Chapter 24: A Disgrace

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I woke up and saw my other self man standing on the  bridge, he was shouting orders and I could also see the crew of the Coventry, this event left me in shock.

Me: Is this a dream?

I tried to talk to one of them, but that person went through me, it seemed that I was a ghost.

Me: what? Did my first officer just transfer me? This is a dream, right?

Me 2: Get Sea Dart ready!

OT: [Missiles can't be fired!]

Me2: Damn! Let the soldiers shoot the Oerlikon!

Sailor1: Yes captain!


The sound of 2 Oerlikon guns firing.

[Shit, 2 enemy planes are coming]

[Why the hell don't the missiles fire?]

[Keep shooting]

[The planes have dropped their bombs!]


2 Planes drop the bombs and run away from their target.

[All crew prepare for impact!]


Me: (jumping out of bed in panic) AAAAHHHHHH!

I looked around and I am sleeping in the captain's chair of my ship, apparently yesterday I fell asleep in the captain's chair, I felt my heart beat a thousand per minute, I could also hear my heartbeat, my body is covered because of sweat, I had just had a nightmare, but I could not remember it, without a doubt this is already bothering me, although Broadsword already told me what happened to me and how I died and also told me my previous name, the one that I have not recovered yet Those memories naturally is what bothers me, it also bothers me that now I have completely become a girl (In body and soul) because I have been playing with Fubuki and the girls and I have been able to follow the jokes that they and I do, I have become immature and playful, now I can't help but play with the girls.

Me: What is happening to me?

I sighed somewhat depressed, the only thing about my pride as a man that I have left is that I still like women, for a strange reason I am attracted to Yamashiro.

Me: Well, I can say that Yamashiro is a very mature and beautiful woman, hehe.

I looked out the window of the command bridge of my ship and I could see a tropical-style beach dawning, the sun just rising over the horizon.

Me: Well, another day, well I'll go to the port for a walk, I'll also go see Poi-chan's training, I've been watching Yuudachi's training on many occasions and I have also advised her many times, so Yuudachi has also raised your skill level.

I patted my cheeks to cheer myself up, first I prepared a British style breakfast (Since I missed home food a lot) and after eating, cleaning the kitchen and bathrooms, I went to the dock and I could see Yuudachi training hard, I also saw Sendai and Jintsuu instructing Yuudachi.

Me: She's not bad at all, apparently Yuudachi has already got used to her new rig.

Yuudachi navigates at maximum speed while avoiding obstacles and fires her cannon towards moving targets, if I compare my ability with Yuudachi's, without a doubt Yuudachi is much better than me, after all I am nothing without my radars and electronics, although not I want to admit it, I depend a lot on my technological advantage and this made me feel very bad, but hey, I can't help it since I am making the most of my free time since I have been working like a donkey all this time.

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