Guardian | BTS

By Taekooksnoona

276K 14.2K 2.3K

The Kim's hire you to be their 'nanny' but things take a turn and suddenly your world is turned upside down... More

Chapter 1- Meeting the boys
Chapter 2- Caught
Chapter 3-Wet
Chapter 4- No questions asked
Chapter 5- Target Practice
Chapter 6- Tell me
Chapter 7- Jimin
Chapter 8- Taehyung
Chapter 9- Guardian
Chapter 10- Kiss
Chapter 11- Jungkook
Chapter 12- Seokjin
Chapter 13- Company
Chapter 14- Yoongi
Chapter 15- Meeting
Chapter 16- Hoseok
Chapter 17- honey
Chapter 18- Go time
Chapter 19- Lets get it
Chapter 20- Set up
Chapter 21- Focus
Chapter 22- Smitten
Chapter 23- Shift
Chapter 24- Just a job
Chapter 25- Hope
Chapter 26- Breakdown
Chapter 27. Jung family
Chapter 29. Sharing?
Chapter 30. The Girls
Chapter 31- Lockdown
Chapter 32- Snake
Chapter 33- Got him
Chapter 34- The aftermath
Chapter 35- Worry
Chapter 36- Uncle?
Chapter 37- Dark hour
Chapter 38- Unexpected
Chapter 39- Kiss
Chapter 40- Unspoken words
Chapter 41- What actually happened
Chapter 42-...Is that
Chapter 43- Family
Chapter 44- Reaching out
Chapter 45- Lets talk
Chapter 46- The island
Chapter 47- Shes back...
Chapter 48- Hang on
Chapter 49- We did it
Chapter 50- Death
Chapter 51- Lover boy
Chapter 52- I know you do
Chapter 53- sad eyes
Chapter 54- I love you
Chapter 55- Unsure
Chapter 56- What if...
Chapter 57- closure
Chapter 58- Against the Rules
Chapter 59- Over
Chapter 60- Love

Chapter 28. Look what you started

4.2K 223 33
By Taekooksnoona

Twenty eight

(Warning long chapter)

A month goes by and it seems as if things are finally getting back to normal. Sadly that meant I see less of the boys, with everything running smoothly with the Seoul takeover again that meant the boys didn't really need to be around here.

The only one who was a constant was Seokjin but that's because he lived here, him and Yami were almost back to normal. Yami looked more radiant these days and had finally put on a little weight so she seemed healthier, I really liked spending time with her.

Unlike Zara she was more on the sweet inviting side, not so intimidating to talk to. Her and Seokjin suited each other and you can feel their love every time you were around them. Much like Zara and Namjoon, Yami and Seokjin had a deep connection where they just understood what the other needed or was feeling without saying anything. I had never seen Seokjin so happy these days.

"We're going to dinner tonight love so I laid out a few dress options for you in your room, Seojun is going to stay with Yami and Seokjin tonight"

I frown a bit as does Seojun and Zara laughs "Sorry my handsome boy but it's for the adults tonight and our love deserves some fun don't you think?"

"She has fun with me all the time right love?"

Seojun protest and I chuckle "of course I do! But I know auntie Yami and uncle Jinnie would love to spend some alone time with you, I'm pretty sure auntie Yami was going to make her delicious cookies tonight too" his eyes sparkle at that and I smile

"Okay have fun love and I promise I'll save you one cookie" I laugh "Just one?"

He shyly smiles and then Zara takes him and gives him a kiss "You're so good with him" she mumbles back at me "So are you" this makes her smile widen, I can tell she feels regret sometimes when she doesn't have enough time with Seojun but he understood as did I.

"Well I'll get him set up with Yami and jin and you pick out a dress I have hair and make up waiting for you too"

I nod and watch as they disappear, I wonder what was so important about tonight's dinner. Though I'd be lying if I didn't say I was excited to be out for an evening. Naturally every dress Zara chose for me is form fitting and shows off way too much cleavage but she was the pro and she knew what the evening was for so I'm assuming any of the dresses would do.

