By capricornkai

466K 12.4K 47.3K

• A tale of love, pain and hope • Mikaela Lockwood is the younger sister of Tyler Lockwood, and a recently-tu... More

Chapter 1 ~ The Prison World
Chapter 2 ~ The Siphoner
Chapter 3 ~ The Road Trip
Chapter 5 ~ The Memory
Chapter 6 ~ The Spell
Chapter 7 ~ The Field
Chapter 8 ~ The Ascendant
Chapter 9 ~ The Silence
Chapter 10 ~ The Corridor
Chapter 11 ~ The Revelation
Chapter 12 ~ The Meal
Chapter 13 ~ The Control
Chapter 14 ~ The Beach
Chapter 15 ~ The First Time
Chapter 16 ~ The Return
Chapter 17 ~ The Loss
Chapter 18 ~ The Lies
Chapter 19 ~ The Brunch
Chapter 20 ~ The Secrets
Chapter 21 ~ The Addiction
Chapter 22 ~ The Questions
Chapter 23 ~ The Sire-Bond
Chapter 24 ~ The Kill
Chapter 25 ~ The Betrayal
Chapter 26 ~ The Hybrid
Chapter 27 ~ The Winter Party
Chapter 28 ~ The Warning
Chapter 29 ~ The Invitation
Chapter 30 ~ The Plan
Chapter 31 ~ The Ripper
Author's Note
Chapter 32 ~ The Night Before Christmas
Chapter 33 ~ The Ring
Chapter 34 ~ The Masquerade Ball
Chapter 35 ~ The Deal
Chapter 36 ~ The Punishment
Chapter 37 ~ The Merge
Chapter 38 ~ The Breakdown
Chapter 39 ~ The Cabin
Chapter 40 ~ The Fire
Chapter 41 ~ The Werewolf
Chapter 42 ~ The Rug
Chapter 43 ~ The Sickness
Chapter 44 ~ The Newbie
Chapter 45 ~ The Rulebreaker
Chapter 46 ~ The Aftermath
Chapter 47 ~ The Abandonment
Chapter 48 ~ The Threat
Chapter 49 ~ The Jealousy
Chapter 50 ~ The Revolution
Chapter 51 ~ The Phone Call
Chapter 52 ~ The Rope
Chapter 53 ~ The Most Likely To
Chapter 54 ~ The Surprise
Chapter 55 ~ The Vengeance
Chapter 56 ~ The Apology
Chapter 57 ~ The Distraction
Chapter 58 ~ The Villain
Chapter 59 ~ The Reconciliation
Chapter 60 ~ The Warehouse
Chapter 61 ~ The Originals
Chapter 62 ~ The Sidekick
Chapter 63 ~ The Struggle
Chapter 64 ~ The Reunion
Bonus Scene Unlocked
Chapter 65 ~ The Rave
Original Characters
Chapter 66 ~ The Hunters
Chapter 67 ~ The Temptation
Chapter 68 ~ The Switch (Part One)
Chapter 68 ~ The Switch (Part Two)
Chapter 69 ~ The Trail
Chapter 70 ~ The Simple Intimacy Of The Near Touch
Chapter 71 ~ The Illusion
Chapter 72 ~ The Perfect-Mommy Memory
Chapter 73 ~ The Choice
Chapter 74 ~ The Snowfall
Chapter 75 ~ The Fury
Chapter 76 ~ The Outcast
Chapter 77 ~ The Salvation
Chapter 78 ~ The Awakening
Chapter 79 ~ The Child
Chapter 80 ~ The Wedding
Thank You!
Preview of TBS Sequel

Chapter 4 ~ The Nightmare

13.9K 394 1.3K
By capricornkai

"Kai..." I whispered full of fear. I was frozen in place, unable to move or control my limbs.

"Mikaela..." Kai replied calmly with a hint of caution to his tone, like I was a ticking time-bomb waiting to explode. "Put the knife down. It's okay."

I choked on a sob. "I can't," I cried. "This isn't me!" My body started to shake and it caused the knife to dig into Kai's tanned skin slightly, a trickle of blood slowly dripping down his throat.

Kai flinched only the smallest amount and frowned, staring into my terrified eyes as if he would find the all of the answers. "Isn't you?" he questioned incredulously. "What are you talking abou-" His words cut off as realisation registered across his features. His jaw set in place and he eyed the room around him.

Next thing I knew, we'd switched positions and he was now hovering above me, a menacing glint in his eyes. His left hand was around my throat, his right holding the knife that I'd previously been in possession of and aiming it towards my chest. My eyes widened in a mixture of shock and terror, but I couldn't move, his weight and hold on me keeping me pinned to the bed. The mind control that I seemed to be under made my limbs weak and I couldn't push him off.

"I know you're here Bennett Witch..." he said out loud like a sing-song, scanning the dark bedroom once again.

Bennett Witch? Was he talking about Bonnie?

"Don't be shy," he continued, chuckling darkly. "Show yourself." When nothing happened, he leaned down closer to me with a grin, although it wasn't filled with his usual happy-go-lucky humour. I trembled underneath him, whimpers slipping from my lips involuntarily.

