Nct Dream |Instagram| [Nomin...

By Babybun412

460K 14.6K 3.7K

Nomin. Markhyuck. Chensung. More

83 bonus Markhyuck


5.3K 154 125
By Babybun412

Hey, don't pick me or Jaemin up.

What? Why?

We have to do something. We'll meet you all after we're done.

Don't wait for us. You guys can start eating ☀️

Hey its been a while now, you almost here?

Hyuck srsly

Why aren't you answering?

Are you ok?

"Still no answer?" Renjun sighed before sitting in the open trunk of the car.

The 5 of them had been sitting in the restaurant parking lot for the past half hour, waiting for Donghyuck and Jaemin to show up. It was dark out at this point, the only light coming from the restaurant and other nearby shops.

What the hell were they doing?

"They're probably fine," Chenle leaned against the car. "I dont see why we can't  go inside, hyung said we could start without them. They are probably doing something important."

"We don't eat until everyone is here," Mark said from his spot next to Renjun, his tone was as if he was stating a fact. Which technically he was. When they make plans together, then that means everybody together.

"Where the hell could they be?" Jeno pushed a hand through his hair. "And why did they need to do it tonight when they knew we had plans?"

"You don-" Jisung started but everyone's attention on him made him close his mouth again.

"What is it?" Mark tilted his head towards Jisung.

"You don't think they ran into any...trouble?...right?" Jisung mumbled out.

"If that bastard came near him again then I'll really kill him this time," Jeno spat, clenching his fists.

Mark leaned back, his forearm over his eyes.

We have to do something.

It's the only conclusion that would make sense to Mark. Woojin may be still pissed about what happened last time or maybe one of his goon friends.

But that means they went to go fight them?

Mark knows Jaemin doesn't like Jeno fighting for him and getting hurt.

Thats very unlikely. But...

That means Donghyuck was gonna fight? Fight them?

Get hurt?


"That's it. Everyone get in the car-" Mark started.

"What are you guys doing still standing out here?"

Everyone turned to see the two friends in question, walking towards them.

They were both smiling but their eyebrows were furrowed slightly, confused why their friends were all standing around the Marks car instead of inside.

Everyone yelled to them in happiness.

"Are you ok?" Jeno ran up to Jaemin, grabbing his chin and looking around his face for injuries and quickly patting and flipping his arms.

"What are you talking about? Of course I'm ok," Jaemin laughed, pulling Jenos hands away from him by the wrists.

"Why didnt you guys start?" Donghyuck walked past the two and leaned on the car looking at the rest.

"You guys just fricken dissapeared," Renjun stood up. "And Mark hyung said we couldn't eat without you."

Donghyuck eyed Mark slightly before smiling softly. Part 2 of Mark being the loveliest person to exist: He won't leave any of the Dreamies out. Ever.

"You alright?" Mark whispered to him, his eyes had a little worry in them. He would deny it but it may have made Donghyuck's heart skip a beat.

"What is up with all of you?" Donghyuck straightened, gazing at all of them. "Why wouldn't we be ok?"

Jaemin gazed at all of them too, completely confused to the worried faces.

"We didn't know where you were!" Jisung squawked. "We thought you got into trouble or something!"

"Trouble?" Donghyuck said, amused at the idea.

"Yeah right," Jaemin laughed as he locked eyes with Donghyuck, they were clearly both thinking of what they both just did. Maybe it was a little trouble but totally worth it.

"Then where were you?" Chenle crossed his arms.

Jaemin gaped, he didnt know what to say. Everybody was staring at him, he couldn't tell them where they were. Not yet anyway.

"Look," Donghyuck stepped in. "We just had to take care of something. It's nothing bad, there's nothing wrong. So relax."

Mark finally stood up and shut the trunk of the car. "Let's go eat."

Jaemin smiled gratefully at Donghyuck, receiving a wink in return.


"I am so stuffed," Jisung whined as they walked into the arcade.

"It's just because you decided to eat your food and then everyone else's leftovers," Chenle nudged him with his elbow.

"The food was so good," Jisung whined again. Chenle did nothing but grab his hand, lacing their fingers together. Putting a bright smile on Jisung's face.

"What's up?" Renjun asked Jeno who sighed after shutting off his phone and putting it in his pocket.

Jaemin looked towards him before raising a brow.

"The neighbors cat I was watching, they were putting her up for adoption and I told them I would take her but apparently they got another offer. The person already picked her up and everything," Jeno sighed again, sad eyes on the ground before looking at Jaemin, who's eyes were also sad and his lower lip was jutted out.