I opt for a champagne color silk dress with a plunging neckline and a slit so high you can see my whole leg when I walk. I felt pretty and sexy for once, the girls who did my make up give me a smoky sultry eye with a bold lip while the hair team gives me long loose curls down my back.

Zara had left me a few jewelry pieces to wear as well so my neck and ears with dripping with diamonds. I didn't even recognize myself in the mirror I had never felt so beautiful in my whole life.

As I go down the stairs I can feel a few heated gazes on me and sure enough when I look up I see Zara and Namjoon undressing me with their eyes. Both dressed to the nine and Zara had on less clothes than I did, her whole back exposed and breast spilling out in a deep maroon dress. She looked incredible.

"I say let's skip dinner and the three of us head back upstairs"

Namjoon husks making me and Zara blush "Maybe later when we get home" Zara winks at me and I chuckle as they lead me out to the car that was waiting for us.

"Where are we going if you don't mind me asking?"

Namjoon sighs deeply "Fundraiser for the rich and unwell" he chuckles as does Zara "It should be a fun evening, everyone who's anyone will be their including our newest colleagues"

Ah so it was like a 'mob boss fundraiser' thing hence his joke. Well now I'm not as excited "Dont worry love it's completely safe, otherwise we wouldn't have invited you" I nod and take a deep breath

"let's have a drink before we have to face all the madness"

Namjoon mumbles reaching over and popping a bottle it nearly hits Zara and she slaps his chest laughing "what did I tell you about doing that? You know your not allowed, every time you hurt someone" I can't help but laugh a little as Namjoon shyly grins and leans over to kiss her. They were too cute

Once we arrive and are inside all eyes are on us and I feel extremely uncomfortable, though I don't let it show. Holding my head high and pretending to be as confident as Zara is in her bra tonight. Good lord we were a step away from a nip slip I felt it but hey she looked good.

The room was filled with beautiful people, some look more intimidating than others but nonetheless they were gorgeous. It's like a hidden rule you could only hang out with the scary rich mobsters if you were a model. Which is why I'm not sure why I'm here but here I am. I smile when I see Sona and Yoongi, his hair is black now and he looks genuinely happy. Not to mention extremely handsome.

He leans in and gives me a hug and I don't hold back, Sona gives me a quick one as well. We hadn't spoken more than ten words to each other but she seemed nice or nicer now than she was when she was first brought to Seoul. She was in a deep green silk dress that matched Yoongi, the two looked hot together.

"Way to stop the show"

Yoongi teases and I blush "Zara's doing" I mumble glancing over at her, she chuckles "You're welcome" she teases. "There they are, looks like Taehyung is warming them up for us" I glance over where Namjoon is looking at and freeze in place when those honeycomb eyes look at me.

His hair is a tad bit longer and wavy but still styled away from his face as his suit hugs every part of him. He looks breath taking, we still hadn't talked much other then the 'hi's and bye's' I barely seen him in the last month. But he seemed to like it that way.

"We better go join them, Yoongi you better tag along. Y/n my love will you be okay?"

I nod at Namjoon and give him a reassuring smile as the group takes off towards those honeycomb eyes. I force myself to look away and turn my back to them, I let my feet take me into the crowd and find my way to the bar I needed a drink, just one. It was my night off after all.

"What can I get you?"

I smile at the tall tattooed man behind the bar "She'll have a shot of tequila actually make that two" I smile as the familiar voice booms behind me another face I hadn't seen much of and missed.

I turn slowly and look up only to be met with the doe like eyes I adored so much, they all but disappear when he smiles wide making his nose scrunch up and flashing me those bunny teeth.

"Hi look..."

His eyes wander down every curve as he drinks me in. I blush but don't let him see as I shift my gaze back to the bartender. He places our shots on the bar and shoots me a wink "know him?" Jungkook mumbles, stepping closer to me. I grab the two glasses and turn back to him "Nope" I Smile sweetly then down both shots getting a surprised look from Jungkook, he chuckles and keeps his eyes on me.

"Thank you by the way, you look pretty good yourself."

He smirks and takes the glasses from me placing them back on the bar "Come dance with me?" I smile some more and let him take my hand in his, why not right?

