Klapollo Ace Attorney *Apollo...

By Riverfire2331

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Part three of AL-9 While phoenix is away in recovery for the next seven years, he was forced to have kristoph... More

"Turnabout Trump"
"Phoenix Wright Testimony"
"Apollo's First Ever Cross-Examination"
"Olga Orly"
"Serious Competition"
"The Final Hand"
"Insane Possibilities"
"The Best Laid Traps"
"The Fourth Persons Idently"
"Appetite Before Murder"
"Record Call"
"The Mysterious Girl"
"Phoenix Wright vs Kristoph Gavin"
"Phoenix Wright vs Kristoph Gavin PT 2"
"Phoenix's Offer"
"Turnabout Corner"
"Apollo's First Client Alone"
" Plum Kitaki"
"Important Clue"
"Stolen And Returned"
"Hospital Visit"
"The Very Unexpected Client"
"the Mysterious Man"
"Hospital Visit PT 2"
"Detective Ema Skye"
"More Clues"
"Detention Center"
"Apollo's First Trial Alone"
"Wocky Kitaki's "Truth"..."
"A Night In The Park"
"A Night In The Part 2"
"From Shoot To Call"
"Saved By The Unexpected"
"From Shot to Call PT 2"
"Apollo's Power"
"Lies Of The Cell Phone"
"Stickler's True Crime"
"Magic And Science"
"Floral Tea"
"The Panty Thief"
"Little Plum"
"The Dark Clinic"
"Detention Centre Chat With Wocky"
"Rockstar And Gloomy Detective"
"Shoe Print"
"The Slipper Print And The Unexpected Love Story"
"Doctor's Terrible News..."
"The Fiancée's Testimony"
"Sandals And Medical Charts"
"Alita Nervous Habit"
"Alita Is A Shitty FIanceé"
"The Meraktis Clinic"
"Alita True Colours"
"Tiala's Explanation"
"The Final Piece Of Evidence"
"The Gangster Bakery"
"Turnabout Serenade"
"Fires And Gunshots"
"The Frustraiting Investigation"
"Klavier Being An Perfectionist Idiot"
"The Siren Can Speak English Apparently"
"Body Disappeared Which Was Completely Ema's Fault"
"Body, Guitar And Person Found"
"The Client Who Doesn't Speak English"
"The Start Of The Trial"
"Ema's Testimony"
"When In Doubt Bluff "
"What I Saw"
"What I Saw 2"
"The Missing Body"
"Klavier Being Smug"
"Lamiroir's Eyes And The Shocking Turn Of Events"
"The Great Reveal Of Valant Gramarye"
"Trucy's Biological Family"
"Machi's Many Secrets"
"Sunshine Coliseum"
"Evidence And Magic"
"The Siren's Claim"
"Shocking Discovery...Literally"
"Daryan And Apollo's Chat"
"Klavier's Office"
"The Siren Rests At The Hospital"
"Apollo Goes To Court Without A Plan"
"Machi's Surprise Testimony"
"Proof of Innocence"
"I No Shooting"
"Klavier At Wits Ends"
"Klavier At Wits Ends PT 2 "
"Above the Ceiling "
"The Big Illusion"
Phoenix Being A Cool Boss
"Daryan Being A Dick"
"Proof of Innocence"
"Nobody Burns Klavier Guitar And Get's Away With It...And The Murder Too"
"The True Culprit"
Victory Noodles
"Turnabout Succession"
"Vera Misham"
"Drew Studios"
"The Red Evalope"
"The Burshel Card"
"Apollo Always Get's Stuck With The Weirdest People"
"The Journalist's Story"
"What Brushel Noticed"
"The Scent Of A Story"
"The Interview: A Recap"
"...Vera Misham..."
"The Red Envelope"
"Blast Of The Past Showdown Time"
"The Trial"
"Miles And Phoenix's New Hatchling"
"Phoenix's Own Investigation"
"Phoenix Own Investigation PT 2"
"Not So Friendly Meeting Behind Bars"
"Drew Vs Phoenix"
"The Quiet Witness Vera Drew"
"Seven Years Ago Detention Talk"
"The Gramarye Secret"
"Drew's Last Letter"
"Kristoph Gavin Reapperence"
"Poisoning Vera"
"Poisoning Vera PT 2"
"Kristoph Letter"
"Phoenix's Plan Revealed"
"The Meltdown of The Calmest Attorney of The West"
"After Court"
"Slow Burn"

"Trucy And Apollo Break The Rules"

98 3 0
By Riverfire2331

'Are these... bullet holes?'

she asked, examining the wall closely, apollo quickly brought out his notepad and pen, he always kept it around, to make little notes so he wouldn't forgot

'Looks like it. There are two here in the wall'

'From the look of it, the victim was shot once in the shoulder. The first shot must have missed'

ema said

'But there are two holes. Wouldn't that mean two misses?'