"C'mon let's go play some games to take your mind off it," Jaemin waved all of them towards all the games.

"Hey wait," Mark started.

They all started racing towards the games, not hearing or not listening to Mark.

"Yo Dream!" Marks voice rang in, making them all stop and face him.

"Ok so the plan, we will play games for a bit and then do the laser tag, but let's make a bet," Mark smirked. "Whoever gets the most tickets wins ice cream, deal?"

"Yes!" Chenle voiced. They all smirked before running off.


"Yo hyuck," A voice called to Donghyuck around his 5th round of Skee ball. He was gathering tickets galore he wasnt gonna lie. He was currently beating Renjun in points.

"Oh Lucas! What are you doing here?" Donghyuck was surprised to see the giant behind him, a large friendly smile on his face.

"I'm hanging out with a few friends," Lucas said.

"WayV," Donghyuck mumbled.

"What was that?" Lucas leaned forward, not hearing what the smaller said.

Donghyuck shook his head. "Thanks for the other day by the way."

"Oh it was nothing, are you feeling better though?" Lucas put the back of his hand on Donghyucks head, catching him off guard and making him step back. The back of his knee hitting the machine, he lifted his knee up while groaning in pain. Which seemed to be a mistake because he seemed to lose his balance, about to fall backwards and take a harsh fall onto the machine.

Lucas was quick to catch him, grabbing his knee that was already raised and putting a hand on his lower back. His upper back still tense, he was pulled forward and his arms instinctively grabbed onto his shoulders.

"I-i-" Donghyuck began to stutter, his face beat red in embarrassment.

"What the hell?"


Lucas dropped the one knee he was holding but kept his hand on Donghyucks back.

"Jeez you always come at the worse times," Lucas sighed, a headache forming at the misunderstandings he always seems to form with Mark. "He almost fell."

"I actually just came to congratulate you guys," He smiled looking between them.

"Congratulate us on what?" Donghyuck furrowed his brows and tilted his head. His face still red from the fact that Lucas still hasn't moved his hand.

"On dating!" He smiled wider.

"What?-" Donghyuck blushed.
"We're not dating-" Mark choked out.

Lucas' eyes widened. "Wait what?"

"Why would you think we're dating?" Mark splattered out, the tips of his ears red.

Anger maybe?

Donghyuck thought. But Donghyucks seen Mark angry, he doesnt get too red. Hm. Weird.

"Well you got so mad at me the other day and I just thought it was because I touched your boyfriend-"

"Mad for touching me?" Donghyuck frowned, not remembering the occurrence. Why would Mark be mad at somebody for touching me?

"Yeah when you fainted, I was carrying you and my hand-"

"That's enough," Mark stepped forward, his arms crossed over his chest.

"Ok, so you aren't dating?" Lucas chuckled nervously, looking at Mark with nervous eyes.

"What-I- as if!" Mark rolled his eyes before grabbing Donghyucks arm and pulling him towards him. "Now, I'd appreciate it if you'd stop hitting on my friends."

As. If.

Donghyuck rolled the words around in his head. Not noticing the conversation ending or Lucas walking away.

Such a tease. Renjun rolled his eyes with a smile and walked away from the scene following the direction the giant had walked off to.

"Haechannie?" Mark snapped his fingers in front of Donghyucks face.

Donghyuck looked up at the older, snapping out of his thoughts.

"You wanna go play the racing game?" Mark nodded his head in the direction of the game. "I bet I can beat you in at least 3 rounds."

Marks face had completely changed from the previous moments. It was Mark Lee face #5: Competitive Mark Lee. His lips were pulled in a smug grin, his head titled slightly but pushed forward at an angle that showed his jawline. His eyes shining but squinted slightly. Once of his eyesbrows raised only slightly. Giving of that 'Secret cockiness' kind of vibe. He didn't see it too often, only in games, challenges and sports. But Donghyuck had to admit, it was hot.

"Uhm hyuck?" Mark waved a hand in front of his face, clearly confused about Donghyucks behavior.

"I-uh, yeah let's go," Donghyuck mumbled out before Mark smiled and grabbed his hand, dragging him over to the machine.


Jaemin gazed around at all the games, not knowing which one to play first, he didnt exactly care for the ice cream reward but that didn't mean that he didn't want a plushie to take home. Maybe the cute little white bunny for 1000, that would totally go with his bed spread.

Wait was that Renjun? What is he doing with-


Jeno jogged up to Jaemin, stopping right infront of him.

