Breaking Doesn't Mean You're...

By shipmeromeorgohome

904 69 7

Individual story loosely based upon my life. There is cutting and depression, so BRACE YOURSELVES! More

My Demise
Who's He?
Am I Here?
Whatever's Left Of Me
I'm Such a Hypocrite
She Deserved It
In a Week
Classical Music
Something I Wanted
Poor Little Woodpecker
Like Smoke
Porcelana Chica
Lets Go
The Same Word
Scary Monster, Happy Family
As Good as Gone
Haunting Me
20th Special
The Cost
A Middle Distance Runner
Nothing Left to Give
Is This Road Gonna End
I Wanna Fly
Like Real People Do
Bleeding Out
Now Weep
The Thing
A Long, Long Time

His Name

25 3 0
By shipmeromeorgohome

A/N: Sorry for the spam but Angel is kinda dying so enjoy

Austin's POV (uh oh)

I don't know why I did it. I shouldn't have, it was just...I don't know. I quickly removed my arm and rushed away from her. When I got to sixth period, I realised I was still holding the drawing. Upon closer inspection, I saw a drawing on the looked exactly like her. As I looked closer at the male, I realised that it really did look just like me. I slipped it into my binder and told myself I'd give it back when I could. Sixth and seventh hour went past in a blur because I saw nothing and knew nothing of what I had sat through because all I could think of was her. I pulled out the drawing again but this time, something in the corner caught my eye. It was a small heart, with my name in the middle. I ripped off the corner and put it in my pocket. All of the sudden, I felt too shy to see her again.

Mint's POV

I can't believe someone like that exists. How the hell can you look good while you are running?? HOW IS THAT A THING!?!?! I couldn't tell you his name or anything but I think I'm beginning to have some serious issues with this guy. AND NOW HE SWEATING AND GOD HE IS HOT AHH. Literally though it is kinda hot but anyway. I look around my defensive position in front of the goal and sway to the folk songs the goalie is singing. The goalie's name is Daniel and he's really nice and old timey. I think he's alright. The coach blows the whistle and I walk next to Daniel. There are four of us side by side on the path. There's Stella, then me, then Daniel, and then the literal most perfect being on earth. Daniel introduces us. "Stella, Mint, this is Greg," He says, gesturing to the boy next to him. Huh. Greg. So he's got a name now...I love it. "Greg, this is Mint and Stella." I waved awkwardly and he smiled and nodded at me. I grinned too before looking back.

Greg. His name was Greg.

A/N: So how about that? What did we think? Love it? Hate it? Leave me some feedback so I can criticise your criticism!

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