'The murder weapon is a 45-caliber revolver. It's very powerful. I believe what we're seeing here... ...is the mark left by the second bullet after it passed through his shoulder!'

trucy winced

'Ouch... Sounds painful'

she said, then looked down at the ground when something shiny caught her gaze, she picked it up, it was a pretty brooch

'Ooh, what a pretty brooch!-'

'You're not going to say, "Can I have it, please," are you?'

trucy gave her an offended look, she wasn't stupid enough to ask if she can have something at a crime scene, but apparently, ema didn't take the hint

'Look you may be a cute little girl of fifteen... ...but that doesn't get you any special treatment with me!'

Trucy glared at her as apollo stepped in

'It's not healthy to envy the young, Ema'

ema shot him a warning look

'It's not about envy! It's about tampering with evidence!'

"Note to self: Ema lacks a sense of humor. Use caution"

he thought to himself, ema crossed her arms

'You need to learn to respect your elders a little!'

'we'll do that when you stop treating us like shit!'

apollo spat back, leaving ema a little speechless as he went to go examine the brooch

"...Something seems so familiar about that brooch"

apollo put the brooch into his pocket since he left his bag at home, his eyes darted towards the poster on the wall

'There's another Gavinners poster here'

ema grunted in annoyance at it

'I'm just about sick of seeing those, personally. Maybe I'll tear it down! Ha ha!'

'No tampering with the crime scene, Ema!'

he warned

'Hmph. Maybe there's something else I can tear to shreds...'

trucy eyes widen in anger as she punched her fist into her other free hand, glaring daggers at her

'Don't look at me!'

ema backed up on her gaze, ..mr wright had taught them well on how to be scary, suddenly, another thing caught apollo's eyes, ...a revolver

'This is the murder weapon, isn't it? This revolver...?'

'That's right. A big 45-caliber revolver'

she confirmed, trucy walked up to his side to examine it herself

'Wow. I wonder who brought this in here? I thought only police were allowed to have one of those'

apollo looked up at her, ema stared back at him

'Why are you giving me that look!? I didn't do it!'

'I didn't--'

'Listen, I was out in the hall eating Snackoos when it happened!'

apollo rolled his eyes

'I know, I know! No one here thinks you did it, Ema'

'it's hard to tell with you, sometimes, Apollo'

"Hey! What have I done?"

Trucy then interjected

'Wait... If the killer brought a revolver... ...it must mean they had planned this from the start. That's right, right?'

apollo sighed as he picked up the revolver, it was heavier then he thought, but he managed, after examining much here, they went over to the body area, trucy stopped in her tracks as her eyes widen sightly in shock and fear

'Th-That's a body, isn't it?'

ema nodded, ignoring trucy's startled state

'Sure is. The victim, no less. Let's take a closer look;

Trucy gave apollo the look for him to investigate the body, ..apollo sighed but did so, ..it was his first time ever seeing a dead body, ..it was very, ..disturbing to say the least

'Apollo, look at this hand...'

she said, apollo eyes darted to where she was poitning

'Hmm. He's holding something'

'Hey! No touching!'

she tried to throw her snack at him, but he just caught it in his hand and crushed it

'You can throw all the snacks at me you'd like, Ema. But sooner or later, you're going to run out of them'

ema looked off to the side

'Hmm. You raise a good point. ...I'm a bit intrigued by this scene. Let's take a look'

she complied, trucy pointed at something on the body

'Ah... see there? He's holding something! What's this...?'

she trailed off as apollo picked it up

'...A key ring?'

'you think it might belong to the killer!?'