"Shh," he whispered soothingly in my ear, moving the hand from my throat to cover my mouth. "I'm just trying to teach your little friend a lesson." He moved the knife closer to my skin, only millimetres away from piercing my chest. "Show yourself," he warned once again, "or I will kill your best friend right here in this bed whilst you watch."

Before I had a chance to really panic, his body was flung off the bed and across the room, hitting the wall with a satisfying thud. The knife had slipped from his grip and landed on the bed near me.

Clutching his head, he cried out in pain, unable to crawl from where he lay hunched over on the ground. The lights in the bedroom began to flash on and off violently, books and ornaments being pelted at him from all angles.

Like a switch, I gained full control of my movements again, Bonnie focusing all of her power on trying to kill Kai. I jumped off the bed and hurried over to him, trying to block a bulk of the objects heading his way, the instinct to save him too strong to fight it.

"Bonnie!" I yelled through gritted teeth. "Cut it out!"

The turbulent attack failed to cease and, running out of options, I hurried out into the hallway, grabbing an old mop that was left lying around. I flashed back into the bedroom, stood in front of Kai, protecting his frame still on the floor trying to fight off the power being sent his way. Hitting the wood handle against my knee, I snapped it into two, throwing the mop-end to the side.

"Bonnie!" I warned, pointing the wood at my chest. "Knock it off or I swear I will shove this straight through my heart without so much as a blink. Killing him won't change anything, I'm still stuck here and he'll only come back with a vengeance."

As if by some miracle, everything stopped. The lights turned back off, all of the objects fell to the floor, Kai was released from the intense pain he'd been under. I let go of the mop handle and dropped to my knees beside him as he sat up, sighing in relief.

Glancing around the room for some sign of my best friend, I whispered a "thank you" to the empty space hoping she would pick it up wherever she was. Stroking his hair absentmindedly, I scanned over his face and body to check for any damage. He looked in one piece, would maybe have a bit of bruising tomorrow.

"I'm going to kill her!" he snarled between exhausted pants, attempting to push himself to his feet.

Grabbing his shoulders, I kept him planted firmly on the floor. "No you're not," I warned, capturing his fiery blue gaze in mine. "You're going to calm down, and then we are both going back to bed to get some sleep." I emphasised the last three words loudly in the hopes that if Bonnie was still around, she would get the message and leave us be.

Kai stared at me a little longer, looking as if he wanted to argue back, but eventually decided it wasn't worth it, setting his jaw and remaining silent.

Satisfied that the drama was finally over - for now at least - I let go of him, getting to my feet and offering my hand to help him. He ignored it, pushing himself up. Sighing in frustration, I spun on my heel and staggered back to bed, wanting nothing more in the world than a full night's rest. Clambering onto the mattress, I noticed Kai was still stood frozen in the spot where I had just been, staring at the wall completely emotionless. Like a statue.

"Kai, please," I begged, "just come back into bed." I ran my hands through my hair in irritation, trying not to lose it. "I'm so tired."

The witch blinked, appearing to come back down to Earth. Instead, he turned his stare onto me. Feeling immediate unease, I decided to just lay down and get some rest. This night had been too eventful for my liking.

A few moments later, the mattress behind me sank and a warm body curled up next to me. Rolling over, I backed up a little as I came face-to-face with Kai, not realising how close he had been to me. His lids were shut - thankfully - and didn't appear to be opening any time soon. I seized the opportunity and let my gaze wash over his features, really taking them all in. Whilst he was awake, I could never look at him for too long before either getting embarrassed or making him uncomfortable. But right now, being this close to him without the worry of him judging me, I felt a fluttering in my stomach as I breathed in his natural scent - mixed with the hint of cologne that had gradually faded throughout the day.

His expression was soft and calm, no hint of fury taking hold of him any longer. He looked peaceful and content. Like no one had ever hurt him. Tiny beads of sweat still lingered on his forehead from the battle he'd just endured with the invisible Bennett witch. At this proximity, it was the first time I'd noticed small scars indented into his skin; two between his brows, one on his cheek, and a final one just under his bottom lip. I made a promise to myself in that moment that one day, I would find out where those scars came from.

And speaking of lips - a shiver of pleasure ran up my spine at just the thought of what it would be like to kiss them. Soft and supple, his lower lip jutting out a little due to the way his head sank into the pillow. And for once, no hint of a smirk. He was the perfect picture of serenity.

Then he ruined it by opening his eyes.

He arched a dark brow slightly, pupils dilating as he looked back at me. Neither of us said a word, unspoken thoughts passing between us through eye contact alone. Somehow, I didn't blush. I didn't feel uncomfortable. He didn't shy away and neither did I. Gazing into his deep blue eyes, I was completely relaxed. For a brief moment everything felt right, just being led next to him like this.

Kai lifted his hand slowly and before I had chance to register what was happening, his fingers brushed a strand of hair away from my face, knuckles lingering against my skin for longer than he may have realised. "Good night, Mikaela," he murmured.

I shut my eyes for a moment, relishing in the way his skin felt against my cheek, then re-opened them with a small smile. "Good night, Kai," I replied softly.

