James and Oliver Phelps Imagi...

By _TomatoFace_

285K 5.9K 3.5K

A collection of Phelps Twins imagines for Y/N. If you want to send in a request I will try my best to complet... More

Scars (pt.1)
Scars (pt.2)
Scars (pt.3)
BSM - You have an eating disorder (Pt.1)
BSM - you have an eating disorder (Pt.2)
BSM - your boyfriend is abusive
Detention with Umbridge (Fred)
He saves you (Oliver)
BSM - you're bullied
He gets jealous (Oliver)
He cheats on you (Pt.1)
He cheats on you (Pt.2)
Family day out (Oliver)
Family day out (Pt.2)
BSM - Your parents are fighting
BSM - Your parents are fighting (pt.2)
Quidditch accident (Fred)
Meet&Greet (Oliver)
Escaping detention (George)
You're feeling insecure (Fred)
You had a bad day (George)
BSM - They yell at you
BSM - You're on your period
Road trip (Oliver)
Road trip - Oliver (pt.2)
Battle of Hogwarts (Fred)
BSM - You introduce them to your boyfriend
Press conference (James)
BSM - Your parents compare you to them
You're enough (James)
You have food poisoning - Fred
Your child is sick - James
He catches you self harming (James)
You baby sit Oliver's child (James)
You babysit Oliver's child - Pt.2
Anorexia (James)
You're insecure (Oliver)
Thank you!!
He hits you (Oliver)
Proposal (Oliver)
He finds out youre pregnant (James)
You teach him Spanish (James)
You flinch during an argument (Fred)
You come out to him (James)
You go on holiday with him (James)
Christmas at the Burrow(Fred)
You have oppositional defiance disorder (ODD)
You get caught👀 (George)
He's your teacher (James)
He's your teacher - James (pt.2)
Your child's first day at school (Oliver)
Family trip to Universal Studios (James)
Your child has separation anxiety (Fred)
BSM - You're non binary
BSM - They make you feel insecure
BSM - They protect you
BSM - They protect you (pt.2)
You defend him on social media - Oliver
Quarentine - James
BSM - You wanna commit
You get cancer - James
You have a PTSD flashback - James
Requests closed for now😭
You get sick - George
You get sick - George (pt.2)
You have magic powers - Fred & George
You have magic powers (pt.2)
You're pregnant - George
Almost successful attempt - James
He saves you from your abusive boyfriend - Oliver
BSM - You come out to them
BSM - you come out to them (pt.2)
Your child meets Fred's ghost at Hogwarts - Fred
Your child meets Fred's ghost at Hogwarts (pt.2)
Author's note
You meet him at a golf course - Oliver
You're pregnant with a 2nd child - James
You go to the Yule Ball alone - Fred
BSM - you run away
He thinks you're cheating - Oliver
BSM - they help you through a panic attack
He's in love with you while dating Angelina - Fred
He needs therapy - Oliver
He falls in love with you - James
Fred meets James
BSM - they find out about your eating disorder
You get to marry him - George
BSM- you get casted in Harry Potter
You comfort him - George
Proposal - Oliver
He objects at your wedding - Oliver
He objects at your wedding (pt.2) - Oliver
He objects at your wedding (pt.3) - Oliver
For the rest of your life - Fred
BSM - you have Coliac disease
You meet for the first time. - Fred
The battle of Hogwarts - Fred
The battle of Hogwarts - Fred (happy ending)
You're having a bad day - Fred
Author's note
Waking up with James/Oliver
Him coming home after filming - James
Cuddly morning - James
Love - Fred
Brother's best friend - James
DDM - sick day (James)
You comfort George after Fred died
BSM - You break a bone
You fall asleep on him - Oliver
You're sick - George
Playdate - Oliver
He meets your family - James
BSM - You have a stalker
BSM - You have a stalker (pt.2)

You have ADHD - Fred

2.4K 48 32
By _TomatoFace_

Request for 💕💕
TRIGGER WARNING: not that I can think of?
I don't experience either of these so I'm sorry if anything is inaccurate, I did as much research as I could, please feel free to correct me if I did anything wrong!!
You had met Fred for the first time a while back on the Hogwarts express along with George on your first day when you were sitting with Ron and you three became instant friends. You also had ADHD and along with that came tics. They were surprised at first and unsure what to do when you had a tic attack but quickly got used to them and they knew just to make sure you didn't get hurt too bad during an attack.