'Certainly a possibility...'

ema pointed out

"What an unusual key ring... And what unusual keys. This could be a vital clue"

apollo put the keys into his pocket as he now started to speak with ema, ..going into the other side of the room so he didn't have to look at the dead body

'Mr. "Romein LeTouse", wasn't it? He was Lamiroir's manager. And interpreter, apparently. This was his first time in the country'

ema said

'Hmm... So I'm guessing he didn't know many people here'

trucy spekuclated

'It doesn't seem likely. Nor can I think of anyone with a motive to murder him. ...Except for one person, of course.'

'One person...? Who?'

apollo answered 

'Lamiroir. No one here might have had a motive, but she's from--'

trucy cut him off

'What are you talking about!?'

she demanded, apollo raised his hands up in self-defense

'Urk! H-Hey, it was Ema's idea!'

'I said nothing'

she then saretd to nervously munch on her snacks Apollo:

"Always with the snacks..."

apollo thought before trucy cut him out of his mind

'He's a big man. Or was. I don't think even I would win in a fight with him, ..probably daddy though'

she said, apollo could picture that, he's seen mr wright get into ALOT of fights back when he was a student, and watched his trials, usually when you picked a fight with mr wright, verbal and or phsycial, he tended to win

'Which is why whoever it was used a revolver, I'm guessing'

'We've sent a request to the Borginian Embassy for more info on him, Well, you and I know more about the crime than anyone'

she suddenly said

'Y-You do?'

apollo nodded

'That's true. It was us who found the body.'

'Whaaaa-!? Hmph. I guess that's what I miss for watching the concert'

she conceded, thought a part of her was glad she missed out on seeing a dead body

'Hey, I wish I was watching the concert. ...Anything would be better than this'

he mumbled, ema then spoke up

'Well, we know the crime took place during the concert'

'And when we heard the shot and entered the room... ...the killer was already gone'

Trucy raised a brow at her

'What? But that doesn't make sense! You came in when you heard the shot and no one was here? How did they leave the room?'

apollo looked around, ..trucy had a point, how do you get away with a crime like this in a very closed off room like here

'Hmm, that window is a little too small, isn't it?'

even ema didn't have an explination

"The mystery of the disappearing killer..."

'What do you think about this revolver?'

ema asked him, apollo shrugged

'Well... it's pretty big. And heavy'

'That's right. It's a 45-caliber. That makes it one of the deadliest revolvers around. Even the police don't carry guns this big'


she shrugged

'Yeah. It doesn't make sense... You don't need so much power to kill at such close range. ...It's overkill'

'I'm not sure I see the problem. I mean, whenever I go out to eat curry... ...I order it "extra spicy". Just to be sure it's spicy. Of course, I can only ever eat one or two bites'

she said, apollo raised a brow at her

'...Um, and that's not a problem?'

'There's another thing about a gun this big. It puts a lot of strain on the shooter'

ema said


she nodded

'Yeah. Say, if you were to fire this revolver... ...the recoil would probably dislocate your shoulder'

trucy winched at that

'Ouuuuuch! It's like the shooter's a victim, too!'

'Yet, the killer used this revolver, and quite well. I'm guessing whoever did it was used to shooting'

"Used to shooting a high-caliber weapon? Hmm..."

ema took a bite of her snack, brushed off the crumbs and said

'Well, that's about it. I think we've looked at just about everything there is'

'I guess you're right'

he said, ema gave him a little sympathetic look

'I know how you're feeling. It is hard to know when to stop. But anything more involved has to wait until the squad gets here'

'Argh... I suppose...'

trucy grumbled, crossing her arms

'I'll go report the evidence. Sorry, but could you wait here till I get back?'

'Huh? Oh, actually, we have to--'

'Great! Thanks!'

before apollo could say anything else, she left, apollo glared at the door

'Great. Now how am I supposed to investigate?'

trucy rolled her eyes at him and smiled

'Let's go'

'Huh? Go?'

'Time's a wasting, Apollo! We've got a lot of ground to cover!, and who cares what she says, she not our boss, she can't do anything to us, besides, daddy always breaks the rules, so why don't we?'

apollo thought about that, ..it was true, ema couldn't do anything to them, and if there was one thing to know about mr wright, it was he was a very rebellious person, he broke the rules all the time, but he did it so justice could be found

'Well, that's true, but... ...On second thought, why not. I'm sure everything will be fine'

Trucy smiled encouragingly as she took apollo's arm

'Of course it will! Let's go!'

and with that, they walked off

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