James and Oliver Phelps Imagi...

By _TomatoFace_

285K 5.9K 3.5K

A collection of Phelps Twins imagines for Y/N. If you want to send in a request I will try my best to complet... More

Scars (pt.1)
Scars (pt.2)
Scars (pt.3)
BSM - You have an eating disorder (Pt.1)
BSM - you have an eating disorder (Pt.2)
BSM - your boyfriend is abusive
Detention with Umbridge (Fred)
He saves you (Oliver)
BSM - you're bullied
He gets jealous (Oliver)
He cheats on you (Pt.1)
He cheats on you (Pt.2)
Family day out (Oliver)
Family day out (Pt.2)
BSM - Your parents are fighting
BSM - Your parents are fighting (pt.2)
Quidditch accident (Fred)
Meet&Greet (Oliver)
Escaping detention (George)
You're feeling insecure (Fred)
You had a bad day (George)
BSM - They yell at you
BSM - You're on your period
Road trip (Oliver)
Road trip - Oliver (pt.2)
BSM - You introduce them to your boyfriend
Press conference (James)
BSM - Your parents compare you to them
You're enough (James)
You have food poisoning - Fred
Your child is sick - James
He catches you self harming (James)
You baby sit Oliver's child (James)
You babysit Oliver's child - Pt.2
Anorexia (James)
You're insecure (Oliver)
Thank you!!
He hits you (Oliver)
Proposal (Oliver)
He finds out youre pregnant (James)
You teach him Spanish (James)
You flinch during an argument (Fred)
You come out to him (James)
You go on holiday with him (James)
Christmas at the Burrow(Fred)
You have oppositional defiance disorder (ODD)
You get caught👀 (George)
He's your teacher (James)
He's your teacher - James (pt.2)
Your child's first day at school (Oliver)
Family trip to Universal Studios (James)
Your child has separation anxiety (Fred)
BSM - You're non binary
BSM - They make you feel insecure
BSM - They protect you
BSM - They protect you (pt.2)
You defend him on social media - Oliver
Quarentine - James
You have ADHD - Fred
BSM - You wanna commit
You get cancer - James
You have a PTSD flashback - James
Requests closed for now😭
You get sick - George
You get sick - George (pt.2)
You have magic powers - Fred & George
You have magic powers (pt.2)
You're pregnant - George
Almost successful attempt - James
He saves you from your abusive boyfriend - Oliver
BSM - You come out to them
BSM - you come out to them (pt.2)
Your child meets Fred's ghost at Hogwarts - Fred
Your child meets Fred's ghost at Hogwarts (pt.2)
Author's note
You meet him at a golf course - Oliver
You're pregnant with a 2nd child - James
You go to the Yule Ball alone - Fred
BSM - you run away
He thinks you're cheating - Oliver
BSM - they help you through a panic attack
He's in love with you while dating Angelina - Fred
He needs therapy - Oliver
He falls in love with you - James
Fred meets James
BSM - they find out about your eating disorder
You get to marry him - George
BSM- you get casted in Harry Potter
You comfort him - George
Proposal - Oliver
He objects at your wedding - Oliver
He objects at your wedding (pt.2) - Oliver
He objects at your wedding (pt.3) - Oliver
For the rest of your life - Fred
BSM - you have Coliac disease
You meet for the first time. - Fred
The battle of Hogwarts - Fred
The battle of Hogwarts - Fred (happy ending)
You're having a bad day - Fred
Author's note
Waking up with James/Oliver
Him coming home after filming - James
Cuddly morning - James
Love - Fred
Brother's best friend - James
DDM - sick day (James)
You comfort George after Fred died
BSM - You break a bone
You fall asleep on him - Oliver
You're sick - George
Playdate - Oliver
He meets your family - James
BSM - You have a stalker
BSM - You have a stalker (pt.2)

Battle of Hogwarts (Fred)

1.9K 34 36
By _TomatoFace_

TRIGGER WARNINGS: death, angst
You, your boyfriend Fred, and George stood on the balcony overlooking Hogwarts and watched Flitwick and some other professors casting the protective barrier over the castle. Fred pulled you closer to him and George wrapped his arms around the both of you from behind as you guys huddled closer together. You met them on the Hogwarts Express during your first year and the three of you were inseparable ever since.

"You feeling alright Freddie?" George asked. "Yeah, you?" "I guess I'm alright" "What about you Y/N?" they asked simultaneously. "This is it isn't it? Everything we've ever known could be destroyed after today" "And that's precisely why we got to fight for it" Fred replied, kissing your head. "We stick together no matter what okay? We don't split up" you said and they nodded their head in agreement. "Promise that we all get out in one piece, I can't lose either of you" you said quietly, tearing up a bit. "Hey, shh, promise, we're not going anywhere".

