CHAPTER 25: After the disaster.

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3 days have passed since the Yokosuka base was bombarded by the abyssal, today is the admiral's burial, today's weather is very bad, it rains very hard and everyone present protected themselves from the rain with an umbrella, many of them The Kanmusume were crying uncontrollably over the death of their admiral, after all, most of the Kanmusume had a very close relationship to the admiral, Nagato on the other hand gave a speech about the heinous acts of the abyssal and finally gave a word to say goodbye to the admiral, we were also informed that the vice admiral is on the way to replace him, but she will not come until after 6 months, this is due to staff shortages, at the moment Nagato will be the provisional admiral and Yamato will be the flagship,this is because the high command decided to start using the Yamato for missions.

After burying the admiral's body, we were ordered to look for supplies or materials from the base that could be used for the remodeling of the Kure base, the remodeling will last 4 months in total, this work lasted 5 days in total, the works of Material recycling took a long time due to the low morale of the Kanmusume.

Then I had escort jobs with Broadsword and other destroyers to escort the cargo ships that transport supplies to the bases of the imperial navy, I was working like a donkey until I was tired, I was doing this job for 5 months and well, finally the base In Kure it finished being remodeled, the morale of the Kanmusume improved a lot and now most of them think about counterattacking the abyssal and avenging the admiral.

Me: (Tired and sleepy) That almost killed me, but hey, the job is done, I can finally rest.

Mutsuki: (uncomfortable) Good job.

Bro: (Sleepy) How envious, you guys had it easier, you just had to patrol to protect the base.

Fubuki: Well, some days we had days where we almost died, so it wasn't pleasant at all.

Coventry: Say nothing, were you attacked by 10 enemy aircraft carriers? Because my friend and I did suffer that kind of attack.

Bro: (Shaking in terror) Yes, for a second I heard the voice of God.

Coventry: And you weren't the only one listening to it.

Yuudachi: Weren't you an air defense ship? Didn't you say that nothing escaped from your cannons?

Me: (upset) And when did I say that !? I never said that!

Fubuki: Yes, Coventry is right, she never said that.

Me: Even though I have state-of-the-art anti-aircraft weapons, everything has a limit, I can only use my secret weapon 37 times.

Bro: And I can only use my secret weapon 12 times, but since it's only for short range, I can't do anything.

Me: Girls, I'll go to sleep, I haven't slept in months, and at 1830 we have an important meeting.

Bro: Me too.

Me: See you.

Fubuki / Yuudachi / Mutsuki: See you girls.

My friend and I got up and went to our room, when we arrived we put on a Japanese style pajamas and we threw ourselves on our beds and fell asleep in less than 10 seconds.


Mutsuki: Poor girls, they have been working tirelessly around the clock escorting the cargo ships.

Kisaragi: If, according to all the reports, they finished the escort missions with 0 casualties, all the cargo ships arrived at the port without any damage, no wonder the high command uses Coventry and Broadsword as escort ships since they do an impeccable job.

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