CHAPTER 1: What happened to me?

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I wake up and look around I find myself lying on the floor of one of the ship's passageways, I was 5 meters from the access door to the ship's hangar.

Me: (I grab my head) Ouch, my head hurts.

I get up and start walking towards the infirmary, I wanted to find something for the headache that kills me, when walking I realized that my body feels very strange, I felt very light and it seemed that I had shrunk or my perspective was distorted by me Headache, however, which bothered my hair the most.

Me: I think it's time to cut it, it seems to be too long.

I walked to the infirmary and when I tried to reach the shelf where the paracetamol tablets are, I couldn't.

Me: huh?

I tried again, but my hand didn't reach it.

Me: (Surprised) This is weird, I think that at my 1.75 m height I should arrive without problems (I take a big jump) Damn it still I don't arrive!

I look around and see a bench, which I use as a step and to reach the shelf, which I was able to reach and then I took the pill, after time the pain diminished significantly.

Me: (sigh) Okay, I think it's time, hmm? Wait, where's the crew? I have not seen anyone while walking towards the infirmary, and the medical personnel are not here. What has happened?

I got up from the chair and something made my gaze focus on a place, which when I looked I saw a very beautiful girl, about 11 or 12 years old, long black hair, wearing a kind of white robe, a red military cap, a red scarf around her neck, a short red skirt and high black or dark gray leather ankle boots.

Me: (authoritative tone) Hey girl! How did you get in is this ship? It's a military ship, you shouldn't be here.

The girl did not answer me and continued to look at me in a serious and cutting way.

Me: Hey! This is serious! Who you are? (Surprised) Huh? (Did my voice come out too high-pitched?)

The girl does not answer me, however, until now I had not realized that my voice had been sharp, without minimizing it, I start walking towards the girl and she starts walking towards me, I was surprised by this action, however, when I got close enough, I realized I was yelling at a mirror.

Me: (Shock) WHAAAT!? Is this thing a mirror?

I began to see my reflection in this mirror somewhat stupefied.

Me: What happened to me? Why have I become a girl?

I kept seeing my reflection and my face is identical to me only now it is smaller and feminine, the color of blue eyes is also mine, I looked at my body, my skin is white, smooth like porcelain, my height is also very low and this body is not yet developed.

Me: (Thoughtful) Somehow I have rejuvenated, but my gender has been reversed, if someone saw me they would not recognize me, without a doubt they would treat me like a naughty girl who got on the ship as a stowaway.

I quickly went to the ship's command bridge, however on the way, I didn't see anyone, no one was in the corridors, in the dining room, no one from anyone, the ship was unmanned, this undoubtedly puzzled me too much, when I got to the command bridge and took a binocular and I went out to the lookout post and looked around me and what puzzled me is that I could not see the island of the Falklands, I looked at my watch and it marked 12:00 hours.

Me: (puzzled) Where the hell am I? However, the million dollar question is how will I move this unmanned vessel?

I'm not an engineer, so I don't know how the ship's engine is started, I'm just a high-ranking officer, someone who is an expert in navigation and combat.

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