The corners of his lips twitched, hiding a smile of his own, and he finally let go, placing his arms back at his sides. It wasn't much, but I appreciated the affectionate gesture. It gave me a flicker of a glimpse into who the real Kai Parker was, underneath all that darkness and humour. A person that completely deserved a second-chance.

Feeling truly optimistic for the first time since I'd woken up in this Prison World, I drifted off to sleep, Kai's comforting presence making the transition effortless.


The next morning went by quickly and drama-free. I'd woken up next to Kai who was still sound asleep, respectfully having stayed on his side of the bed all night, not pushing the boundaries.

I sat on the edge of the mattress and touched my cheek, remembering the moment we'd shared, smiling to myself. It may have only been a simple display of kindness, but that's all I needed. I wasn't expecting Kai to turn full-speed-ahead into a normal, completely functioning person overnight. He was still a sociopath after all - he had an extremely hard time showing any emotions, not knowing how to figure them out in his day-to-day life. Letting himself be vulnerable and sweet with me even for just a minute would've been a big deal to him, and I wasn't going to make anything out of it. As far as he was concerned, I'd already forgotten all about it.

I got up and took a shower, then got dressed and brushed my teeth, ready to start another day full of playing hide-and-seek with the ascendant. Stepping out of the bathroom fully clothed, I bumped into Kai's T-shirt-clad chest, not expecting anyone to be outside the door. As I stumbled, his hands flew out to grab my arms, steadying me. I looked up at his face, smirk evident on his lips.

Nice to see he was back to his usual self.

"Morning, Sunshine," he greeted me cheerfully. "You should come with a warning sign, you know that?" He chuckled. "For someone who's supposed to be an agile predator, you're a walking hazard."

"Gee thanks," I commented sarcastically. "I feel so much better about myself."

"Just doing my duty, can't have your ego growing too big in this Prison World. I've given you enough compliments," he replied with a wink.

I snorted. "Ha. That's funny..." I tapped my chin. "I can't seem to recall a single one."

Kai let out a bark of laughter and brushed past me into the bathroom. "Having a shower," he called over his shoulder. "Meet you downstairs in ten."

I decided to make breakfast for us both whilst he showered, to give Kai a break from the kitchen. It was his favourite place to be, I know that, but he was always the one cooking me food. I wanted to repay the favour for once.

Ten minutes later, Kai stepped into the kitchen, breathing in the scent of food with a smile from ear to ear. "Something smells good," he commented enthusiastically.

I glanced up at him briefly, too focused on cooking. "Thanks for noticing. I showered today," I replied with a smirk.

Chuckling, Kai hurried over to me, eager to see what I had going on in the pan.

"Omelettes," I said. "Kind of boring, sorry, but there's not much else here."

Standing next to me, he leaned forward onto the counter, head propped up against his knuckles as he watched my every move. His mouth opened as if to say something, then closed again, thinking better of it.

I raised an eyebrow expectantly, flipping the omelette over with a spatula. "No, no. Do go on," I teased.

"I was just going to say, you need a bit more oil in the pan or they're going to burn," he said, smile never faltering.

I huffed, rolling my eyes. Grabbing the bottle, I squeezed a bit more oil into the pan, waiting for his reaction.

He looked up at me sheepishly, then put his thumb and index finger together as if to say 'just a little more'.

Heaving a sigh, I squeezed a few drops more, then slammed the bottle down onto the counter. "Better?" I asked sarcastically.

"Perfect!" Kai replied, beaming.

Chuckling, I continued to cook for another few minutes , sprinkling on some cheese, then finally placing the omelettes onto plates - one for Kai and one for me.

Kai grabbed his plate the moment the omelette landed on it then almost sprinted to sit at the table to dig in.

Lagging behind him, I eventually made it to my own seat, opposite his. Glancing over at him, I noticed he was already half-way through his food. I scoffed. "You didn't even give me time to say grace!"

Kai froze, the piece of omelette that he'd been chewing suddenly unmoving in his mouth. He swallowed it down slowly. "You do that?" he asked quietly, almost embarrassed.

I burst out laughing, unable to hold it in. "I'm kidding! God, you should've seen your face!"

He rolled his eyes in humour, attempting to hide his obvious awkwardness. "Har har," he commented. "Very funny."

I grinned at him, perfect picture of innocence, then dug into my food.

Once we'd finished, Kai offered to wash up and I didn't hesitate in accepting. When everything was clean, he led me outside to the front lawn.

"Where are we going?" I questioned nervously.

"Story time at the Parker House," he replied as we walked.

I eyed him suspiciously but let him have his moment.

"So one thing I haven't told you about is the day I was sent here. Jo agreed to do the merge with me after I killed our siblings so that I would stop hunting down Luke and Liv." He stared over at a tree stump in the middle of the lawn and made his way over to it, me following behind slowly. "The next day, we started to do the ritual for the merge. We'd been practicing our whole lives, we knew what to do. But then," he sighed, pausing by the tree stump and turning to look at me, "I could tell something was off. Everyone from our coven was there, and we had the eclipse to do the merge, and everyone was chanting - but I couldn't feel Jo's magic." He grabbed hold of the wood with both hands, chuckling darkly as he looked down at it. "They tricked me good. Instead of using the power of the eclipse for the merge, my father used it to send me here."

