James and Oliver Phelps Imagi...

By _TomatoFace_

285K 5.9K 3.5K

A collection of Phelps Twins imagines for Y/N. If you want to send in a request I will try my best to complet... More

Scars (pt.1)
Scars (pt.2)
Scars (pt.3)
BSM - You have an eating disorder (Pt.1)
BSM - you have an eating disorder (Pt.2)
BSM - your boyfriend is abusive
Detention with Umbridge (Fred)
He saves you (Oliver)
BSM - you're bullied
He gets jealous (Oliver)
He cheats on you (Pt.1)
He cheats on you (Pt.2)
Family day out (Oliver)
Family day out (Pt.2)
BSM - Your parents are fighting
BSM - Your parents are fighting (pt.2)
Quidditch accident (Fred)
Meet&Greet (Oliver)
Escaping detention (George)
You're feeling insecure (Fred)
You had a bad day (George)
BSM - They yell at you
BSM - You're on your period
Road trip (Oliver)
Road trip - Oliver (pt.2)
Battle of Hogwarts (Fred)
BSM - You introduce them to your boyfriend
Press conference (James)
BSM - Your parents compare you to them
You're enough (James)
You have food poisoning - Fred
Your child is sick - James
He catches you self harming (James)
You baby sit Oliver's child (James)
You babysit Oliver's child - Pt.2
Anorexia (James)
You're insecure (Oliver)
Thank you!!
He hits you (Oliver)
Proposal (Oliver)
He finds out youre pregnant (James)
You teach him Spanish (James)
You flinch during an argument (Fred)
You go on holiday with him (James)
Christmas at the Burrow(Fred)
You have oppositional defiance disorder (ODD)
You get caught👀 (George)
He's your teacher (James)
He's your teacher - James (pt.2)
Your child's first day at school (Oliver)
Family trip to Universal Studios (James)
Your child has separation anxiety (Fred)
BSM - You're non binary
BSM - They make you feel insecure
BSM - They protect you
BSM - They protect you (pt.2)
You defend him on social media - Oliver
Quarentine - James
You have ADHD - Fred
BSM - You wanna commit
You get cancer - James
You have a PTSD flashback - James
Requests closed for now😭
You get sick - George
You get sick - George (pt.2)
You have magic powers - Fred & George
You have magic powers (pt.2)
You're pregnant - George
Almost successful attempt - James
He saves you from your abusive boyfriend - Oliver
BSM - You come out to them
BSM - you come out to them (pt.2)
Your child meets Fred's ghost at Hogwarts - Fred
Your child meets Fred's ghost at Hogwarts (pt.2)
Author's note
You meet him at a golf course - Oliver
You're pregnant with a 2nd child - James
You go to the Yule Ball alone - Fred
BSM - you run away
He thinks you're cheating - Oliver
BSM - they help you through a panic attack
He's in love with you while dating Angelina - Fred
He needs therapy - Oliver
He falls in love with you - James
Fred meets James
BSM - they find out about your eating disorder
You get to marry him - George
BSM- you get casted in Harry Potter
You comfort him - George
Proposal - Oliver
He objects at your wedding - Oliver
He objects at your wedding (pt.2) - Oliver
He objects at your wedding (pt.3) - Oliver
For the rest of your life - Fred
BSM - you have Coliac disease
You meet for the first time. - Fred
The battle of Hogwarts - Fred
The battle of Hogwarts - Fred (happy ending)
You're having a bad day - Fred
Author's note
Waking up with James/Oliver
Him coming home after filming - James
Cuddly morning - James
Love - Fred
Brother's best friend - James
DDM - sick day (James)
You comfort George after Fred died
BSM - You break a bone
You fall asleep on him - Oliver
You're sick - George
Playdate - Oliver
He meets your family - James
BSM - You have a stalker
BSM - You have a stalker (pt.2)

You come out to him (James)

2.6K 47 37
By _TomatoFace_

Request for voldyshinyforehead 🥰🥰🥰
You were outside James's house slightly shivering since it was November and he wasn't home. You really didn't think it through when you went over before calling. You say on his porch and zoned out, remembering the conversation with your parents earlier.

