What if... (Dekuverse)

By JJingJJong

882K 8.3K 8.7K

After the events of the school festival, class 1A was in class until they were transported somewhere to face... More

Unwanted Power
Detective Deku
Toga's Bounty
Memes Pt. 1
Deku's Love Consultation (LGTBQ+)
Attack on Titan (Not the Anime)
Dragon of Class 1A
Fan Art Pt.1
The Masked Truth Pt.2
Experiment 597
Family Photos Pt. 1
Opposite World
Experiment 597 Pt.2
Embarrassing Images Pt.1
Part-timer (Dancer) [16+?]
Elements of Life
Embarrassing Images Pt.2
Final Mission Pt. 1
Experiment 597 Pt.3 (1/2)
A New Mission(Not related to Final Mission)
Let's play a Game
Memes Pt. 2
Final Mission Pt. 2
Origins Pt.2
L.O.V. 1/2
Family Photos Pt.2 + Possible Photos
L.O.V. 2/2
Festival Cafe
Vigilante Symbol
Family Photos Pt.3
Different Career Path

The Masked Truth

34.2K 361 559
By JJingJJong

As the sign above the screen starts flickering letters, it finally stops and displays "The Masked Truth".

"Masked Truth? OOH! Do we get to learn someone's secret?" Mina says excitedly as she grins sinisterly.

'It better not be-' thought one of the audience members.

"Do we finally get to see that I was right about Midoriya being All Might's secret Love child?" says Todoroki.

"For the last time, he is not my dad, he is my mentor!" Midoriya complains as he was tired of hearing Todoroki's Lovechild theories.

"Exactly young Todoroki. I only met young Midoriya only 10 months prior to the UA exam." says All Might.

"Then how do you explain the fact that Midoriya knows a lot about you, spend so much time together, both have a heroic mindset that even Stain acknowledges the two of you as real heroes, and the biggest one is how your quirks are so similar. If I remember correctly, quirks are hereditary, so they can be deviants of their parent's quirks," says Todoroki as he pulled out a notebook filled with conspiracy theories.

Both All Might and Midoriya were in shock since they didn't know how to respond to Todoroki's last statement about the similarities of their quirks. That was until Inko stepped in.

"My husband had white hair, not blonde. My son's traits mostly come from my side. Does that answer your question Todoroki?" says Inko.

Todoroki nods his head at her as he looks at Midoriya than at Shigaraki.

"What?" asks an annoyed Shigaraki.

"Nothing," he replies as he opens up his notebook and begins writing the possibility of Shigaraki being a secret love child who is Midoriya's brother.

'OOH, so close. Right track for Shigaraki but wrong placement in the family.' thought JJ. "Now before anyone jumps to any more conclusions, this universe is set in the future where a vigilante called "The Masked Truth", is permanently taking out criminals off the streets and is able to evade capture from pro-heroes. Also, Deku is the number one hero, now any questions?" JJ says the Deku part quickly, hoping that a certain blonde didn't hear him, unfortunately, he did.

"WHAT!? HOW DID THAT DAMN NERD GET TO BE THE NUMBER ONE HERO!? " Bakugou yells out but is interrupted by a smack to the back of the head. "WHO-" he was about to yell out again until he stopped himself when he realized who the attacker was.

"What were you about to say brat?" asks a ticked-off Mitsuki.

"Nothing" grumbles Bakugou.

"Good, now apologize to Izuku for insulting him," Mitsuki demanded.

Bakugou gets off his seat and walks over to Midoriya, where he then bows and says to him "I'm sorry for yelling that you couldn't be the number one hero. I hope that you can accept my apology for all I can hope is your forgiveness."

"I-it's okay Kacchan. I-I forgive you." Midoriya nervously says as he can feel the anger radiate off of Bakugou during his apology.

'That's what you get for forgetting that I brought your parents over too.' JJ thinks to himself.

Bakugou then walks over to his seat, where he then notices stares from Class 1A, Class 1B, even stares from some UA staff.

"What?" asks Bakugou.

"Bakubro? You just apologized to Midoriya." a surprised Kirishima pointed out.