I raised an eyebrow as I crossed my arms, waiting for him to continue. There was a point to be made, I could feel it coming.

"I've been thinking all morning about that day. Being here - at this hellhole of a house - is bringing it all back." He rubbed his chin in thought. "I couldn't understand what Jo had done. Magic doesn't just, like, disappear..." His eyes snapped up to meet my anxious ones. "And then it hit me," he said with a grin tinted with malice. "My sneaky little twin sister hid her magic-" He picked up a knife hidden in a bunch of leaves on top of the tree stump, "-in this." He blew away sprinkles of dust from the knife.

"It's still here," I breathed in shock.

Kai's blue eyes looked up at me from under his lashes. "Still here," he confirmed, then smirked. "And still full of magic."

Closing his eyes, he held the knife out towards me, holding it tightly. Trying not to flinch, I watched as the tell-tale orange glow of his siphoning began to spread from his palms to the handle of the knife. A few seconds later, he lowered his hand, the knife still floating in the air. He tilted his head, looking at it with interest. "Well it was," he said, hint of self-pride flashing across his features. "I just sucked it out."

Hairs stood up on the back of my neck, suddenly aware of how powerful he now was. "What do you plan to do with it?" I asked, trying my hardest to sound brave.

Kai heaved a sigh, grabbing the knife from the air again. His gaze flicked to me, smirk on his lips. "Well, I was going to siphon from you," he said, pointing the knife at me.

I blanched.

He grinned at my reaction. "But now I have all this power without stealing from you, so I'm going to do a locator spell and find the ascendant."

My hand flew to my chest, breathing a sigh of relief. "You can do that?" I asked.

Nodding, Kai walked towards me, beaming a smile. "Yeah. Let's get it over with so we can find the ascendant and go home." He threw an arm lazily over my shoulder as we walked back to the house. I tried to shrug it off but he put it back on. Rolling my eyes, I left it where it was.

Kai found blueprints of the large house in the basement. Now in the kitchen, he placed the sheet onto the dining table, candles placed around the area so he could draw energy from them. Steadily, he sliced the knife across his palm, then balled his hand into a fist and let the blood drip onto the paper.

The scent of his blood hit me like a hurricane of sweet aroma and I turned my back on him, feeling my canine teeth elongate and the veins under my eyes pulsate.

"Mikaela?" I heard Kai ask behind me. "What's the matter?"

I cringed, holding my breath, trying to control my sudden thirst. Shaking my head, I couldn't open my mouth to reply, too scared I would catch the scent again.

"Oh," was all he said. Using his uncut hand, he touched my shoulder, coaxing me to face him.

"Kai," I warned through gritted teeth. Did he have a death wish?

"It's okay. I have magic, you can't hurt me," he replied optimistically.

Taking a steadying breath, I fought to push the hunger back into the darkest parts of me, relieved as I felt my face return to normal, less ripper. Once under control, I turned back around, avoiding Kai's inquisitive gaze. "Get on with it please," I said, desperate for the torture to end.

Nodding, Kai began chanting the spell. I watched with interest as his blood moved from the spot on the blueprints where we were currently - in the kitchen - across to the other side of the sheet, showing the floor-plan of upstairs. It trailed past the children's and Jo's bedrooms, heading towards Kai's. My heart beat rapidly in my chest, realising Kai had been right to search high and low in his room. However, at the last second, it turned to the right and straight into-

"My parent's bedroom," Kai said, laughing with disbelief as the candles blew out simultaneously. "That bastard."

I frowned, confused by Kai's sudden vehemence.

"Of course my father wouldn't let something of such importance be any further than five feet from where he slept," Kai explained, tone dripping with bitterness. He grabbed an old towel, cleaning his hand of the blood. "Let's go."

I followed after him as he hurried up the stairs, hurdling two steps at a time. Once in the bedroom, he began to rip open cupboards and drawers, searching frantically. I helped, though less desperation in my actions. Someone had to keep a calm head, after all.

"Where is it?!" he yelled, knocking over the chest of drawers in frustration.

Whipping my head back to look for the source of the noise, I ran up to Kai, placing calming hands on his shoulders. "Hey, calm down. We'll find it, okay? It's just one bedroom, it has to be here somewhere."

Kai avoided my gaze, shying away from my touch. As he turned away, realization clouded his features, eyes widening. Walking towards the bed we'd slept in last night, he grabbed the frame and flipped it over in one smooth motion.

I blinked in surprise, mentally questioning why that made me feel the way that it just did.

On his knees, he ripped up one of the floorboards underneath where the bed had previously been, chuckling darkly. "Less than five feet from where he slept," he commented, almost to himself. Reaching down into the hole, he grinned at me. Two seconds later, he pulled out a palm-sized device, holding it up to show me like a trophy. "The bastard literally hid it right under the spot where he slept."

"I see where you get your narcissism from," I commented.

