Klapollo Ace Attorney *Apollo...

By Riverfire2331

15.6K 537 240

Part three of AL-9 While phoenix is away in recovery for the next seven years, he was forced to have kristoph... More

"Turnabout Trump"
"Phoenix Wright Testimony"
"Apollo's First Ever Cross-Examination"
"Olga Orly"
"Serious Competition"
"The Final Hand"
"Insane Possibilities"
"The Best Laid Traps"
"The Fourth Persons Idently"
"Appetite Before Murder"
"Record Call"
"The Mysterious Girl"
"Phoenix Wright vs Kristoph Gavin"
"Phoenix Wright vs Kristoph Gavin PT 2"
"Phoenix's Offer"
"Turnabout Corner"
"Apollo's First Client Alone"
" Plum Kitaki"
"Important Clue"
"Stolen And Returned"
"Hospital Visit"
"The Very Unexpected Client"
"the Mysterious Man"
"Hospital Visit PT 2"
"Detective Ema Skye"
"More Clues"
"Detention Center"
"Apollo's First Trial Alone"
"Wocky Kitaki's "Truth"..."
"A Night In The Park"
"A Night In The Part 2"
"From Shoot To Call"
"Saved By The Unexpected"
"From Shot to Call PT 2"
"Apollo's Power"
"Lies Of The Cell Phone"
"Stickler's True Crime"
"Magic And Science"
"Floral Tea"
"The Panty Thief"
"Little Plum"
"The Dark Clinic"
"Detention Centre Chat With Wocky"
"Rockstar And Gloomy Detective"
"Shoe Print"
"The Slipper Print And The Unexpected Love Story"
"Doctor's Terrible News..."
"The Fiancée's Testimony"
"Sandals And Medical Charts"
"Alita Nervous Habit"
"Alita Is A Shitty FIanceé"
"The Meraktis Clinic"
"Alita True Colours"
"Tiala's Explanation"
"The Final Piece Of Evidence"
"The Gangster Bakery"
"Turnabout Serenade"
"Fires And Gunshots"
"The Frustraiting Investigation"
"Trucy And Apollo Break The Rules"
"Klavier Being An Perfectionist Idiot"
"The Siren Can Speak English Apparently"
"Body Disappeared Which Was Completely Ema's Fault"
"Body, Guitar And Person Found"
"The Client Who Doesn't Speak English"
"The Start Of The Trial"
"Ema's Testimony"
"When In Doubt Bluff "
"What I Saw"
"What I Saw 2"
"The Missing Body"
"Klavier Being Smug"
"Lamiroir's Eyes And The Shocking Turn Of Events"
"The Great Reveal Of Valant Gramarye"
"Trucy's Biological Family"
"Machi's Many Secrets"
"Sunshine Coliseum"
"Evidence And Magic"
"The Siren's Claim"
"Shocking Discovery...Literally"
"Daryan And Apollo's Chat"
"Klavier's Office"
"The Siren Rests At The Hospital"
"Apollo Goes To Court Without A Plan"
"Machi's Surprise Testimony"
"Proof of Innocence"
"I No Shooting"
"Klavier At Wits Ends"
"Klavier At Wits Ends PT 2 "
"Above the Ceiling "
"The Big Illusion"
Phoenix Being A Cool Boss
"Daryan Being A Dick"
"Proof of Innocence"
"Nobody Burns Klavier Guitar And Get's Away With It...And The Murder Too"
"The True Culprit"
Victory Noodles
"Turnabout Succession"
"Vera Misham"
"Drew Studios"
"The Red Evalope"
"The Burshel Card"
"Apollo Always Get's Stuck With The Weirdest People"
"The Journalist's Story"
"What Brushel Noticed"
"The Scent Of A Story"
"The Interview: A Recap"
"...Vera Misham..."
"The Red Envelope"
"Blast Of The Past Showdown Time"
"The Trial"
"Miles And Phoenix's New Hatchling"
"Phoenix's Own Investigation"
"Phoenix Own Investigation PT 2"
"Not So Friendly Meeting Behind Bars"
"Drew Vs Phoenix"
"The Quiet Witness Vera Drew"
"Seven Years Ago Detention Talk"
"The Gramarye Secret"
"Drew's Last Letter"
"Kristoph Gavin Reapperence"
"Poisoning Vera"
"Poisoning Vera PT 2"
"Kristoph Letter"
"Phoenix's Plan Revealed"
"The Meltdown of The Calmest Attorney of The West"
"After Court"
"Slow Burn"


67 3 0
By Riverfire2331

'Machi... We came to talk to you about the case'

apollo said right away, as the two ladies behind him took their seats

Lamiroir frowned underneath her mask, seeing her little friend behind bars was distressing to her


Machi raised up his eyebrows, apollo guessed he was surprised to see her

'Could you interpret for us, Lamiroir?'