"KATSUKI!?" yells Mitsuki who just returned to her seat.

Bakugou just crosses his arms as he grumbles to himself. Many audience members were surprised that Bakugou can be tamed.

"Bakugou's mom is hot. I wonder if she will go out with me?" Mineta says quietly.

"DUDE? She's still married and also Bakugou's mother. What if he heard you?" exclaims a concerned Kaminari.

"Too late." says a very angry Bakugou.

Mineta was so scared that he looked around for anyone who was willing to help, but they all just ignored him. He then looked at Mitsuki and started running towards her, hoping she would protect him. But before she could reach her, JJ smirked and sent a recap of what Mineta said to Mitsuki's and Masaru's heads since they didn't hear him, which infuriated Mitsuki.

As soon as Mineta jumped towards her with his hands out, Masaru grabbed him by the head. Masaru still retained the same calm look, but Bakugou knew what that meant since he remembers the one time when his dad was pissed off, and it was the scariest thing he has ever seen.

"Looks like we need to have a discussion in one of the panic rooms," Masaru stated as he then walked to the back of the theater with Mineta panicking and trying to escape his grasp but to no avail. Mitsuki was smirking as she always loves how her husband would only get mad to protect the ones he loves.

"Now that the annoyance is gone, any more questions?" JJ asks.

"If this is set in the future, then does that mean that it is also a possible future for us?" Nejire asks.

"It may be possible. This AU has the exact same backstory as you guys, but their past which is technically your future has not happened. So if future events change for you guys, then this future may not happen for you." JJ says as he looks at Kaminari looking so confused as he tries to decipher what he was saying. JJ sighs as he rephrases what he said. "Just take this AU as a possible outcome." as he then starts playing the universe.

The screen shows a hooded figure running on top of a roof to another roof. The figure finally stops at the edge of the building as they then look down at the streets. This is where we get to see a clear image of the figure, the figure wore a black hoodie, black fingerless gloves, combat boots, black jeans, a utility belt, and finally a mask that rests on his face.

"Oh, no no-no. That outfit is atroce. If they aren't breaking any laws besides vigilantism, they are certainly breaking fashion laws for it does not sparkle." Aoyama says as he is disgusted by the outfit.

"I like it. He is immersing himself in the darkness by cladding himself as darkness." Tokoyami says.

"Can we at least agree on the fact that the mask is scary?" Mina says, where many audience members agree.

While the figure is watching over the streets, another figure in black jumps on the same rooftop as him as silently as possible, hoping it wouldn't alert him. Sadly to his disappointment, the Masked truth knew that he was there. "You might as well come out of the shadows, there's no point in hiding if I already know that you are here." the hooded figure says. The other figure came out of the shadows and it appears to be Eraserhead.

"Awsome, another fight scene. This is going to be so manly" Kirishima exclaims.

"I don't care who wins but I hope there is a lot of blood." Toga squeals

"I just want to see the hero's failure in capturing the vigilante in the most brutal way possible," Shigaraki says.

"How did you know?" Aizawa asks.

"If you want to completely erase your presence, then I suggest you lower your heartbeat, silence your breathing, and recede your anger, then maybe you have a small chance of me not noticing." The masked figure says while still looking down at the streets.

"I'm taking you in," Aizawa says as he prepares his capture scarf.

"What for, I haven't broken any laws?" as the figure finally turned around to face Aizawa.

"Illegal quirk usage"

"I haven't once used my quirk to fight anybody."


"That's just good citizenship. I'm protecting my home."

"And the murder of over 100+ villains, including All for One ."

"He defeated All for one!?" many of the audience who had faced All for one before exclaims.

"He's alright in my book if he handled All for One," Nana says as she smirks.

"M-Master, that isn't very-" All Might tries to reprimand Nana but freezes as she looks back and glares at him.

'She is going to kill me once she finds out more of what I had done.' All for one thinks to himself.

"Can I just say how I like how snappy this guy is? He always has a comeback." Kaminari points out.

"Doesn't Matter if the guy is a vigilante." Bakugou retorts back with.

"I never killed anyone. I just took away the trash and put it somewhere else where nobody will ever see it again." The figure says.