Laughing, Kai stood up and made his way over to me with a proud smirk. "Time to go home, Mickie."

I shuddered at the nickname but said nothing as he grabbed my hand, leading me out of the room and down the stairs. The fact that he associated Mystic Falls with home and not this house said a lot about his past. Picking up our stuff, we left the House of Horrors and jumped in the car, ready to get the hell out of this place.

Kai drove us back to the airport and flew us back to Kansas City. I was still incredibly nervous, but I had much more faith in his skills this time around. Once back on solid ground, I offered to drive us to the motel to give him a break, knowing that it was starting to get late and it had been many of hours of travel for him. He accepted the offer gratefully, dozing off in the passenger seat. We made it to the motel with no complications luckily, though I was worried that I may have gotten us lost without Kai's directions.

"Hey, Malachai," I said teasingly, gently rubbing his arm to wake him up.

Kai groaned. "Don't call me that," he grumbled, turning over to cozy up next to the window.

"We're at the motel, jackass," I commented, laughing.

He shot up in his seat, stretching. "You should've started with that."

Rolling my eyes, I got out of the car and grabbed our stuff, Kai meeting me halfway to help. Heading back into the room we had stayed in previously, I dropped my bag onto the bed and ripped open a blood-bag. I sighed as I realised I only had one left after this one. I glanced over at Kai sheepishly.

He held his hands up, shaking his head. "Don't look at me. I told you the bar of Kai Parker was closed for business."

I tutted. "I know. We may need to stop at the hospital on our way back though."

Kai bobbed his head once, stripping his T-shirt off. "No problem. I'll add it to my to-do list for tomorrow."

Averting my gaze, I began to drink from the blood-bag, trying to diminish one thirst by quenching another.

"I'm getting in the shower before bed." He turned to me with a smirk. "You sure you don't want to take me up on the offer of joining me?" he asked suggestively, waggling his eyebrows.

I snorted playfully. "No, I'm okay thanks."

Kai shrugged then disappeared into the bathroom. I released a breath that I hadn't realised I'd been holding. What was happening to me?

Five minutes later, Kai and I swapped places, thankful when it was my turn. I let the water run cool, pressing my hands against the tiled wall as the water dripped down my spine. This little trip had changed the way I saw Kai, and in turn possibly the way I felt about him. I didn't like him, per say, but I definitely didn't hate his company any more.

He still low-key terrified me, but the possibility of what I could eventually feel for him terrified me even more. I had to get home, back to reality, and soon.

I didn't forget my bag this time and got dressed into sweatpants and a hoodie once out of the shower. As I walked back into the motel room, I noticed Kai was sat in the chair near the window, looking out with interest as if he would find someone wandering past. He turned to look at me, watching me place my bag on the floor next to my bed.

"You look cute," he commented with a smile.

Hiding my blush, I looked at the floor. "Thanks," I replied softly.

Suddenly, he rose to his feet, walking over to me almost cautiously. I froze on the spot, mentally flicking through every idea of what he could be up to.

"I never got a chance to thank you for last night," he murmured, only a metre away from me now.

I blinked up at him in surprise. "For what?" I asked gently.

The corner of his lips picked up slightly as he took another step towards me, face inches from mine. He looked down at me and I suddenly felt three feet tall. "For saving me," he replied, voice almost a whisper.

I gulped, dragging my gaze away from his mouth. "It's okay. It's what anyone would do. You were getting battered by Bennett Witch magic," I said, trying to pass off the whole situation with a joke.

Kai chuckled softly, shaking his head. "Not anyone. What makes you so sure I would do the same for you?"

I frowned. "I'm not, but I wasn't going to just leave you, Kai. She could've killed you."

He chewed the inside of his cheek anxiously. "I threatened to kill you," he said, whispering now, as if he was struggling to get the words out. Like he didn't want to accept the fact that they were true.

Shrugging, I looked at the floor, unable to hold eye-contact any longer. "But you didn't. And I don't think you would have, either."

Suddenly, I felt Kai's index finger and thumb hold my chin, pulling my head up to look at him. "You really believe that?" he asked, no hint of spite in his voice, only curiosity.

I gave a small nod, struggling to move under his intense stare. "I do."

He raised an eyebrow, tilting his head with interest. "And why's that?"

Nibbling on my lower lip, I felt my breath hitch in my throat. Eventually, I managed to get my words out. "Because you need me."

Kai let out a small laugh in the back of his throat, his thumb stroking my cheek, a tiny sincere smile playing about his lips. "That I do," he admitted quietly.

Before I had a chance to realise what was happening, he leaned towards me and pressed his lips to my forehead. They lingered there for a moment before he pulled away, shaky breath leaving his nostrils.

Then, as if nothing had happened, he took a step back with a grin and sat on the bed, getting ready to sleep.

I blinked, frozen in place. I could sue him for millions with the amount of whiplash he gave me. His back and forth emotions, however annoying, definitely kept me on my toes - and secretly I think he liked that.

Sighing, I got into my own bed and switched off the lamp. "Good night, Kai," I said before getting comfortable under the covers.

"Nighty night," was the last words I heard before I drifted off to sleep.


