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On the other side of the enemy base, the Kongou-class face several fleets of destroyers.

Haruna: Haruna, I'll do my best!

Haruna fires her cannons and sinks 3 destroyers, on the other side Hiei dodges the shots of two light cruisers.

Hiei: HIEI! There's no time to think! Animated and ready to shoot!

Bam! Bam!

Hiei fires her cannons and takes down the three cruisers that were chasing her, on the other side Kirishima watches the performance of her sisters while nodding with satisfaction.

Kirishima: Fufufu! I can't accept that you guys have all the fun.

Kongou: Kirishima! Behind you!

Behind Kirishima a fleet of Abysal are discreetly approaching Kirishima from behind.

Kirishima: I know (takes off her glasses) It's my turn.

At that all the Kongou sisters are shocked as Kirishima took off her glasses.

Haruna:  Kirishima?

Hiei: Did you take off your glasses?

Kongou: I don't like what's going to happen.

Kirishima turns and fires, all shots hitting the enemy ships and they sank quickly.

Kirishima: (Happy) I like this result.

On the other side we can see Kitakami who survived being torpedoed, but she is somewhat injured so she is not totally unharmed.

Kitakami: They don't even let me fire my torpedoes. That's not fair! That's cheating!

The destroyers fire several torpedoes and two of them exploded near Kitakami wounding her slightly, Kitakami stumbles, but regains her balance, but gave enough time for the enemy to reach Kitakami that the abysal destroyer leapt towards Kitakami to bite her.

Kitakami: (Panic) Impossible, OICHI! OICHI!

At that, Oii appears taking a big jump and does a spinning kick, the kick hits the jaw of the abysal whale making the abysal destroyer unable to bite Kitakami.

Kitakami: (incredulous) Huh?

Oii: (Furious) What the hell do you think you're doing to my beloved Kitakami !?

Oii using the superhuman strength that characterizes the Kanmusume, launches the Abyssal destroyer into the air and then Oii fires her cannon.

Oii: (firing her cannon) Disappear for eternity!


The enemy destroyer explodes into a thousand pieces in the air, Kitakami runs and hugs Oii while crying.

Kitakami: (Crying with happiness) OICHI!

Oii: (tries to comfort Kitakami) Were you scared?

Kitakami: Hm.

In that Oii begins to fantasize about Kitakami, because this story is for all types of viewers, I am obliged to censor Oii's fantasies (if you are of legal age, use your imagination)

Because Oii was focused on her lustful fantasies with Kitakami, she didn't realize that the enemy already had them surrounded

Kitakami: ¿Oichi?

Oii: (Returning to reality) Yes? What's the matter?

Kitakami: The enemy?

Oii looking around, she paled in panic and realized her mistake in letting her guard down.

Kancolle: My misadventures as a destroyerWhere stories live. Discover now