The three of you hugged eachother as tight as you could and you planted a kiss on Fred's lips. He held your hand in his securely and didn't let go. Then, you heard a boom, and a flash of light collided with the protective barrier. Everything was silent, students and staff tightened the grip on their wands as they watched the barrier slowly dissapear, every single person ready to fight for everything they've ever known.

Fred held your hand and George put his arm around his twin just as the barrier vanished. "This is it" you said. "The fight for Hogwarts begins."

The three of you sprinted down the stairs, throwing spells against any deatheater in sight. You fought fiercely back to back, firing spell after spell, careful to deflect them as well. You made your way around the castle, aiding underage students who haven't managed to evacuate, led them to the secret passages and to safety.

You spotted a student out of the corner of your eye trying to fend off 3 deatheaters at once. "Fred! George! This way!" you yelled and ran to her aid. "Stupefy!" you yelled and aimed at one of the deatheaters, sending him flying back and knocking him unconscious. 2 death eaters now faced the 4 of you and you knocked them out fairly easily. "Thank you so much, you came just in time" the girl thanked you again and again for saving her life, then running off to find her friends.

"Dean is back, he brought reinforcements and he's sneaking them in through the secret entrances so they won't be spotted by deatheaters, we have to go meet them and update the situation so they know where to be stationed." Fred said to you and George as soon as you three turned the corner into a small quiet classroom to catch your breath. "We're going to split up?" you asked tearing up.

Fred immediately brought you into his arms and kissed your head. "Only for a while, we need all the help we can get". You sighed knowing he was right and held onto him like your life depends on it. "We'll meet back here after we're done okay? You'll be right back in my arms Y/N" "You promise Freddie?" "I promise" he whispered and you kissed him passionately, pouring all of your emotions into that one kiss. "I love you Freddie" "I love you too Y/N". Then Fred went over to his twin and the two of them hugged like they would never see each other again. "I love you Georgie" "I love you too Freddie".

And with that, the three of you split up. You fought off deatheaters here and there and eventually made it to one of the secret passages. You led out the reinforcements and briefed them about the situation but the whole time your mind was on Fred, praying that he was safe. After your job was done, you sprinted back to the classroom where you agreed to meet after the tasks were done.

You paced around for a while then George came rushing in and you immediately ran over and hugged him tight. "Where's Freddie? Have you seen him George?" "I was going to ask you the same thing". You two sat there restlessly waiting for Fred but you decided it was taking too long. "Fred should be back by now, I'm going to look for him" George nodded and followed you out.

The two of you frantically ran around looking for the redhead but it was so crowded and you made slow progress. You then turned a corner into another hallway and the sight would haunt you for years to come. Fred was backed up against the wall fighting off two deatheaters who were continuously firing curses at him. "FRED!" you yelled and you two ran towards him. One deatheater turned to you but you quickly knocked him out. The second deatheater threw a curse at Fred, then blew up the wall behind Fred before fleeing.

The wall collapsed right on top of the ginger and you let out an agonizing scream. You fell to your knees at the rubble and you and George cleared away the stones. You both stared at Fred's lifeless body and broke down in tears. You moved over to him, laid down on him and sobbed into his chest.

"You promised Freddie, you promised to meet back at the classroom and you said you weren't going anywhere! You left me and Georgie here. You left me Freddie. You promised to come back! You promised..."

You broke down and sobbed harder than ever before, then you felt George hug you and you felt him shaking too, so you turned and hugged him back, the two of you completely broken as you both just lost the other half of you.

George carried Fred's body back towards the Great Hall and you noticed there weren't any deatheaters around anymore, the battle had ended. You entered the Hall and spotted all the Weasleys in the far corner. The two of you made your way to them with Fred's limp body in George's arms. Mr and Mrs. Weasley broke down into tears and hugged their son into their chests. Ron sat there numbly, staring at Fred's body with tears rolling down his face.

"Where's Ginny" you asked and Molly shook her head. "I don't know" she managed to get out and burst into another round of tears. "I'll go find her Molly, I'll bring her back" You sprinted out and looked around for a redhead girl and you spotted her in the courtyard reversing a hex on another student. "Ginny, you gotta come with me" "What's wrong Y/N, what happened" You didn't answer and led her into the Great Hall. She spotted her family but immediately saw something was wrong.

"Is that... Y/N is that Fred? Please don't tell me he's...hes just injured right?" she asked and looked at you helplessly. Your silence and tears were the only answers she needed. She let out a heartbreaking scream and fell to her knees on the floor. She clutched her stomach and sobbed. You broke down too but you had to be strong for her. Sobbing, you bent down and helped her up, leading her to her family. She dropped down next to Fred's body and held onto him as tight as she could, sobbing into his chest.

You sunk down onto the floor and brought your knees up to your chest, taking in the scene of the broken family in front of you. You replayed all the memories you had with your redheaded soulmate in your head and your heart completely shattered. You sobbed and sobbed until your eyes we're swollen and stung, but the tears kept coming out.

"Come back to us Freddie, please, you promised..."

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