Chapter 32: Fubuki's Fight

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Pov Fubuki

Fubuki sees that Broadsword and Fusou are talking about something that I can't hear.


Bro: WOW! Those are the planes of the first division!

Fusou: Incredible!

She had passed several airplanes with the mark that identify those first division airplanes.

Fubuki: That?

Akagi: Good morning Fubuki.

Fubuki: (looks at Akagi) Akagi san? Good Morning.

Akagi: Do you think you can find your other self?

Fubuki: Well that's what I'm trying to do.

Akagi: I see though, I have a favor to ask of you.

Fubuki: Hmm?

Akagi: I would like you to escort me on the next mission.

Fubuki: (incredulous) What is your escort?

Akagi: Yes. Do you think you can accept?

Fubuki: (processing all the information) Me?

Kaga: Wait Akagi-san!

At that Kaga quickly appears.

Kaga: You are an aircraft carrier of the first division and a very important active member of the main fleet, in short, you are irreplaceable for the fleet and for me.

Akagi: Kaga.

Kaga: So I would like to test your skills Fubuki-san, I want to know if you have the power to protect Akagi-san ... If you think you don't have the power, you can decline my challenge.

Akagi: Kaga san ...

This was a challenge from Kaga, a challenge to overcome myself, if I rejected it I would stagnate and give up my dreams and my torpedo spirit, so I'm going to accept it.

Fubuki: (Seriously) I will, let me prove to you that I have the power to protect Akagi-sempai.

Kaga: (light smile) Okay, then get ready for a mock combat.

Fubuki: Yes!

In that I invoked my rig, Kaga also summoned her, Akagi also summoned her rig and went to the location of Fusou and Broadsword to inform them to leave the training ground, when all the preparations were completed, Kaga began to explain to me about the rules of simulated combat.

Kaga: The next operation will be a combat between enemy aircraft carrier forces and an air base on the ground, you need to take charge of the antiaircraft defense to be Akagi's escort, we are going to pretend to be the enemy's air force, we will launch several waves of bombers at you and you must shoot them down before they bomb or pass you, if a single plane manages to break your defense, you are dead. Are you understand?

Fubuki: Yes, start whenever you want.

Kaga and Akagi readied their arrows and fired.


Broadsword and Fusou are watching this simulated combat.

Bro: Damn, this is so exciting to be able to see the first division in action.

Fusou: What do you think will happen?

Bro: No idea, after all Fubuki is a destroyer with the offensive power of a light cruiser, she has 6 12.7 cm guns and Twenty two 22 mm guns for antiaircraft defense, in a nutshell she is a multipurpose destroyer. The result will already depend on Fubuki's ability.

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