They were also extremely protective over you and it soon became common knowledge that anyone who dared whisper your name in an effort to tease you about your tics would face a week full of dreadful pranks so no one really picked on you, not even Malfoy and his crew and you were grateful for that.

You were currently next to Fred in DADA class, trying to focus on what the Umbridge hag was teaching but the ADHD said no and your tics weren't helping either. You were trying to copy down notes when your head jerked to the side and your fingers curled in on themselves. Then you accidentally threw your quill to the ground but luckily Fred caught it before it could hit the floor.

He gave it back to you and smiled sympathetically, knowing how hard it was for you to work in class. "There's only 20 minutes left love, then we can go back to the dorm" he whispered and you nodded, your head jerking to the side again, causing you to pull a muscle. A groan slipped out of your mouth as you held your neck to ease the pain but it jerked again. Fuck you tics. You tried to make as least noise as you could because unlike the other teachers who were understanding and knew you couldn't control your tics, Umbridge was a bitch.

She would use your tics as an excuse to say you disrupted her lessons to give you detention. Even some Slytherins agree that it's low, even for her. Your head jerked again and your groan was louder than you intended it to be, then you clicked your tongue and made a popping noise. Tics, if you were a person I would strangle you you thought and hoped Umbridge didn't notice. But of course she did. "What was that Miss Y/L/N?" She asked in her obnoxiously high pitched voice.

"Nothing miss" you replied, your head jerking to the side again. She smirked, told you to focus and went back to teaching. You tried focusing on the board, hoping it would ease your tics, but you ended up zoning out completely and your fingers were drumming on the table without you even noticing it. "MISS Y/L/N!" someone screeched, snapping you out of your trance. You looked up and was met with Umbridge walking up to you.

You felt Fred tense up beside you and you braced yourself for whatever was going to come next. "First you disrupt my class with you stupid noises, then you don't pay attention, distract others AND don't respond to me?!!" she screeched. "It's not like I can help it" you mumbled looking down on your lap. "Unacceptable, detention for 2 hours after class" she said, clearly satisfied with herself. "No!! She told you she can't fucking control it! It's not her fucking fault!! None of the other teachers or students pay any attention to it so clearly she's NOT THE FUCKING PROBLEM" Fred yelled, his face red.

"Excuse me Mr. Weasley? How da-" "No, I agree with him, it's not her fucking fault" Malfoy said, surprising everyone. You looked at him surprised and he returned a nod, then went back to staring at her. You felt extremely relieved that Fred wasn't the only one on your side, nevertheless Malfoy. You were extremely grateful for him at this moment. "Wha-" Umbridge started but was cut off yet again. "Yup, I agree with them, she has no control over it, you have no right to put her in detention over something out of her power" Luna defended you and nodded your way.

You teared up and looked around the room as everyone nodded in agreement. You felt Fred take your hand and you looked over to see him smiling at you. He wiped a tear away from your cheek and you looked around the room again to see everyone ready to defend you. "But-" Umbridge tried again but was cut off by someone who surprised everyone even more. "Nope, Luna is right, you're being a bitch" Pansy said and everyone stared at her like she grew another head.

"Hey, I bully people for reasons that they can control like when they're being a bitch to someone else, I don't stoop as low as to making fun of someone for something they have no control over" she said, looked at you and nodded. You smiled back with tears in your eyes, extremely grateful for everyone around you.

Umbridge just turned her head back to the board and continued to write stuff down and the class settled back down after confirming she wouldn't do anything to you. You felt Fred nudge you and he handed you a piece of paper. See? I told you, you have more friends here than you think it said and you smiled.

"Yeah" you whispered back and he handed you another piece of paper. On that note, would you Y/N, the most amazing girl in both the wizarding and muggle world, do me the favour of being my girlfriend? it read and your eyes grew wide.

You looked at him like he was an alien. "You mean it?" you whispered, eyes tearing up again. "Yeah, I've been stressing about asking you out for a while now but George told me you've also liked me for a while, so I went for it" he whispered back and you made a mental note not to tell him anything regarding Fred.

"So, what do ya say?" Fred asked and of course, you did what any sane person would do. You said yes.
Again, I'm so so sorry if anything isn't accurate, I did as much research as I could, feel free to correct me if I did anything wrong! 😭

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