- Hey mom? Dad? Can...can I tell you something
- Yes what is it?
- I- I'm bisexual...
There was complete silence and you didn't dare to meet your eyes.
- Are you sure?
You nod.
- But how does that even work? You're just confused, if you're a lesbian just tell us, it would be much less silly than this bisexual nonsense
- But I'm bi dad, why is it so hard to understand? I just like both genders
- No, enough of this nonsense, you're either straight or lesbian
- But mo-
- Enough

You couldn't take it, you were relieved that they weren't completely homophobic and at least hoped you were a lesbian but at the same time, they were being biphobic, they didn't even try to understand and that's what irked you, so you went over to where you felt completely at ease, James's house, but to your luck obviously, he wasn't here. So you sat there shivering in front of his door, silently cursing yourself for not bringing a sweater. Then you realized James didn't know you're bi, so telling him about this would mean having to come out and you weren't sure how he was going to react.

You were so busy in your thoughts that you didn't notice the car pull up and James looking extremely confused to see you shivering on his porch. You felt a warmth suddenly spread through your body and your head shot up. Your eyes met James's and you realized he draped his coat around you. You hugged it closer to your body and mumbled a quiet "hi" leaving him extremely worried about you.

"Let's get you inside and warmed up okay baby? And then you can tell me what's wrong after if you want to" You nodded, allowing him to pick you up and carry you inside. He set you down on the couch and covered you in blankets that he retrieved from his room then put you on his lap, holding you close. You slowly began to warm up and nuzzled your face in his chest. You zoned out again after a little while and didn't realize you started to bite your nails. It was a habit you had whenever you were anxious.

James gently removed your hands from your mouth and held them in his. "What's the matter baby girl? What happened?" he asked very concerned. He'd never seen you this quiet and upset about something. "Jamie, you love me right? No matter what?" "Yes of course, you're scaring me darling, what's wrong?" he asked and tightened his arms around you.

"I'm bisexual" you mumbled and curled yourself up in his lap. "Is that all my love? I don't care if you're bisexual, it's who you are" you teared up and turned to hug him as tight as you could. He held you tight and stroked your hair. "What's wrong darling?" he asked gently, sensing that that wasn't all you wanted to tell him. "I told my parents earlier" you sniffled. "They didn't exactly throw me out, but they were being biphobic? They said I was just confused and it was either straight or lesbian, no in between, they don't acknowledge my identity..." you whispered and tears formed in your eyes.

"Do you need to stay here my love? You can stay for as long as you want, as long as you need to wind down" he asked gently and wiped your tears away with the pads of his thumbs. "Yes please, thank you Jamie, I'm sorry if I'm being a bother" "Hey, no, shush" he squished your cheeks and looked into your eyes. "You'll never be a bother okay? Well...unless you steal my chocolate but other than that you're never gonna be a bother, I'm more than happy to have you here. I love you okay?"

You chuckled a bit and nodded, snuggling your face back into the crook of his neck, breathing in his scent. "You want to go to bed baby?" James asked. "Yeah, I don't have anything to change into though" "You can wear my clothes" he replied and picked you up, carrying you to the bedroom.

He laid out a t shirt and some boxers for you and went into the bathroom to change so you had some privacy. You quickly changes into his clothes and oh my goodness they were so comfortable. And they smelled like him, so bonus. You laid on the bed and crawled under the extremely comfortable duvet. Why the fuck is everything so damn comfortable in this house you thought. "Because I enjoy being comfortable babe, it's not rocket science" James laughed, walking out of the bathroom and you blushed, realizing you said that out loud.

James crawled under the duvet with you and pulled you into his side. "I love you darling, sleep, you must be exhausted" "Thank you Jamie, for everything, I love you so much" "Anything for my fierce bisexual queen"

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