When I woke up, I felt as if I was being suffocated, a huge weight on my chest keeping me pinned to the mattress.

I looked up to see Kai led on top of me, hand covering my mouth, holding a stake to my chest. "I will kill you," he whispered, smiling wickedly.

Eyes widening, I tried with all my might to push him off me, fighting for my life. His palm on my lips muffled my screams for help - not that anyone would come to my rescue in this wasteland of a planet.

But I couldn't move. Couldn't make a sound. I was just trapped there, led completely still in the bed.

And then, without warning, the image of Kai altered. His Cheshire-Cat grin turned into the muzzle of a wolf, it's yellow eyes glowing at me with hunger as it licked its lips. A snarl erupted from its mouth and I tried my hardest to scream, but the noise wouldn't come.

Before it had a chance to lunge for my throat, the scene changed again. This time, I was on all-fours looking down at myself, led unmoving with eyes filled with terror. Realising I was now the wolf, my other body pinned on the mattress shifted and became a different person.

Now, as I gazed down with a sudden immense hunger, I looked into the lifeless eyes of Kai, his face battered and bruised. Blood seeped out of the bites covering his body and spilled from his lips. The wolf in me growled with hunger, ready to finish its lunch.

Screaming, I shot up in bed, gripping my chest.

"Mikaela?!" I heard a voice call out with panic.

I couldn't breathe. I couldn't talk. Shaking my head, I desperately tried to force the horrific images out of my mind.

The mattress sank and my eyes finally focused on Kai, sitting next to me, worry clouding his features. "What's wrong?" he asked.

"Nightmare," I managed to say between pants. "Or sleep-paralysis. Or something." I gulped. "I don't know."

Kai tilted his head whilst studying my face. "Tell me about it," he said gently.

I blinked up at him, tears threatening to spill. "It was horrible," I whispered.

He nodded and shifted his position on the bed to lean back against the headboard, pulling me into his chest. "What happened?" he coaxed softly.

Trying to steady my breaths, I sighed into him, grateful to have him comforting me right now. "I woke up and I couldn't move or talk," I said. "And you-" I gulped. "You were there. On top of me. Suffocating me."

Kai slowly traced circles on my arm. "I was there?" he asked quietly.

I nodded. "It was like a repeat of what happened at your family's house. With the knife. But much scarier and this time with a stake. You truly looked like you were going to kill me." I felt Kai's body stiffen underneath me but he said nothing so I continued. "And then suddenly you were a wolf. And then I was the wolf." I chuckled without humour, rubbing my eyes. "My body that I was looking down on as the wolf changed and then it was you."

"Me?" he questioned again.

I bobbed my head. "Yes. Well, your corpse. You were dead, and covered in bites and blood. Like I'd ripped you apart." A sob caught in my throat and it took every ounce of strength in me to swallow it back down. "It was awful. I was inside the wolf trying desperately to scream but I couldn't, and the wolf just wanted to finish what it started." Suddenly, I couldn't hold back the tears any more and they fell rapidly, relentlessly.

"Shh, shh," Kai whispered against my hair, hugging me tighter into him. "It's okay, it was just a dream. I know how real they can feel, trust me."

Shaking my head, I sat up and looked at him, heartbroken. "But that's the thing Kai, it wasn't a dream. It was a memory." I ran my hands through my hair, pushing it away from my tear-stained cheeks.

"Memory?" he echoed, pretending to not understand. But I know he did. He knew exactly what I was talking about.

I chuckled without humour. "Don't do that," I warned, wiping my eyes with the back of my hand. "Don't act like you have no idea what I mean." I shuddered. "It was the wolf's memory, not mine. I have no recollection of it happening because I blacked out. But the wolf remembers every single detail vividly. And it liked it."

The thought of Kai's body lying there, lifeless, ripped to pieces because of what the wolf did - what I did - made me sick to my stomach. The amount of fear and pain he must have gone through before I killed him.

And yet he still came back looking for you, a voice reminded me in the back of my mind.

Why did he do that? If that was me, I would've gotten as far away from me as possible.

"Why did you come back?" I asked him.

Kai blinked at me, frowning. "What do you mean?"

"After what I did to you, why would you come looking for me the next day? Were you that desperate to get home that you'd risk being mauled to death again?"

He shrugged, looking down as he traced patterns on the back of my hand with his finger. "That, and the fact that I wasn't scared of you." His blue gaze captured mine once again. "Why would I be when I'm more of a monster than you are?" he said simply.

His words made my heart swell and break all at once. I flung myself onto his chest once more. "I'm so sorry for what I did to you," I cried out.

Kai chuckled, rubbing my back. "It's okay," he said. "There there. So dramatic, my pretty little Hybrid."

I laughed between sobs. "I'm not dramatic, it's the truth."

"I appreciate your apology, Mikaela, but it doesn't matter because even if you kill me, I will always come back. Whilst we're here that is anyways."

I heaved a sigh, frustrated that he just didn't get it. "That's not the point, Kai. I don't want to put you through that. I don't want to hurt you. I don't want to be a killer, a-a monster!"

