Breaking Doesn't Mean You're...

By shipmeromeorgohome

904 69 7

Individual story loosely based upon my life. There is cutting and depression, so BRACE YOURSELVES! More

My Demise
Who's He?
Am I Here?
His Name
Whatever's Left Of Me
I'm Such a Hypocrite
She Deserved It
In a Week
Classical Music
Something I Wanted
Poor Little Woodpecker
Like Smoke
Porcelana Chica
Lets Go
The Same Word
Scary Monster, Happy Family
As Good as Gone
Haunting Me
20th Special
The Cost
A Middle Distance Runner
Nothing Left to Give
Is This Road Gonna End
I Wanna Fly
Like Real People Do
Bleeding Out
Now Weep
The Thing
A Long, Long Time


21 0 0
By shipmeromeorgohome

A/N: I am too kind. Two chapters in one night and Angel-In-The-Dark ain't even back yet bc you know me I'm a rebel. This one gets a little explicit folks. Enjoy.

Mint POV

Kayli stared at the boy who had come around the corner. She hadn't a clue who he was, but I immediately changed myself. Nothing obvious, but my spine straightened. My smile turned into a smirk, eyebrows raising infinitesimally. "Still on the medication for the poor cut? Hope it doesn't get infected," I teased him sarcastically. "Mmm, well. Might die of blood loss. We'll see." He said, just as cocky. I laughed, but not the warm laugh Kayli knew of. This one was hard and cold. "Mint, we should go sign out. I'll be right back, I want some water." She said tugging on my hand. I nodded curtly. She left, and I stared at the boy who now took a few steps closer to me. "You're signing out today?" He asks me softly. I nod slowly, confused by his mood swing. "I'm glad. Will you be okay?" He asks me again, his tone no longer crude. I nod again. "I'll se you at school after break. Merry Christmas," She spoke quietly. "Happy Christmas." I said back to him after a moment, but he was already gone.

Kayli's POV

I don't know where you're going
But do you got room for one more troubled soul
I don't know where you're going
But I don't think I'm coming home
And I said, I'll check in tomorrow
If I don't wake up dead
This is the road to ruin
And we're starting at the end
Say yeah, let's be alone together
We can stay young forever
Scream it from the top of your lungs, lungs, lungs
Say yeah, let's be alone together
We could stay young forever
We'll stay young, young, young

I pulled her into the hospital where my mother was waiting. Her parents were still on vacation, so my mother took care of us. I rushed her and she signed Minty out. Grabbing her hand, I told my mom we'd walk home and I ran out of the double doors, her stuff hitting our knees between us as we ran, hand in hand. Finally, we reached a small clearing that had obviously been shovelled free of the snow that had covered the ground by me. There were large totes, organised by type. There were pieces of processed wood, tools, nails, logs of wood. "We could probably build a little cabin with all this." She said, laughing. "So what's it for?" She asks, turning to me. "Exactly that. A small cabin." I told her excitedly, our fingers sill intertwined. "Wow," She breathed. "And we're building it together." I finished. She looked over at me and smiled excitedly, pulling out a sketchpad and some pencils. "Well, we are going to need some blue prints, hmm?" She said. She pulled off her jacket and lay it on the ground, gesturing for me to sit on it. I tried to leave some room for her, but she laughed and shook her head, settling on the cold ground next to me. She handed me the sketchpad. "You get the layout down." She said. I shook my head. "It's for both of us." I said. She chuckled again. "I know that, silly. That's why I'm here. To help. But I want you to do the layout." She tells me. "I can do the building." I said. "Do you know where each support beam goes?" She asks me. I blushed and shook my head. "Damnit. I should've taken shop." I muttered. She laughed and pointed to the paper. "Go." She demanded, smiling. I began my sketch, and after half an hour of cussing and Mint occasionally taking the paper from me to add some support thing and math or something before handing it back and smiling, I finally finished. She ripped the page out and started drawing dots and doing math and stuff on the sides before smiling contently at her work and standing. "You stay here and be pretty, I'll tell you if I need you." She says, laughing. She handed me the sketchbook and pencils. "Can I draw?" I ask her. She nods and goes to gather her materials. I watch in awe as she gets out a large can of glue and begins painting the topside of a piece of wood. "What are you doing?" I ask her curiously. Glue goes on the sides, right? "Do you want a carpet or not?" She asks. I giggle and nod and she goes back to it. After around ten minutes she starts laying out small squares of carpet on the pre built thirty by thirty plank of wood. Finally, a golden, furry, and soft carpet spans across the entirety of the floor. "I thought you would use the black," I say, surprised. She laughs. "That would look terrible with wood," She says, dragging it to the middle of the field. I watch her until dark, doing complicated math on paper and hammering nails in the wood, sweat rolling down her face. Even with a concentrated look on her face, sawdust covering her, she was so beautiful. I snapped out of it as she walked up to me, the sinking sun playing with her shadow. "We should go home, we can come back tomorrow," She says, offering her hand. I take it and she pulls me up. I get the jacket and she puts the stuff back in its totes, covering them. She put her stuff away and we stumbled out of the woods, finally finding the woods. To my surprise, an ostentatious electric blue jeep waits for us. "Sorry, I texted Ollie to pick us up. I'm exhausted." She said to me. She climbs into the front seat and I get in the back. She puts her hand on Ollie's head for a second and he does the same, smiling at her before driving back to my house.

Austin's POV

I've searched this hospital high and low for them. Where are they? Whatever. Mint is coming to visit my room tomorrow so it's alright. I didn't dare go into her room, she'd kill me. I guess she was in there if she wasn't anywhere else. I went back to my room to lye down carefully. My body still felt like shit honestly, and my lack of communication with people other than, unfortunately not so hot nurses, was driving me crazy. I stare at the painting. I wonder what Kayli is doing now. I get my phone and check it. Three text messages from Jackson. I check them and one's a picture of his girlfriend, and the other two are him telling me how good she is at blow jobs. I was honestly disgusted, but I texted him back a congrats and shut off my phone, putting it back on the table and closing my eyes. I want her to come back. I need her to come back.

A/N: I screwed up so bad with the POVs this time that's why Kayli's is so long because one paragraph was a mixture of Kayli and Mints POV and I was just kinda like well shit so. Love it? Hate it? Do the thing I tell you to do every time and you should like totally turn that white star down there orange like pls

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