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A 406mm shell struck Coventry, the blast sending our protagonist flying several meters behind as Coventry's right arm was severed from her body.


Broadsword was very scared at first when she regained consciousness, after all she is seeing for the second time how her friend is about to sink.

Bro: (desperate) Coventry! Don't sink! Do not sink again! I can't bear to watch you sink one more time!

The Broadsword tried to get closer to her friend, but the nether attacks the Broadsword.


Splash of sea rises near Broadsword, Broadsword seeing the abyssal, she was filled with anger and rage against this sea monster.

Bro: (Fury) This bitch! You're going to pay dearly for hurting my best friend! YOU WILL REPENT FOR HURTING MY FRIEND!

Broadsword launched the attack against the abyssal, the abyssal tried to reload her cannons to counterattack, but the Broadsword fired several Sea Wolf missiles without guiding impacting the abyssal causing the abyssal to lose her balance.

The Sea Wolf missile is not designed to be used against ships or boats, but due to the Broadsword's wrath, she used all the weapons at hand against the abyssal to prevent the abyssal from attacking her.

Bro: [Exocet shoots]

In one of the Exocet MM-38 launchers it is activated and a missile leaves the launcher, the missile flies at supersonic speed and hits the abyssal, causing serious damage to the abyssal battleship.

Bro: So you didn't sink, you must have sunk in that attack.

Then Broadsword with a very psychopathic and murderous aura approaches the abyssal, the nether tries to get up, but the Broadsword sits on it and starts hitting the abyssal in the face over and over again. Broadsword is very furious and full of rage against this abyssal who hit the abyssal in the face for 5 consecutive minutes, in the end the face of the abyssal was totally disfigured.

Bro: I hope that teaches you not to mess with my friends.

Armored Princess: (weak voice) Mercy.

Bro: God have mercy on you, because I won't.

Broadsword stabs the abyssal over and over like a crazy psychopath.

Bro: (Tone of disgust) Damn you bastard, I hope you rot in hell.

Then the Broadsword gets up and runs to her friend who the Japanese fleet was treating Coventry's wounds.

Bro: (worried) How is she?

Nachi: She is very ill, she has lost her right arm, we are currently applying a tourniquet to prevent bleeding.

Yamashiro: I'm sorry, but I think we must withdraw, we cannot allow our friend to die here.

Me: (regaining consciousness) Ungghhh, it hurts.

At that they all looked at Coventry who was beginning to wake up.

Bro: Are you okay?

Me: (groaning in pain) Was that sarcasm?

Bro: (Sad) I'm sorry, it was just kind of reckless.

Me: (looks at Nachi) Nachi-san, please continue with the operation, don't make the operation go to waste.

Nachi: (worried) What are you saying? I think your injuries are causing you to be delusional.

Me: No, I'm sane, my brain is working properly, please leave me here with an escort, my escort and I will head to the base while you guys finish the job.

Bro: (Thoughtful) That would be a good idea.

Nachi: Oi! Aren't you worried about your friend?

Bro. Yes I am, but the mission comes first, if the enemy discovers our plans, it is obvious that the mission would be ruined and the main fleet would be annihilated.

Me: The preference of the majority overshadows the minority, if the main fleet is annihilated, there would be two divisions that would be destroyed.

Bro: We are talking that 12 ships of allied wars would be sunk, my friend is absolutely right.

Nachi: (Thoughtful) You are absolutely right, if the main fleet is annihilated ... we would be talking that we will be losing the best warships of our nation.

Me: Suzuya.

Suzuya: Yes.

Me: Please escort me back to base.

Suzuya: Yes.

Bro: (worried) Then also let me escort you.

Me: No! You must stay to help the fleet!

Bro: (Upset) But ...

Me: The fleet depends on your radars!

Bro: (giving in to pressure) Okay, I'll stay with the fleet for antiaircraft support and antiaircraft surveillance.

Me: (Nodding in satisfaction) Hm, so I'm depending on you.

Nachi: Okay, let's go on with the mission, Coventry, are you sure you don't need another Kanmusume to escort you?

Me: I am not so damaged and weak that two ships are escorting me, I can still fight.

All: (You don't even believe that yourself)

Me: Well, Suzuya I depend on you.

Suzuya: Leave it to me, as long as I live I will not allow the enemy to touch you.

And so the decoy fleet continued to MI island to assist the main attack fleet.

Bro: Now what will we do Nachi-san?

Nachi: Now we will meet Nagato-san at the **** coordinates.

Bro: I understand. (Coventry, stay safe please)

The fleet continued sailing towards the designated coordinates.

TO BE CONTINUE..........................

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