Kai pressed a kiss to the top of my head. "You're not a monster, Mikaela. You're emotional and a control freak and a sarcastic drama queen," he said laughing and I playfully swatted him on the arm at his comment. "That's who you are. And trust me, I will never judge you for being who you are." He pulled my chin up to look at him, just like he had earlier in the night. "But you're not a monster," he repeated meaningfully.

We locked eye-contact for a few moments and a part of me wondered if - hoped that - he would make a move.

My heart sank slightly as he broke his gaze with a soft smile, patting my leg. "I tell you what. I'll stay here with you until you fall asleep."

Nodding with gratitude, I placed my head on his chest and listened to his steady heart beat, the rhythmic thump-thump like a lullaby sending me to sleep.

"And if the wolf comes back to haunt your dreams, I'll be right next to you. I have a few bones to pick with her." His teasing words were the last things I heard before I succumbed to darkness.


We got home without any problems the next day. We made a stop at the supermarket to get some groceries. Next was the hospital to grab a trunk-load of blood to stock up on, and also a chest-freezer to put in the basement to keep it all in. I know Kai was accepting of my lifestyle, but that didn't mean it should be shoved in his face every time he opened the fridge in my kitchen to get a snack.

Once back at the Lockwood Mansion, Kai helped me carry the supplies inside. He used the last of his magic to move the super-heavy freezer from the back of the car and into the basement without us having to break our backs trying to carry the damn thing.

"That's the last of it," I said as we carried the bag of groceries into the kitchen. "Thanks for helping me."

Kai beamed a smile at me, though I could tell something was on his mind.

Awkwardly, I shifted from one foot to the other. "So, where do you live, anyways?" I asked, realising I didn't even know.

He shrugged. "At the Salvatore boarding house," he replied, then frowned. "But it's so big and empty and lonely..." He trailed off, tilting his head at me as he tried to grasp my reaction. "Do you think I could maybe?..." he prompted.

Eyebrows raising in shock, I blinked at him as his words registered with me. "Stay here?" I asked.

Kai grinned, running to jump onto the kitchen counter. "I never thought you'd ask!" He grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl. "Thanks, Mikaela!"

I scoffed. "I didn't ask, that's why."

His happy expression turned into a frown within a second, looking heartbroken. "Why not?" he asked quietly, throwing puppy-dog eyes at me.

Laughing in disbelief, I shook my head at him. "Oh, you are unbelievable, you know that? Did you go to acting school or something?" I rubbed my temples. "You can't process emotion properly but you have no problem faking it."

Kai threw me a wink, biting into the apple. "But you believed it, right?"

I rolled my eyes. "Hardly." Heaving a sigh, I shrugged. "I guess you can stay here. It would be nice to have some company." Kai opened his mouth to say something - probably flirtatiously - but I cut him off before he could speak. "But there has to be rules," I warned.

He scrunched up his nose in distaste. "What rules?"

I started listing them off with my fingers. "Rule number one: No bed-hopping of any kind. Rule number two: We share the groceries. I've seen your appetite. Please don't leave me with nothing to eat. Rule number three: No stabbing or siphoning."

Kai laughed out loud, his shoulders shaking. "Okay. So, let me tell you why those rules are dumb as hell."

Crossing my arms, I raised a brow at him expectantly.

"Rule number one: Bed-hopping is only okay if you're having nightmares, right? I see how it is. Rule number two: Your main diet source is blood, and my main diet source is human food. So if we share the food evenly, see how that's kind of unfair? Rule number three: If there's no stabbing or siphoning, there's also no blood-drinking."

''You forced me to drink your blood!" I retaliated in frustration, throwing my hands up in the air.

Kai shrugged, munching a slice of apple. "Fact remains," was all he said.

Sighing in exasperation, I spun on my heel and walked out of the kitchen. "You're the one that's dumb as hell, not my rules," I muttered under my breath as I left.

"What was that?" Kai called after me. I could hear the smirk in his voice.

Saying nothing, I lifted a middle finger up at him over my shoulder. His laugh was the last thing I heard as I disappeared upstairs.

As I got into bed, I felt relief flood my senses, grateful to be in my own bed again. Grabbing my journal from the bedside table, excitement stirred in me. It had been a while since I'd had a chance to write anything in here. Picking up my trusty pen, I began to scribble the words.

'Day 12 (I think) in the Prison World,
So much has happened since I last wrote in here. I began to desiccate. Kai came and saved me, making me drink his blood. I nearly drank him dry but he managed to stop me. We argued and then I went into the woods and transformed twice. Kai came to save me from exhaustion.
Then he injected with me vervain and knocked me out, taking me on a road trip against my will.
It didn't turn out too bad, though. We stayed at a motel twice, he flew us across the country, and I saw his childhood-home.
It was horrific. The blood everywhere, the memories, the pain that he caused were etched into the walls.
Bonnie tried to kill Kai - twice. Once by using me, the second time with her raw power.
Kai and I shared a few moments. That's the scariest part of the whole trip.
Oh, and we found the ascendant! Kai thinks we can get home very soon, we just need to put our plan into action.
I wanted it more than anything. I wanted to see my family again, to see my friends again. I wanted to break my sire-bond, but I wanted to do it in a world where I wasn't only one of two people.
I just missed everyone so badly.
My dreams are haunting me. Kai came to the rescue last night and with him around, I wasn't scared any more. He made me feel like I wasn't a monster - that it was okay to be who I am.
He lives here now, too. Maybe with him in the house, it'll keep the nightmares away.
How many times was it possible for Kai Parker to save me in the space of a few days?'