"We have multiple witnesses claiming that they have seen you disintegrate the criminals with a bright yellow glow." Aizawa retorts back as he is getting angry.

"That is their claim, not mine. I will only speak the truth." the figure says as he smiles behind the mask.

"Truth?! What truth!? You have been saying nothing but a fantasy that you believe in. You want the truth! Do you know what is happening to our society due to your actions!" Aizawa yells out as he is pissed off.

"Let's see. I cleaned up the streets of filth. More people are fighting for themselves instead of relying on heroes. Many villains are hiding due to many copycats wearing my mask to deliver their own justice. I would say that I have uprooted the civilians of the belief that they should wait for a hero to come and save them." The figure says as he finishes counting them off from his fingers.

~~~~(Small spoiler ahead from the manga that the current season 5 has not shown yet, skip this part until you see the squiggly lines again.)~~~~

"You sound like the Meta Liberation." Aizawa points out.

"I'm nothing like them. They caused so much destruction which ended in the deaths of many people." The figure says as he got ticked off. "I just lost my faith in heroes is all, so I'm doing the one thing that no hero is willing to do. That is to permanently get rid of the scum of the earth."

This annoys Aizawa further as he begins clenching on his capture scarf even harder.

"This is so annoying. All they are doing is talking. Where is the action?" Dabi complains

'The meta liberation caused many deaths! Looks like I have to work quickly to put an end to it so that there are no deaths' thought Hawks.

"Hey, I know that I'm not the brightest person, but what is the meta liberation," asked Kaminari

"It's a group of people who believe in the free use of quirks. Destro was the leader of this group and also one of the toughest villains that existed, besides All for One." Midoriya says. "Though, I don't think there was any recent news of usurps of the Meta Liberation army in recent news."

'You have no idea what's coming. I just hope the group I plucked isn't the one I think it is' JJ thinks to himself as he glances over to Midnight who was talking to her friends.

~~~~(Spoiler End)~~~~

"Anyways, enough talking. How much longer are you going to stall until your backup gets here because I'm on a schedule right now." Aizawa looked surprised until he heard a radio commission in his earpiece telling him that they are there now.

"He knows! Begin the attack!" Aizawa yells as he activates his quirk on the figure.

"For the last time, I don't use my quirk while-" the figure was interrupted by two familiar figures who were yelling at him.

"DIE YOU BASTARD!" A grown-up version of Bakugou shuts as he prepares an explosion.

"You're not escaping." A grown-up version of Todoroki says as he begins freezing the ground.

"Dude! You're in this as well!" Kaminari cheers.

"Can I just say how good-looking those two are? I can't wait to see them in the future" Midnight says as she begins licking her lips but was karate chopped at the top of her head by Present Mic.

"Bad Midnight." Present Mic says.

"Miss Midnight, you are not allowed to go after your students, this will cause an uproar in society," Nezu says as he drinks his tea, which made her pout. "But after they graduate, they're fair game." which made her grin but many of the UA staff sweatdropped at Nezu's last statement.

"If this is about the multiverse of Midoriya, then how come we haven't seen him yet even though the other two have shown themselves," Itsuka asks.

"You'll see. Just watch." JJ says back to her as he returns to face the screen.

As all three of them started their assault, the figure pulled out three pellets from his belt and threw them at each of them. The pellet thrown at Bakugou released a gas that made his sparks stop coming out, the one thrown at Aizawa's Capture scarf instantly freezes it, turning into a piece of frozen metal, and the one thrown at Todoroki blew up the ground, stopping the ice from reaching him.

"It's rude to interrupt someone while they are speaking," the figure says.

"What did you do?" Bakugou asks as he tries to use his quirk but it doesn't work.

"Relax Dynamight. I just released a gas that clogs your sweat glands, causing you to have no fuel for your explosions. Number 3 hero." he says the last part in a mocking tone.


"Rankings are also based on popularity. Maybe if you checked your attitude, you could have been more popular." JJ remarks.

The Bakusqaud, minus Bakugou, started laughing.

"Dude, you just got burned" Kaminari exclaims

This causes Bakugou to glare at them, which makes them stop in their tracks.