He's single as far as I know and I'm sadly single too. We turn quite a few heads as we settle into the dance floor though I'm not sure why though there were plenty of people dancing around us. I choose to ignore it and focus on Jungkook, his hands dipping lower than I expected, resting just above my ass.

I let my hands slowly graze up his muscular chest remembering our heated exchange so long ago before wrapping my arms around his neck. "I've missed you" he breaths smiling down at me, he really was handsome.

"You did huh? Well you do know where I live you know"

I tease making him throw his head back and laugh. "I forgot you don't take any shit" he smirks back down at me and I chuckle "I kind of missed you too, the house seems lonely without are you feeling by the way?"

I mumble the last part glancing at his chest where he was shot a month ago. "I'm perfectly fine princess, though I miss you feeding me" he whispers against the shell to my ear, tiny goosebumps form all over my body and he chuckles taking notice.

"I knew you enjoyed being babied"

I tease back letting my own lips brush against his neck. He pulls back and stands tall once again, his gaze darker than before as a smirk takes over his lips.

"Only by you princess, though I like to be in control too if you can think back that far, I'm very much all man when it comes to you as well princess"

My body heats up at his words and I quickly have to clench my thighs for a moment. I glance around catching a few eyes, blue ones pierce through me and I smile. That smile quickly disappears though when I see who's next to him Aisha and Taehyung.

"Why's everyone staring at us?"

I mumble looking back up at Jungkook "Not us princess, just you" I shake my head and he chuckles "it's true, your fresh meat to these people and definitely put on a show with that dress" his voice a bit husked and breathy I have to bite my lower lip to keep from smiling though that only makes him look more hungry.

"What are you doing after this?"

I raise a brow at him and he chuckles "I mean after the event are you guys just going home? I'd like to join you if that's okay...I'd love to have my way with you right here right now but someone's coming our way"

Before I can answer a man is saying Jungkook's name, I turn to face the voice as Jungkook's hand snakes around my waist and holds me to his chest. "Jaehyun good to see you again" Jungkook says a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

"You too Jk, must you always take the beautiful girls? Every event this guy is with someone new I swear" yeah that stung a bit, I can feel Jungkook's grip tighten just slightly "what's your name beautiful?"


I smile as he takes my hand in his, he places a kiss upon the back of my hand and Jungkook tsks behind me. "Nice to meet you, I'm Jaehyun" I bow my head slightly and glance over at the other boys, Taehyung Jimin and now Hoseok are already making their way over to us I see a few other guys moving on the opposite side of Jaehyun as well.

"Taehyung so nice to see you again"

Jaehyun mumbles as Taehyung steps in front of me just slightly, Jaehyun bows as Taehyung stares down at him "You too Jaehyun, you still running with Soohyun?" I feel a sense of panic at the name, Jungkook holds me even closer as Hoseok grabs for my other hand and smiles down at me.

"I don't know what your talking about Taehyung you know I'd never work for him"

Jaehyun mumbles his voice a bit smaller than before, understandable considering how Taehyung is looking at the man. "I'd hope you wouldn't lie to me Jaehyun" he shakes his head and takes a step back

"Of course not you know I respect you and your brothers"

Taehyung nods and glances back towards me, his intimidating stare startles me for a split second but I compose myself before glancing around the room. We've gathered an audience it seems though the music still plays and people are still dancing others have gathered around the outskirts and are watching us closely.

Taehyung follows my gaze and then shoots Jungkook and Hoseok a look, Jimin is already on the move and the next thing I hear is gunshots.

Screams are heard and then everyone is running, I get yanked away from the crowed and pinned against a wall as more shots go off. "Hi honey" my body goes weak at the sultry voice, Taehyung chuckles and presses himself against me. Glancing around the corner and then back down at me

"Don't worry honey I'll keep you safe"

I nod and cling to his chest, his intoxicating scent fills my nostrils and I shiver. How and why my body was reacting like this at a time like this was beyond me at this point. "Tae who's...who's shooting at us? Is it Soohyun?"