I closed the journal and placed it back on the side, along with the pen. It was dangerous leaving my diary lying around for prying eyes to read, but I trusted that Kai wouldn't invade my privacy like that.

I showered and got ready for bed, before hurrying downstairs into the basement to grab a blood-bag. On my way back up to my room, I bumped into Kai.

"Hey," I greeted him with a smile.

He eyed the blood-bag in my hand. "Late-night snack?" he wondered.

I chuckled awkwardly. "Yeah, all this travelling really took it out of me," I admitted.

"I bet," he replied, bobbing his head. "Hey, where can I sleep?"

I shrugged, pointing to the array of rooms. "Take your pick."

Kai glanced at the bedroom that was now Tyler's back home. The one that was right next-door to mine. "That one?"

I gulped, trying to hide my nervousness. "Yeah sure, whatever."

He flashed me a grin. "Great, thanks!" He ruffled my damp hair. "Good night, roomie."

I snorted. "Night. Remember rule number one," I warned as he disappeared into his new room.

"Yeah, yeah. I got it. No bed-hopping," he called back, waving his hand dismissively before shutting the door.

Sighing, I shook my head then went back into my bedroom. Getting comfy under the covers, I drifted off to sleep, a hint of nervous excitement deep in my chest.

Good night, roomie...


The wolf in me growled with hunger, ready to finish its lunch.

I shot up in bed, screaming again, cold sweats trickling down my face.

Kai ran into the bedroom, half-asleep. "Mikaela, are you alright?" he asked, full of concern.

Holding my chest tightly, panting, I shook my head. "No," I admitted.

He crawled up next to me in bed. Pulling me into his chest, he sighed softly. "Same one?" he questioned.

I bobbed my head. "Same one."

"I'm here now," he said, stroking my hair. "I won't leave until you're asleep again."

The cycle repeated every night for 3 days.

Each time, the same dream. Each time, Kai would rush in and comfort me until I fell asleep.

The guilt had nearly eaten me alive by the third night. I was exhausted from lack of sleep, so I could only imagine how Kai felt having to wake up and help me every time. But he didn't complain once. Not even when I brought up the fact that I was breaking the 'no bed-hopping' rule. He just laughed and replied with, "Well, rules were made to be broken."

By the fourth day, I was ready to get the hell out of this loop of May 10th 1994.

"Can we do the spell tomorrow?" I asked Kai.

"You think you're ready?" he questioned in reply, looking at me from under his lashes as he read the same newspaper that he read every morning.

"I'm ready to do whatever it takes to get home," I admitted, sense of urgency lacing my tone.

He shrugged. "Sure, no problem."

We didn't say much more on the topic after that. He made us breakfast like he did every day, we spent our time doing puzzles, reading or watching movies. Chatting occasionally to get to know each other better. Kai was still a little reserved and would only tell me so much, but that was fine by me. If there were things he would rather keep hidden, I understood completely.

A thought played on my mind every time, however. He'd already told me the worst part of his past, so what could possibly be so bad that he would keep it a secret?

We didn't have any more 'moments', other than when he helped me to sleep. I didn't really mind. It helped me get my thoughts in order and work out what my feelings for Kai really were. I was attracted to him, I knew that, but was that all? We may have started off on the wrong foot when I first got here, but gradually over time we became... friends? And he'd sure as hell been more like a hero to me these past few nights, rather than the villain.

On the day that we'd planned to do the spell, Kai went to the store to get some 'last-minute necessities' to take with him to the future, as he'd put it.

He'd been gone nearly an hour when I finally heard his footsteps through the house. Sat on the sofa waiting for him, I got ready to put on my fake-angry face. "Where the hell have you been all this ti-" I cut off when I realised it wasn't Kai walking into the lounge at all.

A grey-haired man, possibly in his mid-late fifties, stood in the doorway, jaw set in anger as he looked at me. The same way, I noticed, that Kai did occasionally.

"Um," I started, getting to my feet. "Who are you?"

"Joshua," was all he said.

"Okay, 'Joshua'," I said, using my fingers as quotation marks, "Why are you in my house? How did you even get in the Prison World, I thought it was only me and Kai?" I rolled my eyes. "Am I dreaming again?"

Joshua chuckled. "Well, if you were, my dear, then this definitely wouldn't be a dream." He flashed a grin, significantly similar to Kai's, and that's when it hit me. "More like a nightmare," he said menacingly.

Joshua. Joshua Parker. Kai's father.

Before I had a chance to react, he lunged at me, injecting a lethal herb into my system.

I dug my nails into his arm and hissed, desperate to fight back, but the concoction was too strong. It knocked me out in only a few moments.

I blacked out.

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