"Where's Deku?" Aizawa asks Todoroki, who gave him a look of I don't know.

"OH Him. I met him before running into you guys. I heard him mumbling about an ambush with you three on me, so I decided to knock him out and place him somewhere you least expect." The figure says.

Aizawa runs towards the figure as he takes off his capture scarf and throws it to Todoroki who carefully unfreezes it. Aizawa then stuck to CQC to fight against him, giving others time to rebound. While this was happening, the figure started talking.

"You know, Deku and I share a lot of similarities."

"No, you don't. You're nothing alike." he continues his assault while the figure evades.

"We both lost our parents due to the failure of hero society. We've been bullied because of the things we can't control. We both look up to the heroes when we were young. But when he lost his mom due to heroes failing to save her, he still retained the heroic mindset whereas I decided to correct the world when the truth came to me." The figure says.

"Wait. So I died in this universe?" Inko asks worryingly.

"That won't happen!" Midoriya yells as he was upset to hear what happened to his mother.

"I like this guy. His ideals are what I can agree on but he is too soft when it comes to heroes." Stain says.

"I want to fight him if he is able to handle himself this well without a quirk," Miruko says with a smirk.

"Is that why you call yourself masked truth?" Aizawa questions as he looks over to Bakugou who is starting to get his sparks back and Todoroki nearly done unfreezing his capture scarf.

"Partially. I want people to realize that quirks are meaningless. What matters is the actions you take. Unmasking the truth that has been buried by the hero society. The other part is that I dig up the past of other people. Revealing their truths as well." As he finished, Bakugou came in blasting his way through while Todoroki slides on an ice path to Aizawa.

Bakugou rushes in with a traditional right hook but the figure grabs him by the wrist and puts his arm behind his back and grabs the other arm and does the same thing, with both palms facing Bakugou's back.

"Like you for example. I dug into your past and found so many dark pasts. Like how Deku, or Izuku Midoriya, was diagnosed as quirkless and you bullied him your entire life all the way to middle school." This revelation pointed out by him made Bakugou shocked.

"Ba-Bakubro, you really didn't do that right?" Kirishima asks nervously.

"It can't be true because Midoriya has a quirk. How can he be bullied for being quirkless if he has a quirk now." Mina says something cheery but scared to find out the truth.

Bakugou remained silent until someone else spoke.

"I-is that why I haven't seen you hanging out with my son before." Inko asked, "Was it because he was quirkless? And you bullied him for that?" even more scared to hear the answer.

"Yes," Bakugou bluntly said as he looked so ashamed with himself. Inko looked horrified as she went into the arms of Mitsuki who was trying to comfort her while looking so disappointed in her son.

"You're the type of person I hate," says an upset Toga who remembers how people mocked her for quirk. Some of the villains also agreed with her.

"How can that be, he has a quirk now?" Uraraka asks.

"I'm a late bloomer. I didn't get my quirk until the day of the entrance exams." Midoriya says as he was tired of all of this fuss.

The room went quiet as the news shocked everyone. As everyone was processing the new information they just received, they heard a loud slap coming from Bakugou. Everyone turned around to see Yaoyorozu standing in front of Bakugou as she just slapped him.

"H-how could you! We fought side by side, we trusted you. We even went behind our teacher's back to save you. Do you feel even sorry for your actions?" Momo yells out as she was in near cheers while Jirou walks up to her and tries to comfort her. He remains silent, rethinking what he did throughout his life.

"ENOUGH!" Midoriya yells. "He may have done those things but it's in the past. He's changed. He is starting to rely on and trust others now and doesn't look down upon them as much. I know it may look wrong but it was his way of protecting me since he knew the dangers of being a hero and how a quirkless person would fare against this hero society. So can we please put a stop to this." he pleaded.

Many of the audience returned to their seats as they looked ashamed to look at Bakugou.

'Even forgiving your tormentor. You really are worthy of the quirk' All Might thought to himself.

"We're going to talk about this when we get back," Nezu says to Bakugou as he silently nods.

The figure then looks at Todoroki preparing to use his quirk.

"And you, your whole family is dysfunctional. I honestly do feel bad for you." this made Todoroki shocked that he stopped using his powers for a moment.