Tae nods and pulls me into his lips, I gasp into his mouth but quickly settle as his tongue invades my mouth and dominates me. I grip onto his shirt and yank him down into me some more as I softly moan against him. I missed his lips. He smirks and tugs my lower lip with him as he pulls away

"I really missed kissing those lips... forgive me honey"

I chuckle and wipe the lipstick from his mouth as someone shouts and shoots again. Bringing us both back to reality.

"We gotta move, stay low okay? I got you"

I nod as he laces his fingers with mine, I felt safe with him even though men where shooting right at us. Jungkook appears by our side in the next moment and smirks down at me

"Look what you started Princess, I told you you stopped the show in that dress"

I look at him dumbfounded and he chuckles shooting someone in the process as the three of us continue to move towards the back exit. I'm not sure if it was the tequila or the adrenaline or maybe both but I oddly felt calm in this situation, I even hear Taehyung chuckle at Jungkook remark. Which was even weirder.

"Clearly it was Jimin in those pants, his ass looked like it was about to bust free" they both laugh and then Jungkook pulls me out the back while Taehyung shoots at a few more randoms.

I smile when I see Zara and Namjoon already waiting in the car for us "I'm so sorry love are you hurt?" Zara coos looking over my appearance I shake my head no and hug her then Namjoon as Taehyung runs out of the building and into the car with us

"where is everyone else?"

I ask only seeing the five of us. "Don't worry love they made it out, they'll meet us at the house" Namjoon answers as the car takes off. I nod and glance back seeing some guys emerge from the door we just left.

"I wonder who let Soohyun's guys in"

Namjoon mumbles aloud, Taehyung's hand gently rests on my right thigh and Jungkook's rests on my left. "Not sure I still don't trust Jaehyun but he could be telling the truth in all this" Tae mumbles still looking down at me, he looked as if he was undressing me with his eyes. His stare so intense I swear I could feel his lips coating my skin with his kisses, I shake my head and look down at my lap. What the fuck was happening right now.

"He is, I can tell when Jaehyun is lying and he wasn't lying to you hyung"

Jungkook mumbles looking down at me as well, a small smile coats his lips when our eyes meet. Again I have to look away because what the fuck and it's not like now is the best time to be thinking about how good they both could fuck me. I feel my cheeks get hot at the thought

"Love are you okay?"

I nod my head but don't meet Zara's gaze. The last thing I need is to give myself away with the blush on my cheeks and this stupid smile that won't leave my lips. I take a breath an compose myself before looking forward, stop thinking about Taehyung and Jungkook's dick for five seconds.

"Here love drink this"

I smile at Namjoon and take the glass from him, they resume about their assumptions as I drink my champagne and focus on everything but the mans hands on my thighs. Tae keeps randomly squeezing my thigh and going a bit higher while Jungkook lightly rubs circles with his thumb, which also keeps inching higher.

I can feel my insides burning up and that familiar need to be touched was bubbling inside me. I breath out a sigh once I see the front gates come into view I needed to get out of this car.

As soon as the doors open for us I bolt but my wrist gets caught in someone's grasp. I don't even get the chance to turn, his scent invades my nostrils making my body feel even needier.

"Meet me in my bedroom"

He breaths against my neck, I inhale sharply feeling my face go numb from the sensation.

As soon as his hand leaves mine I walk away and into the house leaving all four of them to discuss whatever the hell was going on. This probably wasn't the time to fuck around but I'm blinded, I find my way to my room a strip of my dress and dig through my dresser for something sexy to wear. I land on some black laced lingerie I run to the bathroom to quickly freshen up and put the dangerous outfit on and then listen for the everyone to settle into their rooms.

Once I'm sure everyone has passed I slip on my robe and make my way to his room, we will blame my actions on the alcohol I've consumed tonight though I didn't feel the slightest bit tipsy. My heart races as I tip toe my way down the hall, the closer I get to his room the more excited I feel.

It had been so long since we had been together, I needed to feel every inch of him in the pits of my stomach again. My fingers shake slightly as I reach the door, when my palm lands on the mental another palm is being placed over mine. I inhale sharply and look up to be met with those big doe like eyes. What the fuck was he doing here?

"Going somewhere princess?"


You're all going to love the next chapter lol
I'm leaving for Vegas tomorrow though so I'll update when I get back. It's a short trip so don't worry :)

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