Lamiroir nodded


'Machi... I'd like to talk to you about when we first met. ...When we still thought you were blind'

after apollo was done speaking, Lamiroir translated in back in their forgiven language, apollo crossed his arms over his chest

'Now we know the truth. You can see, right?'

trucy nodded, slowly beginning to understand this

'I was completely fooled, myself'

apollo eyed machi with suspicious eyes

'Machi... Isn't there another secret you're hiding from us?'

Machi stayed quite, lamiroir frowned at apollo

'Wait, Mr. Attorney! What do you mean by "secret"?'

apolo kept his eyes locked onto machi's

'What do I mean by "secret"? Well..., If I'm not mistaken... ...you know something about this, don't you!?;

Machi eyes widen underneath his sunglasses, trucy gasped in shock

'Hey, you got a reaction! A big one!'

Lamiroir placed a hand on her chest, a nervous habit she did whenever she was distraught

'Machi, you didn't...!'

'...Trucy and I are trained to see people's uncertainty. Not that we would have needed any training to see that one'

lamiroir frowned again

'Mr. Attorney, please tell me what this is all about!;

Apollo, gently but firmly said

'Lamiroir, please, interpret!'

lamiroir looked back at machie, sighed and frowned

'...Very well'

apollo eyes machi down, something he learned from mr wright after watching him in his trials a few times

'I know you know something about this by your reaction. If you won't tell me, I might have to give it to the prosecution... ...and have them look into it!'

Machi finally began to speak

'He asks you to "wait, do not be so hasty."'

trucy stuttered on her words


machie spoke, lamiroir translated

'"Do you know everything?"'

apollo nodded

'...Yes, everything. Well, sort of'

'Have him tell us about it!'

trucy said, chiming in, lamiroir listened and said

"Very well"...

'What is this cocoon, anyway?'

'"The cocoon, the silk, is a potent cure."'

'A cure...?'

trucy asked, apollo thought back

'It must cure some disease'

'It's a cure for "Incuritis"'

lamiroir translated

'A cure for Incuritis?'

apollo muttered under his breath as he made a mental note in his head

'But, if it's a cure, why keep it in Borginia like that? Just think of all the lives they could save by sharing the medicine!'

Machi didn't speak this time, he stayed quiet in his spot, blank-faced as ever

'I do not understand the reasons myself'

lamiroir said with a genuine sad frown, apollo patted her back

'OK, well, at least we know what it is: a cure. And Mr. LeTouse was after cocoon smugglers. Wait, was Machi...?'

he looked back at him with intense eyes, lamiroir stared back at her little friend

'Machi, you weren't...!'

Trucy shook her head in denial 

'He couldn't be a smuggler! He's so little!'

'Well, you're only 15, and you're sort of a magician, aren't you?'

he pointed out

'Well, that's true. I am sort of a magician'

"She said "sort of"! Oh, to have a copy of that security camera tape..."

he thought, then immediately got back on track, Trucy frowned at machi

'Well, Machi? Are you... a smuggler?'

Machi then spoke up, lamiroir listened carefully, 

'He... won't tell me'

trucy crossed her arms

'First he plays blind, now he plays dumb...'

'I wonder... Do you think he brought a cocoon here to sell it to someone? If Machi really did bring one into the country... ...was he planning on making a deal for its sale?'

machi spoke up again

"I can't go home"...'

lamiroir said, trucy raised a brow

'Can't go home!?'

"I can't go home to Borginia. I do not want to go home." The penalty for taking a cocoon from Borginia... is death'

"That's right! It's punishable by death!"

'"About the case..."? What about the case?'

lamiroir asked

"He wants to tell us about Mr. LeTouse's death!?'

as machi spoke, the metal doors opened up, a man's voice broke into their conversation

'This meeting's over'

Trucy eyed the man with suspiosn and distrust, but mostly shock


apollo frowned and tried to look defiante, but his anxiety got in the way

'Wh-What do you mean? Visiting hours aren't over yet'

Daryan glared down at them all

'There's a call for Machi from the Borginian Embassy. This meeting is over. ...Sorry'

he spat out, not feeling sorry at all

'Just give us five more minutes. We can call them back after that'

apollo said, however, daryan shook his head

'Sorry, no go. C'mon, piano-boy. We're leaving'

Trucy chimed in

'Daryan! Wait!--'

she was cut off when he glared darkly at them both

'...I never liked you. Either of you'

he grumbled out, trucy stepped back, standing shoulder to shoulder with apollo, he shot them one last nasty look and walked out, machi by his side, apollo panted a little as trucy growled underneath her breathe

'Darn it! We were so close! He was about to tell us! Hey, Apollo...'

"He didn't want us to hear what Machi had to say..."


trucy cried out, seeing apollo's expression

"...And there can be only one reason why"

trucy threw her arms up into the air

'Why is everyone ignoring me!?'

apollo blinked as he was somewhat brought back into reality 

'Oh, sorry!' 

"This is it... I know who I'm after now. It all happens tomorrow... in court!"

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