Using this opportunity, he pushes Bakugou towards them and jumps off from the roof. The heroes look over the roof to see that he disappeared.

"Damm it. He got away." Bakugou shouts out.

"He's even more dangerous than I thought. If he is able to get information like that, who knows what he'll do with that info. Let's go back and search for Midoriya." Aizawa says to the other two as they nod and begin splitting up.

Meanwhile, in a long hallway of cells, a large flash appears as the figure drops in there. He then passes by the cells as we see members of the Chiasski group, LOV, and finally at the end of the hall, the figure stops to face the cell.

"Hello, there All for One."

The camera then pans to All for One who is hooked up to medical equipment.

"Nice to meet you again. Now, why don't you take off that mask, after all, I already know who you are, MIDORIYA." He says while smiling.

The figure removes his hood, takes off his mask, takes off the fake wig, and takes off the black cloth that surrounds his face. It finally reveals Midoriya who has a dead look in his eyes.

"MIDORIYA!" many of the audience members shouted.

"He looks hot." Midnight points out, which earns a facepalm from Present Mic and a couple of glares from the girls.

"How does that make sense? He is the number one hero, why does he do vigilante work as well?" Sero asks.

"Well considering how he was bullied, lost his mother, and also some revelation brought by All for one may have made some impact on him," Nezu answers him.

"I wonder what All for One told him to make such a change," Mirio asks.

"Whatever it is, it can't be good." All Might says as he looks at All for One.

"I'm just glad that nobody was killed," Eri says cheerfully as her hero isn't a murderer.

The screen fades to black as it reappears to the next day with Midoriya waking up in an alleyway.

"What happened?" he asks himself as he had a massive headache.

He then pulls out his phone to realize what time it is. He quickly uses his quirk to go through the city and stops at an apartment.

"Honey I'm home," he says as he opens the door.

"Honey? OOH, he's married!" Mina squeals.

"I wonder who is the one to marry him kero," Asui says out loud.

Many of the girls then start daydreaming about living the married life with Midoriya.

"Hang on, what's going on? Why doesn't he remember anything from yesterday." Kaminari asks.

"Probably split personality disorder. Can't you see the look in his eyes looks different compared to how he looked when he unmasked himself?" Momo pointed out.

"OOH, Another buddy that has a split personality. How Terrific/ How unoriginal." Twice says as he argues with himself.

A woman came out the corner with white hair and red specks in her hair as she was carrying a baby in her arms.

"There you are, do you know how worried I was! I received multiple calls from Aizawa, Bakugou, and Shoto asking if you returned home yet." She exclaims.

"Sorry. I was knocked out in some alley. I didn't even know how I got there. Here, Let me take her off your hands. You must've been really busy" as he takes the baby from her arms and into his.

"I'm just glad you're safe." As she walks up to him smiling as she kisses his cheek, which makes him blush.

Screen end

"Who was that girl? She doesn't look like anyone from UA." Nejire asks.

Many of the girls were pondering while a certain girl was hiding her face. Shoto immediately knew who it was and looked at his sister.

"So how did it happen?" Todoroki asks her.

This caught the girls' attention as they looked at who he was talking to and all looked at Fuyumi who was blushing. Midoriya noticing how embarrassed she was to answer, answered himself in an attempt to save her.

"W-we started doing c-casual dates," he says embarrassed.

The whole room went quiet as they heard what he just said.


'IS HE CHEATING ON ME!?' Many girls thought in their heads.

Endeavor with his arms crossed looks at his daughter, who was hiding from his gaze, then at Midoriya, he looked at the screen and said, "I approve." which surprised Fuyumi and even more of the audience.

'Can't wait to see this unfold.' JJ thought as he made popcorn appeared and saw the drama unfold.

I just want to say that I appreciate all the support you have given me and thank you for your ideas. There were two I really liked and I may post one of them next week and I'll announce the person who gave me the idea. Also, I would like to say that All for One never told All Might that Shigiraki is Nana's grandson, so only All for One knows that Shigiraki is Nana's grandson. Anyways, thanks for reading, and have a wonderful day.

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