"What?" Jaemin looked at the older.

"You're going to be my partner in laser tag right?" Jeno smiled, his eyes pulled up into an adorable eye smile.

"Ahh I don't know," Jaemin smiled back. "I heard Chenle's really good."

"C'mon don't tease me," Jeno whined, shaking one of Jaemin's shoulders. "You know he wants to be partners with Sungie anyway."

"I'm not teasing, I have my ways of convincing him," Jaemin winked playfully. "I'm quite good at it."

Just as Jeno was about to whine again, a high pitched voice called him out.

"Jeno-hyung! Come play with me," Chenle screamed across the arcade, he was pointing to the basketball shooting game. Jisung was behind him laughing but also trying to shush him at the same time.

"Be there in a sec," Jeno yelled back before turning to Jaemin again.

"How bout this?" Jeno smirked playfully but with a hint of smugness. He grabbed both of Jaemin's hands and leaned forward slightly, his face coming really close to Jaemins own.

Jaemin could hear his heart beating so fast that it might just explode.

"If I beat lele, you be my partner," Jeno leaned rested his forehead against Jaemins.

I'm going to fucking die omg.

Jaemin was screeching, just a little closer and they would kiss and they weren't even dat-

"What's in it for me?" Jaemin spat out, completely surprised anything was able to leave his mouth. His voice was airy, as if his breath was stolen away and he was sure the Jeno had picked up on it with the way his smirk grew wider.

"If I lose then ill give you all the tickets I earned," Jeno rubbed his thumbs over Jaemin's knuckles.


Dont tell me I just stuttered. No. I am NOT a panicked gay.

Jeno dragged Jaemin over to the basketball game.

"Ready lele?" Jeno ruffled Chenle's hair and smiled when the blonde screeched in protest.

"Yeah but I won't go easy on you hyung," Chenle stuck his tongue out.

"Dont expect me to either," Jeno smiled and turned to look at Jaemin.

"You're mine Na Jaemin," Jeno winked before turning back to put the coin in and start the round.

And Jaemin?

Well his heart just exploded.

Chenle and Jeno were mere points away from each other. Chenle was in the lead shooting getting basket after basket. But if he were to miss a single shot then Jeno would win in points.

The timer was down to 10 seconds.

5 seconds.

2 seconds.

1 second.

A loud rings out of the machine signaling a winner.

"I win," Jeno turns around quickly with a big smile on his face and grabbing Jaemins hand and pulling him, making him bump into his chest. "You're my partner."

"I hope you're as good as you said you were Nana," Jeno was still smiling down at him and Jaemin could feel his mind swirling.

"I wouldn't doubt me big boy," Jaemin smiled back just as sweetly and patting Jeno's chest and stepping away. Two could play this game.

"Can you two be gross somewhere else?" Chenle cut in, still disappointed he lost by such a small amount.

Jaemin just glared at Chenle and then pinched his cheek.  "Bad Chenle."

"I agree," Jisung said who also watched the flirting.

"Dont agree with him, I practically birthed you," Jaemin pinched his cheek too causing both him and Chenle to groan in pain.


"I win again!" Donghyuck raised his arms above his head, fists pumping.

"Yeah, yeah whatever," Mark laughed and rolled his eyes. "We should go find the others and see who got the most tickets."

"Morkolie, you just know you would lose again," Donghyuck teased with a giggle.

"Dude, thats not true," Mark whined before standing up. "We're just running out of time is all."

"Yeah, ok I bet-" Donghyuck tripped on the platform of the game but quickly caught himself.

"Why are you so clumsy?" Mark laughed, giving him a slap on the shoulder.

"It's not my fault!" Donghyuck groaned as they began to walk to find the others.



"Ok so,
Jaemin has 536.
Chenle has 784.
Jisung has 801.
I have 878.
Renjun has 879.
Jeno has 880.
Hyuck has 967." Mark reads off the papers that counted their tickets. "Haechannie wins the ice cream."

"Actually I think I'm gonna give my ice cream prize to Jisungie," Donghyuck says immediately causing the youngest to let out a noise of shock.

"Wah? Are you sure hyung?" Jisung tilted his head, unsure if he was joking.

"Yes I'm sure," Donghyuck reached up and ruffled Jisungs hair.

"You should share some with me," Chenle clinged to Jisungs arm.

"I will cutie," Jisung said back, giving him a peck on the lips.

"Let's go play laser tag," Mark said patting Jisungs back with a sly smile.

Jisung was never living that down.

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