CHAPTER 10: A Bloody Night Combat

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I had returned with the girls and we continued to mount surveillance.

Mutsuki: Did you find something?

Me: (sighing) Not anything new to report.

Fubuki: Then there are no enemies around.

Me: Yes, I found no enemy contacts to the west. By the way, what about you guys?

Yuudachi: (Bored) Nothing, Poi.

Me: I see, so the mission is going smoothly.

Fubuki: (Smiling) Yes, at this rate we may be done quickly.

Me: Remember that our mission is to decoy, lure the enemy into the torpedo fourth squadron and shoot them from both flanks.

Fubuki: Yes, I know, after all we have gone over the mission.

Me: Yes, but don't trust yourself, overconfidence is incoming death during a war.

Fubuki: I understand, thanks for the advice.

I just nodded and returned my attention to the radar, I could see on the radar that the torpedo room is in range and patiently waiting for our signal.


This fleet led by the battleship IJN Kongou sails together with her sisters Haruna, Hiei and Kirishima, they are on a mission of exploration and transporting resources from an allied naval base to the Yokosuka base.

Kirishima: Sisters, don't you think the weather is getting much worse?

Hiei: (Looks at the sky) Yes, the weather is getting a lot worse, do you think it's the enemy?

Kongou: Yes, if the weather out of nowhere worsens, then it's the Abyssal's fault. Prepare for combat!

Kongou-class: Yes! Onesama!

Haruna: I thought this route was safe.

The fairies (who are their crew) run through the rigging of the Kanmusume and begin to remove the caps that seal the cannons and the ammunition begins to be loaded into the cannons.

Kongou: Yes, I see why the admiral decided to send us on this mission.

Haruna: I see, the admiral was suspicious that the enemy could ambush the destroyers who would escort the supplies.

Kongou: Same thing.

[Turret 1, 2, 3 and 4 loaded and ready to fire]

Kongou smiles at the report.

Kongou: Status report.

Haruna: Cannons ready.

Hiei: When you wish Onesama.

Kirishima: Let me do the math.

Kongou: Okay, let the "Party" begin.

The enemy could already be seen on the horizon.

Kongou: They are 3 CLs from class To, 1 CLT from Chi class and 3 CAs from Ri class.

Hiei: Damn.

Kongou: What's up Hiei?

Hiei: (Grimaces) I have loaded AP ammunition into all my guns.

Kirishima: Impossible, haven't you looked at the radar?

Hiei: Excuse my stupidity!

Kongou: Ma, it doesn't matter, Hiei aims at the Ri class, Kirishima, take out the To class, I'll help you and Haruna aims at the Chi class, Kirishima once finished cleaning with the To class help Hiei.

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