voice was more shakey

'Are you... telling the truth, Apollo Justice...?'

he nodded

'...I am'

"..I'm sorry klavier"

Klvaier bit his lip 

'Then... I say we give him the benefit of the doubt!'

klavier roared out, with much determination and force, apollo felt his admiration grow, ..klavier was willing to have this trial continue, and to show the truth, even if it meant putting his own brother behind bars, ...that was dedication and true strength in his eyes, the judge nodded

'Very well. But, if you're wrong about this... ...be prepared for a penalty'

Kristoph then intergected

'Your Honor. You do the defense an injustice. Mr. Justice is clearly passionate about his claim. Should the penalty not match his passion?'

apollo sent him a glare when he saw the sly nasty smile appearing on his face, what a fucking scumbag, the judge expression lifted up with surprise

'I... haven't given a penalty like that in a long time. Well? Mr. Justice!'

Apollo simply smirked, crossing his arms

'heh, that's Ffne by me, Your Honor' 

"All I have to prove is any kind of link. Something that ties Kristoph Gavin to Drew Misham... And... I have something that clearly does the job."

'...Very well, Mr. Justice. Present your evidence! Show us the link between our witness and Drew Misham!'

without a moment of hesitation, he pulled out the yellow envelope, and showed it to the entire court

'This evidence proves there's a link!'


apollo looked at klavier, who just shook his head, his hazel brown eyes then narrowed to kristoph, who was fixing up his glasses

'That... scrap of paper? I'm afraid I can't let you submit that'

he said with a deep frown and furrowed brows, apollo glared at him as he crossed his arms

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