Breaking Doesn't Mean You're...

By shipmeromeorgohome

904 69 7

Individual story loosely based upon my life. There is cutting and depression, so BRACE YOURSELVES! More

My Demise
Am I Here?
His Name
Whatever's Left Of Me
I'm Such a Hypocrite
She Deserved It
In a Week
Classical Music
Something I Wanted
Poor Little Woodpecker
Like Smoke
Porcelana Chica
Lets Go
The Same Word
Scary Monster, Happy Family
As Good as Gone
Haunting Me
20th Special
The Cost
A Middle Distance Runner
Nothing Left to Give
Is This Road Gonna End
I Wanna Fly
Like Real People Do
Bleeding Out
Now Weep
The Thing
A Long, Long Time

Who's He?

31 4 1
By shipmeromeorgohome

Day 2

I winced as I pulled myself up out of my bed. I spent the night drawing because of my insomnia and so I didn't move much. My cuts on my thigh may have been shallow, but there were many, and they hurt. A lot. Sighing, I pulled on a pair of skinny jeans and an old t shirt before wandering to the bathroom to fix my hair and put in my contact. Finishing off with some eyeliner, I deemed myself presentable and went upstairs. I wandered around the kitchen making my lunch, humming to the tune of "I'm Already Gone" by A Day to Remember playing in my head. I threw my sketch pad into my backpack and then my lunchbox before plopping onto the couch to turn on some anime. Settling with Attack on Titan, I looked over and saw my mom come into the living room. "Good Morning mum!" I said cheerfully. "Morning honey, have you eaten yet?" She asked. "Nope." "Well then come over here I'll warm you up a burrito." I wandered over and sat at the table while she set my breakfast in front of me. "Thank you," I said. She smiled and nodded before drifting outside to call my grandfather. I ate quickly and looked at the time. 7:18. I had about ten minutes, so I went back to watching television. I did that for a while before deciding that maybe I should head out early to do a bit of sketching at the bus stop. "Bye mum, love you!" I yelled as I left the house, walking down the steep hill that lead to my bus stop.

---•Time skip like the doctor•---

I walked into first hour with my coffee and binder and took my place next to the other girl at my table. We had a lecture but I genuinely wasn't listening to half of it, as I was too busy watching Kayli sketch. I had no idea what she was drawing, but she really put her heart into it, and that fascinated me. Is everyone in this place a damned artist or what? First hour ended and I made my way to math. Second period flew by, and soon, I was in band. We played until 10:38 when I was sent to lunch. I took my place by Kayli and ate, listening to the conversation quietly, without really contributing. Fourth hour science was, to say the least, long and boring. Social studies finally began, a far more boring but easier subject. Finally I was on my way to shop. I was determined to do well in this class. We received guides on the operation of the SA180, whatever the hell that was, and I was instantly bored. the next and final class though, was the one if give anything to not be in. Gym. I dressed into my uniform and went to the room in which we were to go before we went outside to play the dreaded sports. Sitting next to Stella in front of the mirror lined wall away from all the students, I observed everyone in the class. My eyes roamed, bit seemingly everyone was normal. I was mistaken. As I turned to Stella I saw one person so extraordinarily not normal I had to do a double take. He had beautiful milky brown eyes with short, hazelnut coloured hair and slightly tanned skin stretched over high cheekbones seemingly made of granite. For some reason, I couldn't stop staring at him. It's not that he was amazingly god like or something. He wasn't so attractive it was hard for me to look away. Really, he just look like everyone else. He just...looked so innocent. Like he lived an amazing childhood and he was never made fun of, like...he was perfect. He had many friends, and he was never the type of guy you'd expect to see with someone like me. He was tall and thin and athletic and strong and he was not on the list of people you'd see holding my hand. I turned to Stella and pointed at him in the mirror. "What's his name?" I asked. She shrugged. I tilted my head. Who's he?

A/N: Told you something was gonna go down. Hehe. Was it good? Love it? Hate it? Leave me some feedback so I can criticise your criticism!

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